
She's Beautiful, and Therefore to be Wooed

Durai knew that Althea must surely be incredibly anxious at being in the palace. He hadn't really prepared her for his intention of introducing her to the Queen. But he loved the innocent wonder in her eyes as she saw all the fineries in the palace halls leading to the throne room. And he relished leading her arm in arm protecting her, as it were. She was like an innocent bird plucked from a cage away from the sun, and he was the going to carry her in his gentle grasp to the light.

Althea was too entranced with the intricate sculptures, the beautiful smells through the hall, the moving paintings along the walls, and the immense grandeur of the palace to be self-conscious about her modest clothing and the dirt still left on her from the fields earlier that day. She didn't even have time to realize it was mid-day and she hadn't eaten a thing since before she went out to gather. Who could have time to focus on such trivial things? This was all more than she could have ever spun in her most reckless daydreams. Even if she were turned away this moment without ever meeting the Queen, this small moment within high-cultured artistry was enough to fuel her soul for a lifetime.

Through the slit in the doors to the throne room itself, Durai and Althea could hear the faint and muffled sounds of the Herald announcing them. As the doors opened, Durai led Althea up the carpeted walkway before the elevated throne not breaking her from his arm for an instant. Althea blushed, but she certainly wasn't complaining. Though the thought of showing a flushed face in front of the Queen…

"Your Majesty," Durai stated as he bowed his head slightly. Althea bowed much deeper but dared not speak unless spoken to. Durai may be a member of this court (this was quite clear now), but she was not. She decided to wait in silence and take in the scene completely.

"Durai, always so nice to see you. And you have brought someone with you." Althea was really quite surprised. The Queen's voice was not domineering or imposing. It was kindly and not what she imagined at all. It actually threw Althea off her concentration slightly. She looked up in her surprise to see her Ruler. The Queen was her age, maybe a little older, but couldn't be by much. She had the long, fair hair of royalty. No surprise. And her eyes were of course blue as her mother and father's were before her, or so she had been told. Althea read her aura and found it proud and yet innocent. She had a purity of heart, but there was strength also. This Queen ruled with compassion and empathy, not terror. She then smiled at Althea as one smiles to a friend. Althea was instantly at ease and smiled back feeling instantly like a village dolt.

"Your Majesty, this is Althea, a Healer from Base Village. My guard today was thrown from his horse and suffered injuries. I thought for sure he was going to die. This Healer saved him despite the severity. I believe she truly has a gift. I think her powers may be what we could be looking for." Durai beamed with pride, but it was not the pride of someone who was glad to take credit for finding a lost treasure. His pride was genuinely for Althea and this chance to be all her gifts would earn for her.

Althea didn't blush. In fact, she felt all the blood drain from her face, and she felt faint. Looking for? Was there another impossible feat for her to do? She was lucky the last time; what if she failed next? Just the thought of failing for this Queen made her want to shrink into nothing. She wasn't afraid of punishment or retribution. Healers were never blamed if a case was beyond their Magic, even by royalty and nobility. She was afraid to let her Queen down. She had been instantly endeared to this woman, and failing her might break her heart.

Mireya's eyes became truly alive and danced with innocent hope. She stood from her throne instantly and walked down to Althea. She looked Althea right in her eyes, and Althea could bring herself to look away. Were there tears? The Queen was clearly carrying a weighty burden, and even if she were to fail, Althea would give anything now to try and help her. Mireya then reached out her hands, and Durai released his escort of Althea. Mireya then took both of Althea's hands in hers. Althea should have been shocked, but she wasn't.

"Althea," Mireya said, "I do have a problem, and I know that asking any Healer to attempt to heal a case sure to fail is a terrible thing. Your compassionate hearts are often broken after connecting with someone's suffering and you cannot help; your kind's sense of duty is so great. But I am asking you to help me now."

Althea nodded her head as if to agree while not breaking her eye contact. She was intrigued as to what distress could be so great. What Mireya said was true, the connection the Healers make to those who are suffering is a well-known fact. This is why Healers were never blamed for cases they could not cure; people instead wept for them as they did their loved ones.

Mireya continued, "My brother is suffering. He doesn't complain much, but I see him day by day in silent pain. Some days are better than others, but other days his pain is so great he stays in his room in his bed. His eyes sometimes are dark with despair." Mireya faltered then realizing she had trailed off in a way. She reconnected respectful eye contact with Althea. "Many Healers have tried here in the castle and in Courtside. He has mostly given up hope and resolved to silent suffering. But if what Durai said is true, you could be the most powerful Healer we have. Please, would you at least try?"

