
The Harbinger of Nothingness ( New version coming in the future)

Devas, superior beings who wielded Dharmas that gave them access to a myriad of superabilities. The six paragons had finally made their appearances again, and the millions of years of peace that the five multiverses enjoyed were drifting to an end, chaos shall reign and reality would shatter for what was brewing in its cauldron. Zeralf, a clueless kid who had everything going well for him suddenly found his life upturning when he witnessed his whole clan being massacred by his biological father on a dreadful night. Fueled by vengeance, he vowed to become the strongest Deva in existence, strong enough to kill his father, however, would he be able to complete his revenge when the mysterious organization in the shadow threatened to bring doomsday to the giant Omniverse? Who are the six paragons, and what heavenly power hid inside Zeralf? --- Check out my new book, ascension of the strongest warlock.

MKmanyr · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Training Session


Zeralf and Genzo were currently sitting in one of the rooms inside a space ship. Genzo was the one doing the talking and Zeralf was silently listening.

The spaceship was on autopilot, and they were sitting inside one of the habitable rooms present in the ginormous ship. The walls were grey, exuding dim metallic luster that were cold to touch, in the left corner was a black sleigh bed with white bed spread and some meters above the bed was a transparent glass window that showed the dark starry space.

There wasn't too much decoration going on, Zeralf was sitting on the bed and facing him was Genzo, who was sitting on a silver armchair which stood few meters away from the bed.

Zeralf's white haired was styled in a scruffy shoulder length fashion with some hair strands covering his forehead which blended with his pale skin and some fell on his upper chest.

His eyes were now extremely sharp and they exuded bone chilling coldness and his dark grey eyebrow angled like a saber. His whole expression had indifference radiating from them together with his cold eyes.

He was wearing a black fitted pant, a black boot, a red T-shirt and a short black cloak, his appearance was giving that edgy fashion statement. Genzo on the other hand still had his usual robe on and nothing seemed to have changed with him.

'' Now you will enter this solar system to capture two marble rank Devas. '' Genzo muttered sternly. '' Remember they must be captured alive in order for you to pass this test. ''

'' Um. '' Zeralf muttered without showing any change in expression when he heard that he would be facing marble rank devas.

'' This will conclude our lomg session training. '' Genzo reminded.

Over the years, they had been entering and leaving one galaxy to the other and sometimes they enter some planets when Zeralf's training required it.

He had undergone many refinement under the guidance of Genzo and he had already succeeded in many missions like assassination, wars, reconnaissance and many more and there was frequent sparring with Genzo too.

When the space ship landed on this pllanet, the first thing Zeralf noticed was that it was a fourth class planet, there was no fancy vehicles or fancy clothings and only wild animals pulled wagons, people were dressed in ordinary clothings and the major occupation on this planet was farming and hunting, these people seldom saw Devas and even Quartz rank Devas were like legends who were told in myths and that was why EDF agents were so respected here.

Another thing that Zeralf found to be different from Planet Majhr was the astronomical bodies. A giant white sun shone brightly in the hazel sky and a black moon stood beside it which gave the sky a bizarre feeling.

Zeralf had been given the location of these two Devas who seemed to be part of the groups that attacked him years ago and he was now making a go for them with some anticipation.

Fortunately for him, he had been dropped in a region close to where his targets were since they could not directly drop him in the same region as theirs as that would gather attention. He entered a wagon pulled by two wild horses and paid five Ezarr for the trip. The owner of the wagon, a man in his sixties gladly accepted the money and drove skillfully and Zeralf was surprised to find the wagon not to be too uncomfortable despite galloping on a rough terrain.

A day later, Zeralf found the wagon to stop which made him furrow his eyebrows. From what he was told, it was a two days journey so why is the wagon suddenly stopping, it was not long before he got an answer though.

'' Drop your valuables and scram away. ''. A hoarse voice sounded from outside the wagon.

Zeralf peeped and saw them, a group of bandits had ambushed them and the owner of the wagon surprisingly seemed to be one of them, one could see him making an evil grin while glancing at Zeralf's position with greed.

'' Humans are cunning creatures blinded by greed, being kind to them does not mean that they will do the same to you. '' Zeralf spat and closed the window.

