
The Harem Seeking System

Valtz had a sudden death after his apartment was caught in a huge fire. Fortunately, he got reincarnated into a body of a prince that was an otaku who died at the same moment. Just a Valtz thought his life will be better than before, he found out that there were more things he has to know about this world. To be precise, the new world he was in was more complicated. It turned out he got reincarnated into a world filled with mystery. Kingdom, Futuristic technologies, Sword and Magic, Heroes, Villains, eventually, everything was almost different from the world where he came from. But he doesn't have to worry too much; the golden finger is here... to his rescue.

JS10 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Caught Red Handed

Outside the Room* 

After the two of them left, Jasmine halted her pace five meters away from the door. Diana stopped as well when she felt that the Princess, with her, halted. 

"What's the matter, Princess?!" Diana asked, startled. 

"I think you have to go first. I'll be with you after a while, I'll just check something," Jasmine said, hiding her intention behind her smile. 

However, even without her stating her actual intention, Diana already had an idea in her mind. 

"Princess, don't you feel bored trying to win the prince for a long time already, but to no avail?!" Diana shook her head. "And just look at him now. He wasn't the prince that you longed for anymore. He had changed into a useless person. He wasn't even half of what we knew him to be!" she added. 

Hearing this, Jasmine hid her red pupils behind her eyelids and gritted her teeth. 

She abruptly opened her eyes, and a red light flashed on her pupils as a red aura exploded from her. 

The furious aura shortly engulfed the entire room that even the guards standing beside the door shivered. 

"Diana, you are my friend and sister. I let your rude attitude to my friends and everyone around me, but, this?... I won't let you just slander my fiance every time you see him! This time, I will let this slide, but I won't tolerate it next time!" 

Her eyes were fierce, looking directly at Diana's eyes. 

Her voice wasn't different from her normal sweet voice, however, with the surrounding aura, no one can say that the Jasmine before and this Jasmine now were the same person. Someone can easily misunderstand them as two different people if an individual doesn't know her well. 

Diana tried to maintain her posture even under the pressure. Unfortunately, the suppression was so strong that she eventually gave up. She lowered her head and moist appeared in her eyes. 

This was the first time she saw Jasmine angered, not to mention she was the one who angered her. 

Just this was enough to make her emotional, but what made her heart feel heavier was, the gaze of Jasmine was like the gaze of an empress. She was looking at her, but Diana felt like Jasmine can't see her physical body, but directly penetrated her soul. At this moment, she felt like she was in the middle of the darkness; she has highlighted while naked, and millions of eyes were coldly looking at her.  

"I~I'm sorry...! I won't do it again!" 

She said, crying inwardly, regretting what she said before. If only she listened to her to not slander the Prince when they were still in the room, maybe this won't have to happen. 

Just as she thought this was going to continue, the fierce aura suddenly disappeared, and the room returned to normal. 

Although the time was brief, Diana felt like it was eternity that passed. She eventually lost her strength and fell to my ground. Breathing heavily. 

"Well, you said so. You can go first. I'll be with you after a while" 

Jasmine, surprisingly, came back to normal, as if nothing had happened. She said these words, then turned back. She walked towards the door and just stood there. Waiting for the right time. 

The two guards didn't dare to look at Jasmine. They couldn't even get the courage to move their muscle, they just let her do what she wanted to and stood on their spot. 

' We are not even qualified soldiers and were just hired to act like a guard for the prince. Who would have thought we would encounter something like this?!' 

They both doubted if they wanted to continue this work. 


Seeing these guards acting like statues, even what she had done, a hatred towards the palace built within Jasmine's heart. 

Her prince was being treated this badly and she can't accept this. 

However, she won't do anything at these two. She didn't bother to give attention to them. If she will act, she'll destroy the palace, not these useless guards.  

She shook her head and sealed all her hatred; she smiled and acted normal again. 

'Time to talk with my fiance' 

She calmly waited outside, dreaming of what she was going to do when the prince accepted her proposal to be her fiance. 

She waited for twenty minutes before she slowly stretched her hand; minimizing the noise, she unlocked the door nub and opened the door. 

There, she saw Winston, searching for something under the table. 

However, she didn't bother to guess what he was searching for. Her heart throbbed seeing Winston awake. She lost all her senses, and it was all passed to her, unending love. A lovely smile broke on her lip as she bowed and said. 

"Prince Winston, as I thought, you're not really asleep!" 

. . . 

"Prince Winston, as I thought, you're not really asleep!" 

My eyes turned big as my hand halted halfway through the compartment lock. 

I instinctively laid my head on the table and acted asleep again. 

Although I tried to control my body, the sudden voice freaked the shit out of me. It made my legs shudder and my back sweat. 

'I should have acted more carefully!' 

[I told you, you are an idiot!] 

The system's ridicule. Hearing this, I felt as if another layer of swords stabbed my heart. It almost made me spit blood. 

'Look, system, who would have thought that she's persistent enough to wait that long before entering the room?!' 

I said, explaining myself to the system. 

[Hmm. As you said] 

Unfortunately, what I received was a disgusted reply from it before it disappeared.

I gritted my teeth, making a silent gnashing sound. 

'well, just leave me alone, sucker!'

Fortunately, this system has no physical body, or else it will be in huge trouble with its sharp tongue. 

. . . 


A cute chuckle echoed, and the sound of footsteps I was familiar with slowly came nearby. 

"My prince, your acting skill is as always. It's bad. Why not try to talk to me? Why do you have to act with your awkward skill? Haha!" 

She said, trying to mock me in a tone that it was impossible for me to feel unhappy.

'Forget it, it really is impossible to hide that I am now awake!' 

I shook my head inwardly; I rolled my eyes to mock myself. (2)