
The Harbinger of Nothingness ( New version coming in the future)

Devas, superior beings who wielded Dharmas that gave them access to a myriad of superabilities. The six paragons had finally made their appearances again, and the millions of years of peace that the five multiverses enjoyed were drifting to an end, chaos shall reign and reality would shatter for what was brewing in its cauldron. Zeralf, a clueless kid who had everything going well for him suddenly found his life upturning when he witnessed his whole clan being massacred by his biological father on a dreadful night. Fueled by vengeance, he vowed to become the strongest Deva in existence, strong enough to kill his father, however, would he be able to complete his revenge when the mysterious organization in the shadow threatened to bring doomsday to the giant Omniverse? Who are the six paragons, and what heavenly power hid inside Zeralf? --- Check out my new book, ascension of the strongest warlock.

MKmanyr · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs


In an unknown planet on a distant galaxy in the Central Cluster, a figure in black robe with hood that covered his face was deathly glaring at his two subordinates. They were also dressed in similar fashion except for the thin walking stick that their leader held to support himself even while seating.

The two lackeys were on their kneel facing their leader's wrath first hand and their body shuddered as they felt the murderous aura he released.

The dark but very spacious room gave an eerie feeling together with the dark seat at the middle of the room which stood close to the dark wall adjacent to the entrance, and on it, sat the leader in hood

The two lackeys were kneeling before him and from the Ki wave that they subconsciously released out of fright, it was nothing short of the Mythril rank, yet, here they are cowering in fear.

'' Lola was a diligent kid even though her talent was useless. '' The figure sitting lazily on the dark seat muttered with no traces of sadness or any emotion.

'' Now I'm interested in those two mortals. '' He gave out a low grim laughter which sent chills to the two lackeys who were still in kneeling position.

'' That...'' One of them answered in a hoarse masculine voice filled with dread for what was about to happen.

'' Um?'' Their leader frowned under his hood and tapped the thin walking stick on the smooth stony black floor. It made an echo around the wide but bland room and that jolted the two kneeling figures in apprehension.

'' That bastard Genzo released his aura which eradicated all artifacts that could pinpoint their identity. It was the fault of that bastard, Lola would have succeeded in that mission and we would have gained more special mortals by now. '' The other figure with his unstable voice managed to say everything in one breath gnashing his teeth in anger and despair while putting the whole blame on Genzo.

'' Um. '' Their leader nodded in understanding and the two lackeys exhaled the dry air of anxiety that they had been holding. It seemed they would escape their leader's wrath but it happened that they relaxed too soon.

They simply began to disintegrate as shadows reached them and they cried in agony and despair.

'' My Lord please show mercy. '' They yelled and rolled on the floor.

One of them crawled towards the dark seat in front of him with look of despair with his legs gone and pleaded with sobs and groan mixed with his plea which made everything come out as gibberish.

'' My Lord please show mercy, give me one more chance my Lord, I've served you for more than a millennia my Lord, my family...arghh...my ..'' The man screamed when the shadows reached his torso and he failed to continue with his plea. He had been murdered by the man who he served wholly for more than a thousand years.

'' I don't need useless people, I want capable people, strength and loyalty is what I need not just the latter you bastards. '' He muttered silently as he watched the smithereens that his two lackeys turned to with no care.

'' Genzo...'' He clenched his hand around his walking stick. '' You can't hide them forever hehe...'' He giggled and rested his head on his free left hand.

'' Just you wait. ''


On a beautiful clear river on Planet Mia, Xena and small Zeralf were sitting on a wooden boat fishing merrily in the serene environment.

Zeralf's golden iris and crystal clear eyeball sparkled with purity and unbound kindness as he watched his mother bait the fish effortlessly with look of reverence and admiration.

'' Momma, I do not want to eat them. '' Zeralf complain with a slight melancholic look.

'' Oh? '' Xena turned and smiled widely while raising her eyebrows questioningly.

'' They are Innocents. '' Zeralf paused and looked at his mother again with his own innocent eyes. '' I don't want them to die momma, I want to play with them. ''

'' Ah my prince is such a smart kid hehe. '' Xena had a peaceful look as she tickled her sons forehead with affection while looking at the distant horizon.

'' Softheartedness and kindness huh? '' She pondered.

'' You will make a great leader one day my prince. ''

'' Really momma? '' Zeralf muttered excitedly. '' I want to be like you one day momma. '' His eyes shone in euphoria.

