
The heart knows what it wants

Jannetse_Obasogie · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1 ✓ {A glimpse of our world}


It was a rainy Saturday evening. It had been raining all through the day and somehow, I was already tired of the weather and nonstop downpour.

It started raining at about 8:30am, few minutes after I came back from the gym. It was so heavy that I couldn't even go out or do anything outdoors so I had to retire to my bed and just stay indoors.

All through the day, I didn't do much, I did a little reading, then eating, sleeping, eating and finally back to sleeping again which I was already tired of doing. I literally had no idea what to do with my phone as I had gone through all the apps in it, listened to songs, and even watched a few Netflix movies.

I loved been indoors, spending my time alone, reading, writing or even meditating. I was an ambivert, but my introvert life was less on the edge. I stretched out of my bed and leaned over my reading table to the mantel clock - it was already 6:32 pm , and from the way I saw things, this rain had no plans of stopping soon.

I yawned and recoiled into my duvet. It was really cold and my phone battery was dead, leaving me with no idea on what to do to escape this boredom. I tossed my dead phone on the bed, wondering how I could get it charged before midnight. I had the thought of eating but I wasn't really hungry, and if I could recollect correctly, I had already eaten more that five times today. And leftovers of junk food were littered all over the place, so food was out of the equation.

What on earth should I do now? I thought, but I ran out of clues and ideas. I was the only one home, my roommates - Bernice and Skyler went out the day before, and I knew for sure they won't be back anytime soon due to the heavy rain.

While I was drifting away in my thoughts, I heard a hard knock on the door. I drew the duvet over my body then noticed that it was already a drizzle outside. Dragging myself up, I walked slowly to open the door, yawning lazily and stretching my hands up. I came in face contact with the other angry face, it was Bernice, she looked really mad with anger.

Storming into the room, she threw her bag over her bed. Her blonde hair was wet, her clothes were half soaked, her blue eyes were dim, and her face was red with anger. She angrily pulled off her shoes from her feet,throwing each pair separately from the other. Murmuring inaudibly, she struggled to get her zipper down in a bid to get off her dress

" Let me help you with that" I offered. Unsure of what to do or say so I wouldn't provoke her more. Walking up to her, I flipped her wet hair to the right side of her shoulder and unzipped her dress.

I heard a murmured " Thank you" and nodded, proceeding to throw myself on her bed.

" Isn't Skyler back yet? " Her shivering voice asked me, pulling her dress down, and tying her towel over her body. I couldn't tell she was cold.

"Nope. I thought you both would be together"

"I left her at the party, she was with Scott "

My mouth dropped in awe

Scott was Skyler's boyfriend, and the duo always had a series of argument that never seemed to end , I thought they broke up like two days ago, well, guess I was wrong.

" Really? I thought they broke up ! " My left hand was over my mouth.

"Sky is just confused."

" It's up to her. Why are you angry?"

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are"

"I'm not. Honestly, I'm not mad she's back together with him"

" Bernice I'm not talking about Skyler and her boyfriend, I'm talking about you"

"Me? why? what happened?"

I sighed. Bernice was a very good pretender, she hardly expressed her emotions or talked about her feelings. She was very good at keeping to herself most of the time.

" I noticed you came in angry, what happened?"

" I'm fine, it's nothing" She turned to face her dressing table, applying her moisturizer

"You can pretend all you want, but I know you too well, is this about Ken? "

I got no reply. Instead she was humming, acting like she heard nothing or I was talking with myself

" I asked you a question Bernice, but....."

"Just stop it okay! " She half yelled, turning to face me with tears forming in her eyes. I felt bad for her, I wasn't sure though, but I felt this attitude had something to do about her relationship with Ken

" Listen " I stood up, walking close to fill the gap between us, and placing my hands on her shoulders " I'm here for you, I just want to make sure you're fine "

" Well I'm good, and I don't need any help from you or anyone " That was rude to my ears.

" Okay fine." I withdrew, throwing my hands in the air , and walking to my bed " I'll leave you alone"













Janelle trying to talk to me and get me out of my mood was something I was really grateful for, but I also wasn't ready to talk about it. I felt bad about the way I reacted and spoke to her but I guess I only did so out of the mood I was in, but that really didn't justify my actions for treating her that way.

