
The Hated Son of The Renowned Family Returns

"I promise.....I'll come back!...I'll remember this! I HATE ALL OF YOU!" As his blood relatives stood before him with blades they struck him down with, he made a vow to come back for them. The Demon of Destruction who had been locked away for 9999 Years heard his cries of anguish and hate. He makes a contract with him and returns to the past. But this time it will be different.

Rulers_Authority · Fantasia
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Dining With The Maxwell's

He sat down, maids and butlers rushing over to him. Making sure everything is fine and to his liking.

Truly a despicable man.

My mother, Martha sat down near him and so did Autumn.

My siblings, just looked at me as they walked by.

My little brother, Malis just mockingly shook his head as he sat down in front of me.

My sister, who is the same age as me kind of did the same as she sat down next to me.

And finally, the person who we were having this dinner for, the oldest of my siblings, Fleur Maxwell.

She returned after leaving for 2 years.

After returning, she was already a 5th-realm magic swordsman.

She wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.

When I was only 6, she would often insult me about never being able to use magic well like the rest of the family.

Who talks to a 6-year-old like tha

Every one of them. Every. Last. One. They're all horrible, loathsome, contemptible people. I won't forgive a single one, they all have to die by my hands one way or another.

Only one seat remained vacant. But, that man won't be here, not now at least.

After we were all seated, the patriarch started to speak.

"Well, Fleur...I'm very proud of you. 5th realm at 18? How wonderful. I always knew you could do it."

I then felt his eyes on me, and then everyone else's eyes also looked at me.


His voice reverberated through my ears, I wanted to ignore him so badly, but I knew I couldn't.

I clenched my fist under the table and turned to look at him, trying to hide the hate in my eyes.


He sighed, "I assume there's been no progression with your magic."

I could hear the disdain in his voice, and see the pity in his eyes.

I lied, "Nope."

"Yeah. I already knew that."

Mirth sneered at the slight conversation between us.

"What a loser," He said quietly.

"Now, now...try not to bully your already...lesser, mediocre, cousin now Mirth. That's not the boy I raised you to be." His mother said, a hint of scorn-fullness in her voice ever-present.

She could see the rage building up inside of me with every word she and her son spoke.

I suppressed it, I just wanted to flip this damned table. But that would only make things worse for me.

They won't listen to reasoning or words, they will only listen to power. So I'll have to make sure to show them just that.

"Lance, It's sad that your magic still hasn't grown and developed these past two years. How sad...." Fleur's tone was purely sarcastic.

I could see Mirth, Malis, Solas, and Augustus holding in their laughs.

Solas burst out with an obnoxious giggle.

Anger, Anger, Anger.

That's all I could feel.

How dare they.

I just wanted to tear each of their heads off.

This immense bloodlust was swirling inside of me.

It wanted so badly to be released.

I'm weak.

I know I am.

That's why....I'll get stronger.

I finally speak up, "I'm heading back to my room."

My father stopped me, he was using mana glare on me.

But it wasn't anything like Augustus. 

His man was much more fierce and strong, so it made it much harder to try to defy him.

My breath was growing haste, my legs buckling, and my throat tightening up on me.

'I...dammit...what does he want now?'

"Lance, you will not just leave in the middle of your sister's dinner. Show some respect."

'Fuck you!' (This is what I wanted to say.)

I gulp and clear my throat, "I...I'm not feeling well is all, f-father."

I didn't even want that word to slip from my lips.


That man was no father.

He was nothing to me.

And I was nothing to him.

Just a son he never wished he had.

I bet he asks why I was born before my talented little brother Malis first, why couldn't I be the youngest? Why was I the middle child?

I truly, truly, despised him with all of my being.

And to call a man like that father, really got on my nerves.

".....Just go. Your presence was ruining this dinner anyway."


My jaw tightened, my fist clenched and my nails dug into my skin, I bit my lip so hard just to hold in the words I wanted to say to him. I had no choice, I had to let it go. It irked me so badly, I was so angry I couldn't get any angrier.

"I understand..."

My voice was full of malice and hate, I wanted nothing more than to just slice his head from his body.

I stepped out of the room, and I could hear a sigh of relief in their voices.

"Finally, that trash is gone. I was wondering when he'd get up and leave," Martha said.

Autumn added, "For sure, he must know by now. How nobody likes him or respects him."

My mother, how could she...

They talked badly about me.

It was clear they didn't like a single thing about me.

All this toward an 8-year-old kid.

How did I deal with this back then?

These people are evil.

I slammed my room door shut.

I threw the formal clothing of mine off.

I sat on my bed.


He had been quiet during that most of the time.

"I'm going to gather some mana a bit. And tomorrow I'll go work with the sword."

"Alright, I'm always here for you kid."

I sat in the gathering position and quickly started using the core method.

I found myself in a dark place.

Under me was a pool, yet I was walking on it.

I could put my hand in it, the pool was very shallow.

This was my mana.

With such a small mana pool and even unable to be trained, the old me truly couldn't do a thing.

Mana is the essence of life.

It lives in all living things and floods the air.

Yet, we take it for granted.

But, I'm sorry.

Because I too will use this mana for something sinful.

I will use this very mana to kill those people.

I am a hypocrite.

But, that is probably what I'm meant to be.

I saw myself back in my room, I had stopped gathering mana.

It felt like time was nonexistent in the mana pool.

But nearly half a day had passed while gathering.

"Yves, let's head somewhere where nobody will see us."

I grab a few wooden swords just in case.

And even went back to sneak a dummy away.

I was in the shed of our house.

Nobody went in there.

It was dingy and old.

This was where I was sent to live after my family didn't even want me in the house.

It isn't so small.

Probably 15x15 shed room.

I'll make good use of this place.