
The heir...

The cursed land of a symmetrical world awaits for their heir to break the curse and make them free. Will Tom Jones be able to become the true heir of the cursed land?

Dinnada_Adithya · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Destiny, is not in the stars but in ourselves... but ,what if it awaits us?

The white clouds glittered at the sky and the wooden window of his room which was supposed to retire a long time ago was looking at him as it's frowning.

Tom Jones,No. 277 of an Orphanage spent the last two years digging his buried life. "It was not supposed to be like that", he always whispered to himself.

The tragedy of his life started two years ago when his parents died from an unexpected earthquake in Western Kanagawa. What else can a child on his age can loose more than this? Tom was like a migrated bird who doesn't know the way to go back home. He came to Japan from U.S.A due to his father's employment and didn't have any opportunity to return to his country after the unexpected death of his parents therefore, he was taken from an Orphanage near the Yokohama City. Though he was taken, he gave up all his happiness a long time ago and his anger and grudge towards his destiny was immense.

Tom didn't have a nice time in the Orphanage

and he maintained to become the main offender for most of the fights in the orphanage for years and it was a hard task for the masters' to control him even. Over the years even hardly, Tom was sculpted to the rules of the orphanage.

It was winter and this year the winter wasn't nice and it was dark and stormy ...

Mr. Daiju,who was the security officer sadly looked at the orphanage far away in his cabin, thinking how the children will resist the winter in this time, the children quickly prepared their Kotatsu - hybrid of a table, blanket and a heater and managed to survive the winter this time, but that was not the best solution for this hardest time. After a stormy, icy winter, summer took it's duty, which everyone expected.

The enchanting Sakura flowers started to bloom and refreshed everyone. The greener plants arose with energy and the nature was fulfilled with beauty. Tom just turned 16 but he didn't want anyone to know about that.

Miss Anzu , who was one of the mistresses of the orphanage came walking to his room while he and his friends were playing Shaogi, a traditional game in Japan. She was wearing a silk Kimono with a rich design and her face was likely to be happy because she rarely stays happy still after the deadly winter. She ordered all the children in the orphanage to come to the main hall and it was like a morning assembly in a school. "It must be another donation", Tom thought.

There were some foreigners and it looked strange to everyone.

"The lucky one will get out from here", Miss Anzu said cheerfully. Everyone were surprised to hear that because to see a person raising a child from this orphanage is like a Chinaman's chance. Everyone stood politely with gigantic expectations. The foreigners looked generous and looking at everyone as to take everyone to their home.

They came to a stop at Tom. He had Hazel eyes and a blond hair, his eyes were exactly the same as the visitors. The kind lady was gazing at him as she knew Tom before. Expeditiously they had their decision... Everyone started whispering as bees in a bee hive, but Tom was lacking trust about himself.

Miss Anzu was looking surprisingly and turned on to Tom when she heard that the visitors wants Tom to be raised and she hardly remembered the day Tom had an attempt to run away from the orphanage like a cat burglar, but she realized that Tom's the lucky one to go.

It was like a miracle for Tom when he got to know the news. "Will I have a family"? Tom thought surprisingly. Everyone was whispering as something curious happened because there were many obedient children and they wanted just TOM!!!

Finally the day arrived… It was a fine morning for Tom than ever. A black color car glittering like the ones in theatre arrived at the orphanage and its' beep sound echoed in the walls. It was the time to say good bye for his old humble abode which he lived so far. Tom was trying to be ready to live in a better life. His face was looking happier than ever. "Everything will be alright", Tom said to himself and for the one last time he greeted his friends. A chunky lady arrived with the car and Tom was wondering how the car afforded her weight because she was looking half a ton and he was suprised when he got to know that it's the main secretary of the Harley family which Tom is supposed to go.

Before leaving, Miss Anzu came with a small suitcase... Tom was confused with what's inside it. "We have prepared everything he needs miss Anzu" said the chubby woman wonderingly . "It's what Toms parents had before they die", replied Miss Anzu. As soon as Tom heard the words his eyes enlarged with happiness because he didn't have anything left of his parents', he ran away as a hurricane and grabbed the suitcase. He hugged Miss Anzu and her warmth made Tom realized that Miss Anzu did everything to protect them.

Leaving all the memories he had with the orphanage, he got on to the car. It was a sad departure than Tom thought, but he would never think what his destiny will going to be...