She was right when she guessed it was about Ken. But I didn't want her to know about it, cause she would freak out and chastise me for putting up with his attitude after everything I've been through, and the last thing I wanted right now was to get blamed and yelled at for being in love.

Ken and I have been dating since high school, three years to be precise. I really loved him but his attitude towards me was something I just couldn't explain. He cheated countless times and came back begging me to accept him, which I did anyways, cause I just couldn't see myself saying no to him or living life without him.

At the party last night, we were together. Ken and I, Skyler and Scott, with some few Friends. Janelle wasn't really the outing type so she stayed behind. I was mad at Skyler for getting back at Scott at the party after he got sexually involved with her cousin. But she gave a thousand reasons why she couldn't leave and although I was in the same situation as hers, I just couldn't see reasons with her so I left her to be alone with her cheating sweetheart.

My relationship with Ken was perfect to my friends, but only I knew what I was going through. The abuse, the cheating scandal, the insults, but I couldn't dare say a word to oppose his, or even expose what it was like to my friends, cause it would bring alot of shame and disgrace to me. Especially since Janelle thought I was her biggest relationship model.

So, going back to what Really happened the night before, and the cause of my mood. After I left Skyler with Scott, and the little argument between us, I went to the bar to get some drinks to take back to the lounge where Ken and some other friends were. Heading back there I couldn't find him so I asked Zac - a close friend of his, who told me he went to ease himself out.

After waiting for about 20 minutes with no sign of him, I went to look for him myself as I was already tired of the party and just wanted to relax. I had the idea of talking to him about us going to his place to spend the night as it was already late and I won't be able to head back home.

At the entrance of the men's bathroom, I half yelled his name,but I heard no response. I was contemplating on going in, when a guy came out from it and winked at me, he reeked of alcohol and I almost puked.

" Sup, gorgeous "

I covered my nose from the smell that oozed from his mouth and ignored him, taking the risk and walking into the bathroom. I had no idea if he remained there or he left, I couldn't care less.

The first two doors were empty. Walking to the third,I heard voices coming from inside. They were moans actually, like some persons were making out. I told myself there was no way I could invade their privacy although it was quite disgusting to me that they chose to make out in the bathroom of all places, but somehow, something in me led me to push open the door and I met face to face with the unimaginable.

My boyfriend was the one making out with another girl, not just any other girl- his ex girlfriend Nora, who he just couldn't get over with. My mouth dropped open, I couldn't find the right words. I tried to speak but no words came out. I was shocked beyond expectations.

"Bernice" He called, struggling with the belt of his trousers and trying to straighten his shirt at the same time. I looked at Nora, she had this "I don't give a fuck" look on her face as she walked out staring at me, with a mocking look on her face.

"Don't even dare!" I yelled , allowing my tears flow freely " Why Nora of all people Ken? and in here of all places! "

" I'm sorry, there wasn't another place I could think of "

I looked at him in disbelief, he realized his statement and tried saying something else

" I'm really sorry, believe me, she lured me. you know I would never hurt you "

I had no idea if that was a real statement because he always hurt me every now and then, or maybe he couldn't remember when.

" How could you do this to me! , Why do you keep repeating the same thing over and over again" I could feel my voice quivering, and my tears hot. The pain I felt in my heart was just too much for me to handle.

" Babe. Honestly I'm sorry, I. I didn't mean to, we all make mistakes right? " He was trying to place his hands on my shoulders but I flinched and pushed him away so hard he hit his back on the bathroom wall.

" Fuck you Ken! fuck you! " I ran out of the bathroom, sobbing heavily. My heart broke into different pieces, I just wanted to be alone from him and everyone. I looked back to see if he was following me but he just stood there not moving, and it broke me even more.

I stormed into the lounge to pick up my purse. I could see Skyler dancing happily with her lover and their laughter was all over the room. I felt pangs of jealousy but I shoved it away, after all Scott was no different from Ken. I knocked over the drinks I had brought earlier in my bid to go over the table, Zac gasped and called after me but I couldn't care less.

I passed by Skyler and she called back at me but I just ignored. I didn't want her to see the tears in my face and question me about it. I had had enough already for just one night and I really needed to get myself together. Getting outside, I sobbed heavily as the scene of Ken and Nora making out in the bathroom kept on replaying in my head. I couldn't go home in such a mood and at such time. I checked my wrist watch and it was 11:34Pm. Janelle would be asleep and I definitely needed a safe space to cry my heart out without anyone knowing. So I decided to lodge a hotel room till the next morning.











