
Chapter 9.

She took Childe to a herbal hot spring so that it can heal the torn up wounds outside his body. She slowly levitated him in the middle of the spring and he floated there vertically. Now, she said. Then she entered the spring with her clothes and stayed close to him. In the meantime, she looked up and imagined the night sky and the red moon back in the Netherworld with her sisters.

After thirty minutes,she fell asleep in the water then after five minutes Childe woke up. What.....the? He said weakly and saw Ling levitating in the water next to him. She saved me...again,he thought. Then he pulled her hand and held her close to him. She instantly woke up and pointed a shard of crystal ready to kill but she saw him and said,What the hell! What are you doing? Let me go! What are you talking about? You're mine and no one else, understand? He said. Kiss me,he said. W....What...What! Wait a sec! She shouted If you kiss me,I won't make a move for the next two weeks,he negotiated. She hesitated then she kissed him but when she tried to pull away,she couldn't. What is he doing! Damn him! Ling thought.

Then as he went down, Hey! Hey! Whoa! Let me go! She said weakly. No,I won't,he said. No! *screams*. Then it happened again and one more toxin was depleted only two more. Xian Xian,could you please take me home? And take him too,she said weakly. This body is really fragile my lady, Xian came out of nowhere and changed into a handsome young man with red hair and silverish eyes. I agree,it is fragile,she answered.

They reached the pavilion and Ling regained a little bit of her strength and told Xian Xian to go back to punish that wretched consort a little.

She went into Childe's room and found the kids there. Mommy! What's wrong with Daddy.....I mean.....Mr. Childe! Xuan and Yuri asked panicking. Hey,no need to cry. He's gonna wake up any minute now,she smiled. You look pretty weak yourself, Mommy,Mei looked at her sternly but with concern. Mommy is fine. No need to worry too much. Then they noticed him waking up. Daddy! You're okay! Lien hugged him. Well,I'm done here. Gotta go,see ya,Ling said then left when she left the room,the kids heard a thud and Mei figured out what that meant and shouted coldly,Mommy. Mei ran to her and found her on the floor like a corpse.

Mommy! Wake up! Xuan and Yuri shouted while shaking her. What happened to her? Childe said while trying to pick her up. Mei kicked him and said,What the fuck did you do to my Mommy? She looked like this ever since you came back! Leave her alone! She raised two of her fingers and said,Cheng Lie! Your master is in trouble. Mommy said I say these words when something like this happens,she thought. Then a murderous aura appeared infront of them and a woman with a very captivating appearance appeared.

Who are you kid and what happened to my master? She said. My name is Mei and these are my siblings,Yuri,Xuan and Haruto,she said. Xuan was trying to stabilize her heart until he ran out of Mana. You were able to stabilize her heart....well done,kid,she said amused. She went over and carried her frail body and said,Whoever did this to my master,I will never forgive them. They will die today! Then she disappeared with the kids. Daddy! Where did that scary lady take Haruto and the others? Lien said. Ming! Look for them with immediate effect! He said. Yes,Childe. Then he disappeared and went on looking for them. Please,be safe.....everyone,Lien sighed sadly.

In an alternative innate dimension...

Lie put Ling in an ice looking coffin and started healing her heart. After she was done stabilizing Ling and Hestia's core she said while smiling, Mei,Xuan, Haruto,Yuri. I'm going somewhere. I'll be back in.. let's say...half an hour from now. Okay? Then she left. That was more scary than her normal face, Yuri exclaimed. Uh huh! Uh huh! Xuan answered. Did you feel that? Mei talked to Haruto telepathically. Yeah. Who is she and what connections does she have with Mommy? And why does she call Mommy Master? Haruto asked. We don't know yet. But I'm going to try something, Mei said then went over to Ling's frail pale body. She extended her hand over her head and tried to read her thoughts. Then she felt a very painful sting and skidded back. What's wrong,Mei? The others asked. Damn it. It didn't work?she gritted her teeth.

