
The Heiress and the Female Gangster

Gayara accidentally saves a pregnant woman from being assassinated and died on her way to the university. Afterwards, she got reincarnated as the daughter of the woman she saved but in a parallel dimension called the ABO world. She was supposed to be restarting her life but, her identity proves otherwise. After being subjected to an experiment by the Chief Scientist of Styx Organization, she realizes that this world isn't that simple either. As such, she participated in all kinds of military training, absorbing all the necessary knowledge to parry against all evil at a young age. Upon graduating, she unexpectedly saved her fiancee from an assassination attempt, who was appointed by her mother whom she didn't think of until then. Alas, even her fiancee isn't that simple either. The seemingly weak omega who faints or trembles at the sight of blood, is secretly a member of the Military Intelligence Corps. She feeds them information about incoming attacks, dangers, disasters or any kind of conflict she saw from her vision. As a result, her life is always at the top of the knife. Knowing this, Gayara is determined to support and protect her from the dangers created by the citizens of Cosmos continent, a society of mad scientists whose creations disrupt the order of the world, creating chaos at every step of the journey.

Leueret_Yiyuero · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 15: :Chicken Rampage in Tyren City [ 7 ]

----Deus POV----

* beep beep beep! *

2 figures can be seen inside a quiet office: one behind a pile of documents and one who is immersed on playing with her smartphone.

Antares who had been busy signing documents pressed a remote and the image of Lieutenant General Vincent emerged.

One look and Antares knew what the Lieutenant General is going to report because the soldier looked hesitant.

Lieutenant General Vincent was never hesitant about anything save for one thing.

Antares couldn't help but peek at her little sister and sigh to herself.

" Did General Gayara Veldora disappear without notice again? "

The tone of the President's voice is just like usual, casual yet indifferent.

Almirah after hearing this, abandoned her phone and began to listen to the other party behind the screen.

" Yes Commander! We found her ripped uniform at Melroy Street including the tracker installed in it. "

At this, Antares heard a chuckle from her sister with which she disbelievingly called to.

[ Is that something to be laughed about?! Come on, this is a major misconduct that has been going on for so long! ]

" Look, sister. I seem to be raising a gangster instead of supporting a General! How can she just disappear without so much as a single word? "

My little sister raised her hands and shook her head, smiling smugly before standing up gracefully from her position.

" That's why you should hurry up and replace her. Otherwise..."

Almirah put her phone in her pocket and walked towards the door.

[ Otherwise what?! Where are you going?! ]

" Anyway, Antares. I'm so tired and sleepy. I'm going home. "

* bang! *

" Tossed away after being used... "

* sigh *

[ No, stop thinking about it. I don't want to have white hairs so soon. I'd better sleep. ]

Antares opened a drawer under her table, revealing a seemingly ordinary mirror.

Antares remembers that it was a gift from an old friend a long time ago, but now, it can only replace that friend in accompanying her.

" Wake up, Resmeda. "


An image of a pixie with white hair and blue eyes can be seen through the mirror, pointy ears moving slightly.

She stretched her arms up, tears escaping her tearducts as she squinted at Antares through hazy eyes.

" Uh, hum. What do you want, Antares. "

Slowly, the background image appeared one by one.

The bright sunshine cast its rays diagonally from the east going to the west.

Butterflies glide from flower to flower near a stream of water as Resmeda moved forward to look at her own reflection.

At this, Antares gave her a reproachful look.

" Resmeda. "

The girl tensed upon hearing the tone used by Antares, paused briefly and waved her hand dismissively.

She knew Antares well.

Antares is strict and serious, straightforward and formal: it gives people the impression of a boring, but reliable person.

To Resmeda, Antares is half her creator: someone she cannot disobey even if she wanted to.

" Alright, I know! What do you want, mother? "

Antares softened her heart upon hearing the title given to her.

" Good, let's talk. "

Resmeda walked away from the stream to a modified waiting shed not far away from the stream.

If you take a panoramic view, this place is a vast grassland, with a few fruit trees like mango, avocado and peach.

Thorny flowers take up most of the space which composes of spider lilies and red roses.

As Resmeda arrived at a waiting shed standing on four legs, covered by fluttering black chiffon, polyester fabrics on all sides.

She jumped into a fluffy bed and hugged a white pillow, creating wrinkles on the well arranged cottony quilt.