When it came to parties, you could definitely count me in. I loved having fun, making new friends, trying out new things, going on an adventure. I would say I was the most out going amongst my roommates.

Janelle was more of an introvert. Bernice was kinda somewhere between the two, but she loved having fun anyways. I would also say I was the most craziest among the trio, but we got along quite well.

Our friendship began since high school. And ever since then, we decided we'd do everything together as long as it kept us in check. Imagine our reaction when we got admitted into the same university at the same time. It was priceless.

We had our flaws, arguments from time to time, but that didn't disrupt our friendship. I would say it made us understand ourselves even better.

I was the eldest of the trio. I was 20, Bernice was 19 and Janelle was 18. Bernice and I hung out most of the time, because we had alot of things in common, and enjoyed socializing. While Janelle was mostly on her own.

My relationship was the most talked about in our room. Maybe because I had issues with my boyfriend - Scott most of the time, or simply because I was very open about it, either way, I was always reprimanded by my roommates concerning my choice of always making up with him after all the shitty things he did to me. But I was in love with him, and I just couldn't imagine life without him and the thought of starting things over again with someone else was something I just couldn't handle,so I vowed to keep pushing on with him.

About three days back , we got into a heated argument after my cousin confessed to me about her illicit affair with my boyfriend. He didn't deny when I confronted him and also confirmed to me that he loved my cousin more than he did for me. It broke me and I decided to end things there and then.

A friend of Ken's - Bernice's boyfriend, named Noah , had this really huge party so he invited us over, which we except Janelle agreed to attend. Bern and I got ready for the party so we went, Ken was in attendance too, and unknown to me I had no idea Scott was going to attend.

I was with Bern at the bar, taking a few shots of tequila together, laughing and having fun. When Scott walked over to us, at first I ignored him, but it got to a point when being around him just made me uncomfortable so I had to just give in to my inner desire.

Bern gave me a look that meant " do not do this" but I ignored and turned to meet the love of my life. He apologized , and gave me a reassurance of his love for me. Begged me to forget about the breakup and take him back. At that moment, my hearts and legs softened, and all I really wanted to do was be with him and his arms.

I forgave him and accepted him back into my heart and life. We kissed there and he offered Bern and I more drinks, but she declined and stood up. I knew that moment that she was angry with me but I wanted her to see reasons so I took an excuse from Scott and stood up to follow her.

" Bernice please wait " I called after her, struggling to keep up with her fast movement. she halted I'm her tracks, tapping her heels and refusing to face me

" What the hell do you think you're doing Sky?, getting back together with someone who fucked your cousin?"

I knew she was right and had a point, and also that she was trying to look out for me as a good friend. But she just couldn't see reasons with me because her relationship was just the ideal and perfect one. She had no idea how lucky she was to be with a guy like Ken.

" It was an accident Bern, He didn't mean to. I mean we all make mistakes Don't we? so why blame him for the mistake he made?"

She turned to face me, her eyes were fierce , faced to mine " Oh, it was a mistake was it? A mistake that continued and lasted over six months? Six months Sky!, six good months! What the hell has this nigga done to you? "

" Look, I know you're concerned about me okay, but I want you to know I'm good. I know exactly what I want. Scott might not be the best boyfriend but no one is perfect, it takes two to make sex, so Chantelle was also at fault "

Chantelle was my cousin he got sexually involved with.

" I really am not cut out for this. I can't stand here and let you ruin my mood for me. If you want to get back with him, it's your choice, do not come crying home when he betrays you again. I do not want to be a part of this ".

With that, she stormed out, leaving me standing there, thinking if I had made the right decision getting back with my cheating guy. I was really confused about the whole thing but my heart kept telling me I did the right thing

I had no idea how long I stood there, but I knew it was quite a long time as I was trying to take in everything that happened and how not to ruin this night for anyone. It was until I felt a familiar hand around my shoulder. I looked up to face Scott smiling down at me with concern

" Is she mad at me? " Kissing my forehead and staring deep into my eyes, he asked

" N..No. She's just really concerned and looking out for me, you know how friends are "

"Hmm. Well she'd better know you're in safe hands"

" I hope so"

" Why? you doubt it? I thought I apologized already" He gave a chuckle, wetting my neck with kisses and giving me his naughty stare. I shivered slightly, Scott sure had an effect on me and my body.