Our only option is to wait for her to tell us herself.

Cheng Lie teleported to where Ming and Childe were and said coldly,Now.....you will tell me what you did to my master. Right now,before I dispose of you. Childe did nothing to your master. And why are you calling Ling your master? Ming said. I must dispose of you at once for hurting her.

Cheng Lie was a sixteen year old looking girl with slightly azure hair mixed with a hint of black. Her eyes had a rose colour to them and she was wearing heelless boots along with a short blue and golden yukata that had hints of pink cherry blossoms in it.

You're pretty cocky,aren't you...girl? You are going to give Ling back to me this instant or else....Childe said. *snickers* That's pretty cute but too bad you won't be my play thing,Lie said amused. Ming went infront of Childe and removed his katana and swiftly started attacking her. Wow.....you're a quick one.... *goes behind Ming* but not quick enough. Ming jumped back swiftly and held his neck. Damn it! My instinct told me to evade her. Why? Who is she? Ming thought as he looked at her. You understand the gap between us right,Ming Mitsuzuki? She said amused. How did she... My turn right? She said. Darkness' Shadow. Then it went to Ming and injured him badly. Then a familiar face with brown hair and eyes appeared out of nowhere.

It was Ling. She was all dolled up looking as if she was from a summer festival.

Hey.....stop. Look,I'm all better now. No need to fight. Master! Lie turned around. I was doing some decorating with Mei and the others then I sensed you guys fighting that I forgot and came with the supplies. What is done is done,Lie,okay? So don't make that face,Ling said. She grumbled and agreed. But you have to compensate me,Master. You're not fair at all. You rewarded....But before she finished,Ling telepathically said,Hold your tongue, Cheng Lie. They don't know. Forgive me! She said. Okay.I'll talk to you later. Just please bring the kids back right now. She went and returned in twenty seconds and brought the kids. Mommy! They hugged her. Eri,take them all to take a bath and feed them some fruits if you will,she said. Okay,as you wish my lady,Erina said and led them away. Now,Lie. Isn't there something that you should be doing right now? Ling said. What exactly? Oh. Then she flicked her fingers and healed Ming. Ling,Childe said. Ling looked down and said,Not now,okay? Maybe later if I want to. Then Cheng Lie and Ling disappeared.

What the fuck,Cheng Lie! What are you doing here?! Alethea is going to notice all of you are gone! Hestia said. Don't worry,master. No one has entered neither your chambers nor your domain where we live since you.... She explained. Oh,that's good. There's something I need you to do. What is it? She said curiously. I'll show you. She interlocked her fingers with hers and teleported to where Xuoru and Midari were. I want you to make them suffer. Little by little but don't kill them. But why me? You could've summoned Riko,Rin or Sakura. Or even Ren,Tenshi or Tatsuki,she said. But Ahma is dangerous. If she comes here, she'll do your bidding but do other mischievous things. Well,you're pretty close to your big brother,Xian Xian,so I figured... Before she could finished Lie said coldly but happy inside,He's here?! Yeah,Ling said. Okay,I'll do it! She agreed. Good. Now....they'll surely regret messing with me,Hestia said. Damn! Master is still as scary as always. Her murderous Yandere voice sends chills all over my body, Cheng Lie thought. In the meantime,I want to go and visit a very special place,Onigafuchi Village,Hestia said. Oh.....and why are you going there exactly? Lie asked while observing her quarry. Why?.......Just for fun. That's all. And I want Thirteen to come with me too,Ling said happily. What the fuck, master? You're gonna time travel,use Gaia to change your appearance and change your personality...... just for fun?! Lie raised her voice. Hush! You'll gather too much attention to yourself! Ling covered her mouth.

That's enough chitchat master,give me the order,Lie smirked. Enemy,kill. Targets,make them suffer. Bottom line is,do as you wish,Ling shrugged. As you wish.....my master,*snickers* Lie said