" Um. "

+Tyren City; District 9+

" Hey, it's okay to eat a pack but eating it all is just plain outrageous! I worked hard to pack all those foods. How can you just consume all of them? "

Polaris couldn't help but complain to Gayara. Despite the rumors describing the General to be irritable, violent yet exceedingly excellent in most military aspects, Polaris can still notice the subtle wild nature emitted by Gayara.

Just as the rain beat the human civilization with no partiallity, 2 female humans have broken into a restaurant which had survived among those other establishments that had collapsed under the Chicken Rampage.

The lights are on in the wide range of wooden tables and chairs, giving people a natural aesthetic sense.

The glass walls give the feeling of being unconfined while the indoor plants stand or crawl by the sides: the atmosphere is very good despite some unfinished foods and uncollected dishes that have been abandoned.

The outside is already dark but this time, the once bright and noisy city night is desolate and lonely.

In one of the tables, a mountain of empty packages are scattered about, eliciting a frown from the younger female with red hair and golden eyes.

" I'm talking to you.! You're all wet...[ A wet Wolfy! So cute! ] But here you are eating without changing, really. Don't you know that even a small illness like influenza and fever had killed more than half of the homosapiens in ancient history? "

Gayara who had been busy eating her fill stopped for a moment to observe the younger human's expression before continuing to dig the bag of ready to eat foods, wearing a look of displeasure when there was nothing left to be eaten.

Without speaking, she left the table and headed towards the employees locker room, closing the door with a bang.

Polaris who had been ignored so thoroughly couldn't help but be confused whether she had become invisible or that she is still sleeping in her laboratory and all of this mess are just her unrealized thought, her dream.

*Clang! Plack! Clang! Munch munch munch!*

Polaris began to feel annoyed by the noise as she turned her attention to Dragon. The winged lizard who had been eating the leftover foods ever since they entered the restaurant, left a mess everywhere she passed.

" Dragon, stop eating that. It's spoiled."

Dragon looked at her briefly before ignoring Polaris and going in the direction of the kitchen, as though her nasal cavity caught a scent she liked, leading her to its location.

Polaris can only sigh, being ignored by both her abductor and her pet.

[ Should I take this chance to runaway? No! In terms of priority, I think that Wolfy has greater value over my late endeavors. ]

" I should follow her to see what I can find. Despite her low EQ, her behaviours do not conform to the general trend in today's society. "

Compared to Gayara, the clothes of Polaris have a waterproof function, enabling her to walk out of the rain with only her hair wet.

Having nothing to do, she began to drown herself in her endless thoughts: hands clasped under her chin and her eyes that are out of focus.

She was only startled when an uninterested voice disturbed her,

" You don't look like the kind of scheming person to plan all this troublesome events. Tell me, who is the mastermind? "

The voice belongs to Gayara who had changed from the bloody, white wedding suit into a red employee shirt with a ' Spicy Kitchen ' label on the top and bottom of a chili chef who had fire in its eyes while holding the lid of a cover of a dish as though determined for the big reveal.

There are wet traces on the back and the shoulder because Gayara's hair is still dripping with rainwater.

As a beta, Polaris is unable to sense the pressure of the rampaging pheromones released by the angry Gayara.

However, Polaris trembled, simply because of the killing intent alone.

Polaris is known as a mad scientist who is feared, revered and hated by people everywhere she goes. That is true.

She had earned such a title because of her ingenious ideas which had been long unacceptable to human government institutions, labeling her as a criminal due to her unprecedented researches.

As a brilliant scientist, she has an IQ above average but compared to physical strength, she is below average.

Gayara is pissed enough,

[ I need to finish this farce fast or else my girl will be lonely. Who knows what those humans want to do with her while I'm away? ]

" Don't you know that because of you, many lives are lost, many operations have been postponed and many things have been destroyed? "

Gayara's disbelieving and anxious look didn't escape Polaris's scrutiny. As such, Polaris knew from psychological observations that Gayara has somewhere she wanted to go to but is trapped in this horrid place due to her duties and responsibilities as a General of the Army dedicated to Eldram country.

Polaris can admit that although she has high IQ, but in terms of emotional aspects, it is a study that is comparably hard to interpret.

As a result, the only thing she could do is to defend herself by logic instead of establishing her prestige to someone she has no sense of understanding yet.

" You are correct in your educated guess, there was this Uncle who volunteered to fund my project. We reached a cooperative relationship wherein I do the scientific studies and his people did the experiment. That uncle is the Governor of Tyren City. "

Gayara wasn't pleased with the answer as her focus is not on this but on the casualty rate which was disregarded so easily.

