
The Heart Thief (Heart Series #1)

Ella Hindley, A high schooler, whose enjoying high school life with her friends. Her goal this school year is to avoid any drama at all cost. Things were going smoothly until she accidentally bumped into a boy named Zayn Hayes who could probably be the maker of her dreams and who knows, would turn her life upside down. But will Zayn give in? or will he avoid Ella to reach his goal. What is his goal? And will Ella give in to her temptations? Or will she stick to her goal as she knows getting involved with him would cost her a price. »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» "The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?" I said as I stared at the sunset painting the skies. "Yea, it is" He whispered as he stared at her through his camera and snapped a picture. "Beautiful."

Estetiknatao · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


Ella's POV

August 21, 2020


9:00 AM


Today is Club Day, a day where we would get to know our respective clubs and gather for a meeting.

At least once a month, our school holds club days, which I always find uninteresting because I find it boring. I joined the art club last year; it was alright, but at that time I was already losing passion, so I merely sketched or painted what our president instructed us to do.

Even though my artwork was shoddy and poor, I at least contributed to the preparation of our mini art gallery.

As usual, Vivian and I walked to school together in the hopes that we would be assigned to the clubs that we truly want to join. We exchanged topics and laughter until we arrived at the picnic table near the soccer field. We were quite early so we decided to hang out there while waiting for the bell to do their job.

"Ella?" Vivian called me, her voice sounded uncertain and that peaked my curiosity. "Hm?" I responded and I could see her rubbing her hands, she always does that when she's nervous and I sighed.

I touched her shoulder, attempting to calm her down. "Vivian? What is it?"

Vivian took a deep breath and finally turned her head to look at me. "Look, I know it's none of my business and all but," she stopped for a second and looked at me with her comforting eyes before continuing. "When we hung out at the park, we were having a good time and suddenly your mood went 180."

I was caught off guard. Well, I wasn't expecting this conversation.

"Ella, I just worry about you. I understand that you don't tend to express your emotions, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm always available to hear you out. You don't have to go through this alone." When she finally let it out, I took the time to breathe slowly.

What she said was true. I don't like sharing my feelings, it's just a bother to people. And I know that she will always be there to hear me out, it's just that this feeling is just stupid and I feel selfish for feeling it. It infuriates me

I slowly swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to find words to explain. "I'm alright, Vivian. You don't have to worry about me." It's the truth. She shouldn't be concerned about me.

Vivian took a deep breath and gave me a side hug. "I know, Ella. I don't have to but I want to. Just saying that you don't have to suffer alone." I looked at her and gave her a smile and whispered thanks. I couldn't be more grateful that Vivian entered my life because she is that friend anyone could ask for.

I opened my arms to embrace her. We went like that for a couple of minutes.

Our moment was ruined when we then heard a thump on our table. Vivian accidentally cursed and we both whirled around to see what object had accidentally hit our table. It was a baseball. Oh my God, thank God we weren't hit.

We heard someone scream. "Hey! Be careful. You could've hit someone." It was Felix Wilson, He has this long strawberry-blonde hair that is pulled back into a half ponytail. He looked at us with his apologetic hazel eyes as he grabbed the ball and threw it perfectly to the students who accidentally threw it on our table.

"Sorry about them. They tend to be careless." He said. Vivian suddenly stood up, grabbed my hand, and immediately dashed away from the scene. It was so unexpected that I almost stumbled on a rock. I turned my back and saw Felix's confused face. What the heck? I turned to Vivian, still dragging me until we reached the hallway.

"What's wrong with you, Vivian? I successfully stopped Vivian from dragging me.

She turned and placed her hands on my shoulder. "I-I'm sorry, I just panicked." I looked at her confused written all over my face.

Her face was all sweaty from all the running and her face was crimson red. Huh?

"Why? What's wrong?" Vivian's face was panicking and I was about to ask again until we heard something.

"C'mon, we got to see what club we were in." A student said. A few students followed them excitedly.


I looked around to see where they were going. They went to the board where students are all gathered around, reading the lists on the board. I'm guessing it's about the club.

Vivian looked at me, forcing a smile. "Oh, would you look at that! We got to check it out." Vivian walked away, leaving me more confused. It's no use.

I sighed and went to follow her.