'' Hey brat, drop all your valuables and scra....'' The one who appeared to be the leader suddenly stopped his bullshit talks.

His left and right arm without warning, flew in the air and blood sprayed like a water fountain.

'' Argghh '' The man who also appeared to be in his sixties screamed in deep agony as he watched his limbs flew in air with horror and palpitation.

None of them saw what happened, it was only the cry of their leader that alarmed then.

'' Argghh ''

'' Argghh''

Screams followed and the other members lost a hand and a leg each, they were all filled with terror of the unknown and it soon dawned on them that they greatly messed up with the wrong person. The owner of the wagon was still intact and he was visibly shaking and sweating, he did not know the fate that awaited him but what he was seeing right now was not just scary, it was terrifying.

'' Fuck this old idiot, he made us ambush a Deva, if you're tired of living why drag me along. '' The leader cursed and gritted his teeth in pain, his face was losing colour quickly due to bleeding.

'' Let's go. '' Zeralf appeared before the man and his shuddering increased, he now appeared sick and feverish and his mental state was in chaos.

The trip after that was uneventful and after a day and some hours, they reached Zeralf's destination. Zeralf left the wagon silently and the owner was heaving a sigh of relief when his two legs was suddenly lacerated.

'' Argghh'' The man cried in anguish and fell from the wagon, the horses were scared and they reached for escape amidst another commotion.

Zeralf was less concerned about what happened ro the man, he was just some random nobody who showed up in his life , he had something more important to do.

It was not long before he found the location of his targets. They were in their usual black robes with hood that covered their faces and apart from the two marble rank Devas, their were six Quartz rank targetimg a girl in her mid teens just like him.

Even Zeralf was surprised because when they targeted him and Endra then they only came with two Devas at the marble rank and four at the Quartz rank, but now one person actually received so much attention.

'' Face those six, I'll be taking these two. '' Zeralf appeared in the middle of the tensed atmosphere which was the prelude before the fight and he startled everyone but the assailants had a relieved look when they saw that it was just some random mid teens who had probably gotten mesmerized by the girl's beauty and foolishly tried to be the hero that saved the day.

'' And who in hell are you to order the esteemed me around. '' The girl voiced in annoyance but her beautiful voice sounded otherwise.

'' Eh. '' Zeralf was quite taken aback. '' Does everyone now talk like my weirdo big bro? '' He had no time to ponder though, one of the marble rank Devas attacked with an ethereal fire tiger.

'' How dare you ignore us you arrogant brats. '' The voice of a frustrated man sounded under the hood.

It was summer on this planet and this forested region was dried up and it was easy to start a wild fire if Dharma were used without care.

As though it was planned, the ethereal fire tiger headed for his position. The devas could not sense any Ki wave from him since he had yet to awaken so they were under the impression that he was just one of those rich brats who tried to play the hero to win a lady's heart. If only they knew he was here for them and he still had a deep grudge for these people.

He almost died to one of their members hand but this time around, he was here to do some little payback even though he was told to capture them, he would surely ruined them.

His Zajra appeared in his hands which released its ominous aura as usual and he casually slashed upward, the scythe head met the ethereal fire tiger and the latter split in two like a tofu.

Everyone present in this scene suddenly paused, it was as if the whole concept of ranks and power that they had based their thoughts on had just been proven to be wrong. A casual strike from a mortal split an attack from a marble rank, even though it was just a casual attack, wasn't that too relaxing? Since when did Ezgard had crazed mortal like this? The assailants and the girl all turned their gaze on Zeralf with interest.


'' Capturing an enemy alive is way difficult than killing one. '' Genzo mused from outside the planet, he was using his perception to observe what was going on in this planet while lazily sitting in the spaceship together with the pilot who was in the cockpit.

'' Five years ago you were almost killed by two Devas at the marble rank, and now you're facing two marble rank devas again, let's see how much you've improved kid. '' Genzo pondered while trickling his sword.

'' His ruthlessness and apathy are still there though, letting those rats bleed to death instead of giving them a quick one. '' Genzo shook his head in amusement.

'' I hope he gets along with her eh. '' Genzo arched his upper lip. '' Those three will be one of the fiercest of this generation, both in Ezgard and outside it, we must groom them to our maximum effort, who knows they might even surpass the four hermits. ''