" No. it's not like that. I just... Never mind, can we go back to the bar now, or the lounge? " My legs were already as soft as jelly as I couldn't hold my feet anymore. I leaned on him for support.

" As you wish baby " He swept Me off my feet , carrying me bridal style, I giggled, feeling on top of the world. I sure made the right decision, or so I thought.














By 8:40 pm , the rain had completely subsided and you could hear voices and noises of people on the streets. I felt like this was the perfect time for me to take a walk out and feel the cold air on my skin a little bit.

I wore a pair of my favorite joggers, and a nice pink sweater. Packed my hair into a ponytail and put my ear pods on. I had managed to power on my phone with Bernice's power bank. I decided I was going to take a 30 minutes walk before coming back home to study and prepare for church service tomorrow.

Walking out of the room, I noticed Bern was already asleep and I just didn't want to wake her up just to tell her I was taking a walk, I decided to just leave and quietly close the door behind me.

The noises and people at 6th street was quite terrifying. It was a good thing I walked with my ear pods on, else I could have gone deaf. The roads were quite messy due to the heavy downpour earlier on. Thank goodness for my boots, else I would have felt my feet freezing with cold.

I walked slowly humming Ariana Grande's "Pov" song as it came on. she was my favorite artist and I loved listening to her songs. I really had no idea of a place to go in mind,but I walked anyway.

I decided to make a "U" turn then go to the little local club at the end of 4th Street . I wasn't really into clubbing or parties but somehow I wanted to go see a performance as I had seen a flier about two days back about how some students from theatre arts would be performing at the local club and since I was a huge fan of music I really wanted to see for myself.

Since I wasn't into alcohol and all that, I decided to stop by " Eat N Inns" a small restaurant close by , to get some snacks and maybe a juice or soda to keep myself busy while watching the show. I ordered for some doughnuts and a can of soda to take along with me to the show.

I arrived at the club in no time. Everywhere was rowdy - and of course noisy. I looked over the stage and saw that it was being set up. The club's colourful lights dimmed in rhythm to the song playing in the background. Almost everyone formed a clique, talking and laughing loud.

I decided to find a place to sit and enjoy my snacks while anticipating the show. I caught sight of a corner close to the bar, and could picture it had a good view of everything.

Surfing through the crowd, mumbling " excuse me, coming through" almost every five seconds got me already exhausted. Feeling thirsty, I opened my soda, took a sip and took a huge bite from my doughnut. I felt my left ear pod slipping slowly from my ear and I quickly tried to hold it back in, but it seemed it had other plans as it fell off to the ground anyways.

I fell down quickly, searching frantically for it. It was my 18th birthday gift from my dad and I cherished it alot. While I was on the floor searching for my most precious pods, foots stepped on my fingers, Legs kicked me. I yelled an "ouch" every now and then, and although it was such a tight place for Alot of people, I felt as if all the kicks and bumps were intentional.

After few minutes of a fruitless search, I found it almost at the entrance and I rushed to pick it up. My hands were quite full as I held my soda, doughnuts, phone and my "lost but found" left ear pod. I had no idea of the person coming towards my direction as I emptied my hands, and my soda on the white sleeves in front of me. I let out a muffled scream as I tried wiping whatever I poured on the shirt off and saying " I'm sorry " every second without looking up

" What on earth? " I heard the voice, belonging to the person I spilled my drink on. It was hoarse, deep and quite harsh. It sounded angry, yet at the same time calm. My heart raced.

" I'm... I'm s..sorry " The words stammered, I couldn't even think of something else to say or how to say it, I just continued wiping off the stain on the shirt with my hands

" I've heard that more than I can count. Take your hands off me "

He pushed my hands away and I looked up to face him, I gasped. His gaze was on mine and his eyelids didn't even bait. He had brown eyes that were a little deep, dark hair- which he had some covering his eyes a little bit. His lips were full and thick. He has a quirky look on his face, with his long pointy nose. My eyes scanned his face taking every minute to observe perfectly. I dropped my gaze to his shoulders and scanned them. The first two buttons of his sleeve were left undone showing the hairy part of his chest. I moved my gaze lower till I came in contact with his trousers, I could feel my eyes trying to undress him slowly. A voice- or his voice rather, jolted me back to reality as I pinched myself In a way only I could notice.