We immediately rushed towards the hallway bumping into people, eager to know what club we got into.


"I'm Sorry-"


"Make way-"

As I was trying to push through, I lost Vivian from the crowd. I looked around to find any signs of Vivian but she was not there. I decided I will look for her once I finished knowing what club I'm in.

"Phew." Relief filled me as I finally got through the crowd of people who were gathered in the area.

I scanned the paper, looking for my name and there it was,

Ella Hindley - Photography Club

"Holy shit." I covered my mouth accidentally saying that out loud, earning stares from people. I brushed them off as I couldn't believe that I actually got into the club.

No words can describe how happy I am right now

I can finally put my photography skills to use rather than my mom telling me that I'm better off as a doctor instead.

I scanned the paper again to search for Vivian's Club in case she wasn't able to check due to the people crowding the area.

Vivian Ellis - Volleyball Club

Guess she also got her dream club.


The crowded area was now vacant, and I still couldn't see Vivian anywhere. Maybe she found Yugo and is somewhere around the hallways.

I roamed the halls looking for Vivian when I heard someone call my name.

"Hey, Ella!" I turned around and saw that it was Rowan, Zayn's best friend. The guy Yugo was drooling for. Sigh

"Yes? May I help you?" He smiled as I raised my eyebrows waiting for him to answer my question. "Have you seen Yugo?" He said, flashing me a toothy smile while rubbing his neck. Oh dear lord.

"No, but I'm on my way right now to go look for him. Why?" I asked him genuinely curious as to why he was looking for Yugo.

"Oh, can you give this to him? I forgot to give him my number as we had promised. I have to go right now, important business. Thanks, Ella!" He handed me a piece of paper which I guess had his number on it and was gone before I even got the chance to reply.

I never said yes.

Oh well.

Yugo, you're in for a ride.


"El! Over here!" Yugo called and there they were, waving like idiots.

I approached them and by the looks on their faces, I'm sure they also got into the club they wanted to join.

"Sorry I ditched, it was too crowded that I lost you. I was able to check my club though." She apologized. I gave her a smile to show that I forgive her. "Soo" Vivian trailed off.

"It's like we all got into our destined clubs." We all squealed and started jumping around like fools, earning stares from other students. Yet again.

After a couple of minutes, we finally calmed down and found a place to go eat our lunch.

I suddenly remembered that I had a piece of paper to give to Yugo so I decided it was the right time to let him know,

"Oi, Yugo. Your husband told me to give you this." I said, emphasizing the word husband while handing the paper over to him.

He stared at the paper I was holding. "What's this?" Yugo asked me looking confused as fuck.

"Open it and find out for yourself." I scoffed as he opened the paper, looked at it, and grinned like the loser he was.

This is not good.

Zayn's best friend really knows how to make Yugo drool. I giggled as I watch Yugo still staring at the small piece of paper. Talking about Zayn, I haven't seen him in a while.

Oh god.

What if I scared him off? He's probably hiding right now, avoiding my misery.

I covered my face with both hands and groaned, too embarrassed to go on.

I then remembered that I lost the sketch I drew of him.

I'm fucked.

That sketch has my signature on it. If somebody finds that paper and finds my signature that was written on the paper. I'm doomed.

My brain is now flooded with possible outcomes if someone were to find my sketch.

The whole school knowing.

The students giving me stares.

People teasing me.

I can't imagine Yugo and Viv knowing. Oh god.

They would go ballistic and would annoy my ass 24/7.

But you know what I really don't want to imagine?

HIM knowing.

Nah uh. That's not a choice, and will never be.

I would jump off a bridge before he even gets to make a statement about it.

Now I REALLY have to find that stupid piece of paper before I'm going to embarrass myself in front of the whole school.

Where could it be? Think Ella. Think.

Before I got the chance to even think about it, I was snapped away from my thoughts as I realized that I was now very late for club.

I looked at my watch.

15 minutes late.

At the first club meeting. Really Ella?

"Look guys, I think we should get going. We are already so late." I cut off their conversations and their eyes went wide when they realize I'm right.

I stuffed my bag, grabbed all my things, bid my friends some goodbyes, and headed to the assigned room where the Photography club was held.

What more could happen on this day? Might as well expect the unexpected.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, preparing for my downfall.

