

In shadows cast by towers tall,

A tale unfolds, a societal sprawl.

A divided realm, both stark and vast,

Where wealth and power hold steadfast.

The opulent thrive in gilded embrace,

While the weak and poor find little solace.

A chasm deep, between privilege and need,

In this fractured land, our souls do bleed.

Yet in our hearts, a flicker remains,

A longing for unity that never wanes.

For a society divided, can still find grace,

When compassion's light shines on each face.

## Detailed Explanation:

The poem describes a society that is divided between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak. It highlights the contrast between the opulent lifestyles of the wealthy and the struggles faced by the less privileged. The poem suggests that despite this division, there is a yearning for unity and compassion in the hearts of people.

The simpler explanation of the poem is that it talks about a society where some people have a lot of money and power, while others have very little. It shows how this division creates a gap between the rich and the poor, and emphasizes the importance of compassion and unity to bridge this gap.

## Line by Line explanation:

"In the dark areas created by tall buildings,"

This line talks about the shadows that are formed by tall buildings blocking the sunlight.

"A story is unfolding, a spread-out community."

This line means that there is a story or narrative that is developing in a community that is expanding or growing.

"A society that is split, both harsh and extensive."

This line refers to a society that is divided into different parts, and highlights that this division is severe and covers a large area.

"Where some have a lot, others have very little."

This line states that in this society, some people possess a significant amount of wealth and resources, while others have very few.

"The wealthy thrive in luxury's embrace,"

This line expresses that the rich and privileged individuals in society are thriving and enjoying luxurious lifestyles.

"While the weak and poor find little solace."

This line highlights the struggles faced by the disadvantaged and impoverished members of society, who find little comfort or relief.

"A deep gap exists between privilege and need,"

This line refers to the wide division that exists between those who have special advantages or rights and those who lack basic necessities.

"In this broken society, our souls suffer."

This line suggests that within this fractured society, individuals experience pain and hardship.

"Yet a glimmer of hope remains in our hearts."

This line conveys that despite the challenges, there is still a small spark of optimism and hope within people's hearts.

"A longing for unity, compassion's embrace."

This line expresses a strong desire for people to come together and show compassion towards one another.

So, the poem overall describes a society divided between the rich and the poor, where the wealthy enjoy opulence while the weak struggle. It emphasizes the need for unity and compassion to bridge this divide and bring about positive change.

## Literary Devices and Rhyming Scheme:

1.Metaphor: The shadows cast by "towers tall" represent the presence and influence of the wealthy and powerful.

2. Personification: Society is personified as having sprawl and a tale that unfolds, giving it human-like qualities.

3. Contrast: The stark contrast between the privileged and the disadvantaged is highlighted throughout the poem.

4. Rhyme: The poem follows an ABABCDCD rhyming scheme, where the end words of the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme, and the end words of the third, fourth, seventh, and eighth lines rhyme.

Figure of speech:

1. Metaphor: The "chasm deep" represents the wide gap or division between the rich and the poor.

The poem aims to convey a message about the societal divide and the need for compassion and unity in a concise and rhythmic manner.