" First of, you spilled your drink on me, then you try wiping it off only making it worse, now you're making me talk to myself why you just stand there staring lustfully at me ? "

Did I just hear him correctly? Hell no!

" I wasn't staring lustfully at you. And besides I could hear you perfectly" Damn! I admit I was kind of a terrible liar

He chuckled slightly, but in a mocking manner to me " Really, and what exactly was the last thing I said to you?"

" I wasn't really paying attention to you on purpose" I tucked my hair behind my right ear.

Smirking, he adjusted his collar and put his hands round my waist drawing me close to him, We were so close I could feel his hot breath on my face, and his nose on mine.

" Do you find me Fancy, girlie? "

I gulped nervously. I was sure he could hear it. My heart was racing very fast. How could I be feeling this way and very close to a stranger I just met?

I snapped at him, pulling his hands away from my waist " Who the hell do you think you are and what do you think you're doing? "

" Well miss. You just managed to ruin my outfit and my night, hope you enjoy yours, you owe me when we meet again "

I watched him walk away into the crowd, Giving me a naughty glance. Such a freak he was. If it wasn't for my loopy ear pod I wouldn't have to be so embarrassed by a total stranger. Speaking of ear pods, I remembered the one on my right ear was gone, and so was the one I managed to find earlier. I grunted in frustration.

" I should have just stayed home. Can't believe going through all these stress for nothing" But what could I possibly do? I was in here already and the show was about to begin so I really had no other option that to stay.

Unable to find my lost pods, with my soda successfully emptied in a stranger's shirt, and my doughnuts pressed to the ground by a hundred foots. I walked in frustration to the seat I found earlier, but too bad it was already taken. Now I had to stand all through, was the night going to get better for me at all?.

The stage was ready. Almost everyone's attention was focused on it. Several students came on it to perform, and I really enjoyed their performance. I scanned around to see if I would find the guy from earlier, but I couldn't. Maybe he went back home to change his stained shirt- Why on earth are you thinking about him Janelle?

I must admit he did have an effect on me. A good one I think, and the chemistry I felt when he drew me close to him, I could feel my cheeks blushing. "Stay focused on the show J, and quit thinking about that hot looking stranger" I reminded myself.

" To make this Magical evening more magical, our next performer - C Black, is bringing his talent to the stage. Let's have him from the bottom of our hearts and a big round of applause" The MC announced and a loud applause followed. I clapped as well, and for the next few minutes I waited to see the artist who was been called on stage, but it took a few more minutes before he came on.

I gasped when I saw him. It was the guy from earlier- the one I spilled my soda on. He was still wearing the stained shirt. I had no idea he was one of the performers, or the "Popular C Black" I heard about in school. The one who Skyler talked about every now and then. I mean even the girls on campus, he was damn popular yet I never met him, not untill tonight. So he was the one who held me close and made me quiver beneath him. And to think he was also going to perform right here on front of me. I felt butterflies in my belly.

He walked to the stage smiling and took the mic from the MC, the crowd continued screaming and yelling his name. " C Black! C Black! " and I just stood there staring at him, my hands gradually stopping from the applause.

He held the mic closer to his mouth and started to speak " Hello everyone it's your favorite guy C Black !" A loud scream from the audience came on again , followed with the chanting of his name, I was getting fed up of hearing it anyways. I mean what kind of a name was C Black?

" I'm so sorry I came on quite late " He continued, after the voices died down a little " I got into a little mess earlier on, a quirky girl bumped into me and spilled her drink on me, if you look closer , you'll observe the stain right here " He pointed towards his chest down to his belly button. I heard a shout of disappointment from the crowd, and I rolled my eyes. How could he call me quirky?

" But it's fine. I'm here now and that's all that matters, are we ready for tonight?! "

The crowd roared in excitement. And I kind of joined them too. I was quite excited to watch him perform and see what he could do. He was grinning from ear to ear observing the environment around him, and that was when our eyes met. My heart raced, there was no way he was staring at me! I could feel my legs getting weak.....