I can do this.


I cannot do this. At all.

He's here. He's here. He's here.

Holy Shit.

You know when your day is going too well and you don't trust it and some shit finally goes down?

Ah, this is it, The Fuckening.

As I went inside, there were at least 10 or 11 people inside. It appears that they have already begun and selected the club's officers. They smiled and gave me a warm welcome. I returned their greetings, but I couldn't help but stare at him nervously. He was sitting on the table at the back, he appeared to be holding a paper. It must be a letter from someone.

A girl came up to me and gave me a warm smile. "You're finally here. I knew we were missing someone." She giggled.

"Sorry, I didn't realize I was late." I apologized to them. "No, no, you didn't miss much. We just finished picking the officers. I'm Lynde, the club's president." We both shook hands, I smiled at her kindness. I took a few glances at Zayn, and he was still staring at the paper he was holding.

"Why won't you introduce yourself newbie" Lynde guided me to the front and left me there to introduce myself to everyone.

"Hello, I'm Ella, and I'm sorry for being late." Even though my introduction was brief, everybody still said hello to me; it was a lovely atmosphere.

"Alright Ella, please take a sit because I'm going to announce what Mr. Prescott expects us to do today." I nodded and complied. The tables were all taken so I don't have the choice but to sit beside Zayn.

Zayn immediately folded the paper and put it in his pocket as I drew near the chair. I paid no mind and occupied the sit. He didn't look at me or say hi, it was kind of awkward, so I just paid attention to Lynde as she stood at the front, clipboard in hand.

She cleared her throat and adjusted her glasses. "Hello everyone! Mr. Prescott just called me earlier to inform you guys that we will be having an early assignment. This is due to the fact that during the following meeting, we had complete freedom to discuss and explore the school while taking pictures. You also have to show your photos and explain why you are into photography. Some of the pictures will be in the yearbook, while some will go in the gallery. It will be done in pairs, but don't worry, you can pick the partners you feel most at ease with."

I looked around hoping that someone would like to be my partner but it seems everyone already found their partner. I unintentionally let out a long sigh, but I soon heard someone speaking next to me. Wait.

"It seems like we're the only ones who don't have partners. That's sad." He said, placing his hands in his pockets as he leaned on his chair.

"Yeah, it seems like it," I said awkwardly, brushing off the strand of hair from my face. I saw shook his head and smirked. What's up with him?

When I heard him chuckle, I stared at him puzzled since I couldn't understand how this was humorous. "What's so funny?" I asked him.

"You really are oblivious, huh?" He said as he leaned his face closer to me, not so close that I could hear his breathing but close enough that can make my heart leap. Red alert. Red Alert.

My mind was racing and my heart was pumping so quickly. I tried to come up with a response. I slowly swallowed the lump in my throat "W-what do you mean?" He smiled and I swear my heart was about to jump off from my chest.

He leaned back on his chair while smirking. His dimples were so visible every time he does that. "Since we both don't have partners, it makes sense that we pair up, don't you think?" He raised his eyebrow waiting for my answer.

Oh God, I'm so stupid!

I cleared my throat. "O-oh right, I knew that."

"Sure you did." He chuckled

He was right, I was too focused on his face, and my heart was about to combust minutes ago.

"Anyways, we keep on bumping into each other a couple of times now, but we weren't able to have a proper introduction." He said.

"I'm Zayn, Zayn Hayes." He introduced himself. Even his name is pretty.

"I'm Ella Hindley, but you can call me Ella" He smiled at me and nod. "That's a pretty name."

I couldn't help but flush at that comment. "Thank you."

He nod and looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes. "We should plan for our assignment." Not going to lie, I almost forgot about that.

"Yes, absolutely. Actually, I'm thinking that we should go somewhere else, perhaps someplace to take pictures." I was excited as I glanced at him, and he looks amused.

"That sounds good. I need your number to reach out to you though."

Am I dreaming, oh my god? Is this actually happening? If this is a dream, please don't wake me up.

"Sure thing." We exchanged numbers and talk about the places that we should go to for our assignment. We decided to go to the beach or park since it's not too far from our homes.

The following day will be amazing. I can just tell.


Another Long Chapter

Thoughts on Zayn?

Word Count: 2,576