Althea reassuringly squeezed Mireya's hands in a sympathetic way. She could see the Queen's suffering, and said with her voice full of compassion, "Your Majesty, I will do all I can. However long it takes."

Mireya was proud of this young woman. "You haven't even heard what is wrong with him, and you agreed without hesitation. I like you. I like you very much, Althea." Althea was stunned that the Queen remembered her name. She was often quite bad at forgetting names the first time she heard them. She was honored. "Durai, will you show her to the Healer's quarters?" Durai nodded without smiling seeming very proper, but he was so happy he barely kept back his smile and light in his eyes. Mireya turned to Althea, "We have had a room ready for a long time. We've been waiting for you, Althea."


Althea was concentrating very hard on each turn and corner of the palace she passed as she was being led to her room. The last thing she would like was to get lost. But it was no good; her mind kept drifting to what she may be asked to do, what could the Queen's brother being going through, what would she need to treat him.

Dammit! She didn't have anything! She barely had a day's supplies of herbs and salves in the pack still attached to her back, but that was emergency patchwork stuff, nothing like what she had in her hut to treat serious or long term conditions. And her things! Her treasures at home were left behind without a thought until now. Things that belonged to her mother and grandmother, the heirlooms of her people, all left behind. She suddenly felt cold and somewhat empty. She was very far away from the people she cared for all her life and the things that had defined her. But she would mourn later; still have to focus on her bearings here. She did give her word to stay, after all.

Durai finally stopped at a large door in the Eastern wing. "This is your room, Althea. I do hope you find it comfortable. It isn't anything like your hut, and I do know that it can take some getting used to. I've seen people come to Courtside from the smaller villages not adapt well to higher grade amenities. If you need a change in anything, the attendants are at your constant disposal." He seemed so kind to Althea, and she would have to find some way to adapt to his voice. If she were to constantly be put under a spell at the sound of it, she'd never get proper work done. Durai continued, "The Queen's personal attendants will come before long to take your measurements for a replacement wardrobe. If you have preferences, please let them know. We are in your debt, after all. And if you need anything else," he turned and pointed to the end of the hall directly opposite Althea's door, "that is my room. Please don't hesitate to let me help you."

Althea smiled what she hoped to God wasn't drunkenly. There was a long pause where nothing was said and the conversation seemed to be at an end, so Althea turned to the doors to explore her rooms.

"My Lady?"

Althea stopped dead in her tracks both frightened that she violated some noble taboo and seduced by the slight change in his tone. It almost seemed as he had stepped out of his nobility persona and was speaking to her outside of it. She turned to him hoping that she hadn't made a fool of herself. He seemed unsure at first and then put on some kind of contrived confidence. It was adorable.

"My Lady. I mean to court you." Oh that came out stupid, he thought. Althea was shocked and her face suddenly became completely on fire. "I mean, um, excuse me. That came out rather ridiculous. What I really mean to say is, I would like to court you…if you'll consent."

Althea was a bit too stunned to speak and was embarrassingly wondering if her fantasies she'd spun on the ride up the hill suddenly broke free from her mind and into life. Or had she fainted? Was she unconscious? Dammit!

Durai took her hand now, finally finding composure he wished he'd had at the beginning. "I know this might be somewhat sudden, but I have known Magic and beauty beyond those of normal men. I command wonders in this world and can bring forth enchantments beyond those of most Enchanters. But, Lady, never once have I been so entranced as I am in your presence. If you will permit me, I would love the chance to sweep you off your feet."

Don't pass out, don't pass out, don't pass out!

Althea knew her face was redder than it could possibly have ever been and felt warmer in places she never had before. And while the new sensation was frightening in its foreign nature, she liked it.

"You have my permission," Althea said barely able to suppress what was almost a giggle. Durai lifted the hand he was holding to his lips and kissed it. His lips felt like the magic of some ethereal butterfly or the faeries of ages past, and it was not enough for Durai. He lowered her hand and was forced to turn and leave to his room forgetting entirely to take leave of her. He knew if he stayed a moment longer, he would lose all control and devour her.

Althea stood in silence watching him walk down the long hall to the opposite door and forgot everything else in the world but this moment and these new sensations. She was enveloped by all the possibilities and every happy future meeting she dreamed she could have now. New fantasies washed over her like gusts of wind before a wild storm. She had never before lusted after a man.

And she wanted more.