

Synopsis: Kidnapped at birth, Hadiza was thrust into a hard life of survival training. The ones who fail vanish. Will she survive and escape from the organisation that bound her? Will she regain her freedom?

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6 Chs

Chapter One

Someone shouted, "Fireeeeeeee!"

By doing so, the other villagers were informed that a fire had started in their community. In an attempt to put out the fire, everyone rushed out of their houses, but their efforts were completely fruitless.

All of them started running for their lives as soon as they realized that nothing was stopping the fire from spreading. Some of the villagers caught fire while trying to protect their properties.

The individual whose body had caught fire yelled, "Haaa!" Numerous people had already caught fire in just a minute.

To save their own heads, people began to leave behind their homes and loved ones.

"Hadiza!" yelled a woman with a black complexion. The girl cast her gaze over to the woman. While crying, she was standing close to a house.

Once more, the mom yelled, "Hadizah run," but the young child remained immobile, as if someone had gummed her leg to the ground.

She began by shouting, "Hadizaaa RUNNNNNN," this time more vociferously. The woman began to feel uneasy.

The little girl was afraid to lift her leg. Her legs were trembling, and her face was brimming with tears. She wanted to hide because the screaming was so terrifying, but there was nowhere to do so.

The village, which was previously peaceful, lively with conversation, and filled with happy people, is now filled with lamentations.

Just as she was about to take a step, a hand lifted the young Hadizah out of the flames. The fact that someone had saved her made her happy. They made their way out of the city.

She touched the man's hand with her small left hand and said, "Mama is there," pointing toward the village, which was on fire.

The man patted her head and placed his index finger over her mouth. "Hiss, your mama is waiting for you outside the village. So be a good girl and sleep, "he said.

But mama's there, "she said, pointing a small finger at the burning village.

The man speaks softly to Hadizah, but it's clear that he's irritated, saying, "I told you that your mom is waiting for you."

She kept staring in the direction of the village, where the fire had almost completely destroyed everything and no one had been able to flee. The screams for help coming from inside are still audible to her.

She was further confused by the fact that she was certain her mother was still in the village. The man becomes aware that the young child in his arm is not understanding what he is saying.

She is facing him, and he asks, "What is your name?" The darkness prevented anyone from seeing each other's faces clearly.

She answered with a tiny sound coming from her mouth, "Hadizah." Without the little Hadizah's mouth being closer to his ears, he wouldn't be able to hear a word.

"Good," the man affirmed. "Listen, Hadizah, your mom is waiting for you in the next village. If you are a good girl, you will surely meet your mom very soon. Did you understand? " He asked while looking straight into her eyes. Hadizah nodded, which means yes.

"That's good. "Let's go if you want to meet your mom early," said the man, starting to walk away quickly.

As they moved away, the screams of the villagers started to die down, but they could no longer hear their voices.

Hadizah tapped Tina on the shoulder and said, "Hadizah, wake up."

Is she not responding to you? A young woman asked as she tied back her blonde hair. She had large eyes.

Tina moaned in frustration, "She's not even moving. She's lying here like a dead person."

"I'd like a glass of water, Belle." The blonde-haired girl next to Tina was asked.

To what end?"," Belle's eyes nearly flew out of their sockets.

"To dribble it on her," Tina said.

"Sir Sam is coming soon," Belle raised her voice so that Hadizah could wake up, "and I don't want to be punished today." She moves closer to the small window to check whether anyone is coming.

Hadizah rose from her bed. She stares at both of her companions with a grimace.

"Will you continue to hold that position? So that we may depart, would you kindly go change your clothes?"Tina glared sternly at Hadizah.

She carefully walked toward her bag, which was lying on the ground and contained her clothing. She took out a brown slack and a round-necked shirt with a carton-style design that resembled the clothes her friends were donning.

Hadizah mumbled and displayed symptoms of anxiety, "Even getting up early this morning to exercise seems like a poor idea, but who actually does that?"

Before putting on her shirt and wrapping her hair with a rubber band in her hand, she puts on the shorts first, then removes the overnight blouse that reaches her knees.

Tina replied, "I see you take pleasure in your time in the dungeon. Prior to Sir Sam waking them up, she wanted to get up early and get ready.

Belle muttered to them, "I heard that a boy was executed yesterday in the dungeon."

Hadizah responded, "I'm not surprised because it happens in every activity. Occasionally one person dies."

"Those deaths no longer bother me. "If I die the next time, I'll not be surprised," Tina declared. She rolled her eyes because the death news was expected.

They can all hear the speaker's "Braaaaaa" sound. Once everyone heard the sound, they were supposed to proceed to the hall. To receive instructions from Sir Sam before they start their early morning workout.

Belle asked them all, "Are you finished?" They all yelled, "Yes, ma'am." They all left the room as soon as Belle approached the door and turned the knob. Tina checked the room to make sure she did not forget anything. Her water bottle and face towel were in her hand, then she closed the door.

Assorted individuals began to emerge from their rooms. They are wearing similar attire to what Hadizah and her pals are donning. They all moved quickly, as if they were running behind schedule.