


Senior year is in full effect


We returned to school and a new semester after the holidays. I grabbed my books out of my locker.

/"Can you believe in five months we’ll be graduating?/" Gia asked me.

/"Then we have college./"

/"You’re killing me./"

I chuckled. We headed to class and noticed Oliver leaning against his locker, flipping through a textbook.

/"Shouldn’t you study at home?/" Gia asked.

/"I enjoy learning,/" Oliver said.

/"Who the hell enjoys having their nose in a book?/" Kayden asked, walking up with Jayden.

/"A person with brains, which you lack,/" Oliver said.

/"I have a brain, but I prefer other interests./" Kayden checked out a girl who walked by us. /"Later, haters./"

/"Excuse me. I need to keep my dumbass twin from knocking up a poor, unsuspecting girl./" Jayden pivoted on his heels and ran after Kayden.

/"My cousins prove my point,/" Oliver said.