Even if she has the tendency to become violent and enjoy maiming others, she is incapable of killing arbitrarily.

Seeing that Gayara is impatient, Polaris can't help but become anxious in defending herself as though she was a normal student trying to give reason to her being late for class.

" I did create Giant animals because of my experiments but I didn't tell them to do what they did. Tell me, since the Divine created humans, did people hold the Divine accountable for the faults the humans had done? No, right? Why do they blame me for what my creations do? This is unfair! "

Gayara is unmoved: she didn't even understand but Polaris didn't find it that unusual or rude. After all, Polaris didn't share the same common sense most humans had.

" Forget it, tell that to Athena. That's her job and I want to go home. "

Gayara concentrated on Athena's telepathy line, thinking of dumping off responsibility to someone else.

" Athena, are you there? " Gayara said in her thought.

" Well, I'm here. " An elated voice answered.

Gayara is of course happy, looking into nothingness while Polaris stared at her as though a ray of laser would come out of her eyes a moment later.

She is probably arguing with Gayara through her golden eyes.

" I caught Polaris. Who knew she was just a little brat who loves to steal food and talk nonsense. I need you to pick her up for more information. "

Gayara was so happy that she can finally see Venus again which led her to talking her thoughts outloud.

Polaris looked at Gayara in disbelief,

" No! I don't want to go anywhere. Take me with you, please. "

Polaris begged Gayara with little to no tone difference compared to reporting.

Gayara ignored Polaris after giving her an ' I have nothing to do with you' look.

" I think you need her more than I do right now, Gayara. "

At this time, Gayara noticed that Athena's tone sounded very wrong.

Her heart began to suffocate her because she has never heard Athena worry about anything before, nor did she ever speak in such manner.

Now that she did, something alarming must have happened.

" What's wrong?! "

Gayara's voice echoed impatiently in the vacated restaurant.

" Region 1 is in a mess and Venus is their target. "

Due to anger, Gayara's pheromone went berserk, causing even Polaris who was a beta to suddenly fall into weakness and suffocation.

" Which dead humans dare to target my girl!? "

Even the fangs and nails which were originally tucked began to appear, blood dripping from Gayara's clenched palm.

Polaris didn't have concern for Gayara because the pressure is killing her. She desperately fought against the rapidly failing consciousness but failed, causing her to faint limply where she sat.

" Hurry up, they're heading to the sea. Once they exit the land, it will be difficult to catch up. They won't do anything to her for now because they chose to do blackmail instead of killing her directly. Don't worry, I'll do what I can to delay them on my side. "

Gayara's mind is in chaos. Now, she wants to kill. The kind of murder that she dreamed of since adapting to the White Wolf Gene.

" I will make them pay!! Only by then will they realize that the biggest mistake that they have ever done in their shortest of life, is to touch what is mine!!! "

The tiles under Gayara's naked feet began to crumble under the uncontrollable strength.

Claws began to untuck from her feet as her body morphed into that of a massive black wolf, 2 white streaks of hair lining from her wolfhead.

A clanging of stainless steel came from behind and Dragon came out of the kitchen with a big casserole covering her head.

The winged lizard crashed into the door and into the tables before shaking her head, finally getting rid of the small annoyance.

By then, Gayara in her Wolf form bit the clothes of Polaris and threw her on Dragon's saddle.

Dragon whimpered as she kneeled when she saw Gayara who is definitely not in the mood for disobedience.

Gayara barked at her before exiting the restaurant and waiting on top of a five storey building, staring into the distance beyond the blue sky where the moon ran freely: its brilliance beginning to shine in the moment of darkness.

Dragon followed behind her, always 3 meters apart with her head not daring to look at the Black Wolf in front of her.

At this time, the Black Wolf released a long howl: her battlecry.

Such a howl incited fear, not only to the animals inside Tyren City but to the members of Black Wolf Corps and the citizens who are now taking off with 2 transport aircrafts and 2 helicopters escorting them.

" What's that!? "

The civilians shivered, thankful for leaving the chaotic Tyren City and heading to a safe and secured place. Although they lament their loses, it is more than lucky that they are not down in the city where the frightening howl came from.

The members of Black Wolf Corps are also shaken a little bit but they had heard such howl countless times during missions so the impact is not that prejudiced.

" It's our guardian deity! "

" It's here again! "

" Don't you think that it has been following us everywhere we go? "

" That's right, but why? "

" Who knows? "

" Alright, stop gossiping, soldiers! Focus on your tasks, don't be careless! "

" Obey, the Lieutenant General! "