
Ivy or whatever

Lisa swallowed hard as everyone at the table except Lian looked at her curiously.

It came as a surprise to her that they knew nothing of what had happened to her a few days back.

For some unknown reason, that brought a small pain to her chest.

She exhaled softly before she started to narrate to them a brief story of her past problematic life.

Lisa told them of Ivy and Jonathan's betrayal, her father's murder and of her comeback that had been sabotaged by Ivy and by the time she was done, the trio was silent, their eyes filled with an emotion that made her want to cry.

Lian squeezed her hand beneath the table, his presence offering support.

A lone tear rolled down Emberly's left eye.

She was strong but she wasn't certain she could have remained sane if she had been through what Lisa had endured.

"I don't like this Ivy person." Emberly broke the silence as she rubbed the tear off her cheek.