The scene suddenly changed to that of gruesome bloodshed and Zeralf woke up from his sleep in deep fright, sweat trickling down his whole uncovered torso and he panted in and out with a tired and fearful look.

He gritted his teeth till they almost shattered.

'' Bastard!! '' He cursed before getting over his emotions some minutes later.

He rose from the bed and took a short showier before changing to a black pant and grey t-shirt. After taking his breakfast, he headed for the training ground and there he saw Genzo standing at one corner watching Endra spar with the bots with no one knowing what he was thinking.

It had been two weeks since the incident with the unknown assailants and Zeralf had woken up after a week treatment from the young mysterious alchemist but he had been warned not to use his KI for three weeks as his Ki pathways are still under healing process so he had stopped training since then.

The young mysterious alchemist had left after saying this, also, the captain of Planet Majhr had already left since the day of the incident leaving only Zeralf, Genzo and Endra in the castle.

'' I am still wondering what he is doing here. '' Zeralf thought in annoyance as he watched Endra's excited figure.

'' He told me everything about how you met. '' Genzo muttered without turning to face Zeralf who was right behind him.

Zeralf didn't talk neither, he waited for Genzo to continue which he did.

'' I must say your first near death experience was comical eh. '' Genzo chuckled. '' Killing a Deva but almost dying to a park of vermins. ''

'' That idiot sure talks a lot. '' Zeralf glanced at Endra's direction in displeasure.

'' And I heard you are trying to coat yourself with Ki...'' Genzo paused again before continuing his one way monologue. '' Don't waste your time on that, your Ki pathways are yet to develop to endure the strain, I must say nice initiative though. ''

'' And during that attack. '' Genzo finally turned to face him. '' I agree that your chance was narrow, but you really overestimated yourself. '' Genzo gazed sternly.

'' You should have cooperated with that brat over there and use your strongest attacks to break the barrier and run instead of fighting a losing battle. ''

'' But no, you decided to fight because you thought you can manage with how powerful you are compared to Quartz rank even as a mortal right? ''

Zeralf gnashed his teeth when he heard this, not because he was angry at Genzo but because of how true his words were. If he had attacked the barrier with all he had immediately, he wouldn't have ruined his Ki pathways and he would have been able to make a run and the EDF agents would have been able to sense the disturbance in Ki.

'' A warrior who can not gauge his power relative to his enemies is a failed warrior. ''

Zeralf's body was shaking at this point as he lost control of his emotions.

Weak! He was still too weak.

''You should start preparing to leave for the EDF entrance exam to join the EDF institute. '' Genzo cut in his train of thoughts.

'' What we still have...'' Zeralf was interrupted halfway by Genzo

' Five years, yes I know, but in those years, you will be training and travelling to garner experience both in combat and knowledge. '' Genzo looked at him to study his expression but it still showed self blame and hurt, which he didn't bother about. It was his responsibility to learn from his mistakes.

'' Even if you have a lot of potential, I can not watch you get drunk by power. '' Genzo thought to himself.

'' As for you. '' Genzo turned and faced Endra's direction who was currently being pulled by a metallic chain toward Genzo. '' Will you accompany us to where you will be taking your exam? ''

Endra as usual had his torso uncovered and his chest rose and fell as he tried to catch his breath while wiping off the sweat on his face. He wore a black blue short and dark brown short boot and his eyes rolled in deep thought.

'' No. '' He shook his head. '' I'll follow the general screening. ''

'' Okay. '' Genzo nodded without feeling suspicious or anything which was unusual after all who wouldn't grabbed unto a free lunch.

'' Since you're not attending any elementary school for mortals, you can take lessons here while we are gone. Adjustment will be made on your previous deal. ''

'' Really! '' Endra's eyes shone greedily and excitedly.

'' Why is he suddenly becoming nice toward someone he doesn't know? '' Zeralf wondered in confusion.

He knew Genzo as someone arrogant and cold who didn't give a damn about people so what was with this niceness all of a sudden?

'' Thank you Young lord Genzo. '' Endra made a slight bow.

'' Hmph! This Throne doesn't need your fake bow. '' Genzo shooed him away.

'' More like the person I know. '' Zeralf nodded inwardly.

'' Prepare for the journey kid, it's time for this Throne to smelt some bones. ''

Zeralf shivered when he heard this but braced up for the inevitable. Power, he needs power and he would go any length to obtain it.