
Chapter 32 - Unexpected

Rina took more time than he expected to wake up. By the time she was showing signs of leaving her slumber, he heard the sound of Yuria arriving with her purchases.

It was already close to 12:00 AM, the time she said she would come home.

Takashi knew that he couldn't stay in the room for long. Yuria would now that both he and Rina were at home, since their shoes were at the entrance.

As Rina was waking up, she looked at Takashi wondering for a second why he was in her room, but then the events before fainting came back to her mind. She looked downwards, seeing clearly how she was dressed in front of Takashi, with her breasts exposed and pussy in view.

She was about to scream in embarrassment on the realization, when in a moment notice Takashi covered her mouth and made a signal for her to stay quiet.

She tried to free herself from him, but his next words made her quiet.

"Stay quiet for a second. Mom just arrived."

Her widened in surprise, but after a second she nodded her head to him.

Takashi wasn't ready for Yuria to learn about the change in the relationship he had with his sisters. She still saw him as nothing more than her son, and he needed to change that view of her. But first, he needed to make things clear with Rina about how their relationship would work from now on, and they didn't have enough time now.

Rina also didn't wanted for her mother to learn about what happened between her and Takashi. She didn't regretted. She often had fantasized about being together with him, and the reality had being much more intense than she could have expected, but in a good way.

When he was certain that Rina calmed down enough to don't make ruckus, causing Yuria to come at them from wherever she was, he removed his hand from her mouth.

She still tried to cover herself out of embarrassment, one arm around her breasts covering her nipples and then other went between her legs, trying to obstruct the view of her pussy.

'Honestly, right now this seen kind of pointless'

Keeping that thought in his head, Takashi spoke what he actually wanted to say.

"I'll go first and help mom with the groceries. Wait a few minutes and then came to check on her. If you want to talk about this, then come to my room tonight. Don't worry, we will just talk"

Takashi gave Rina a few instructions on how to act so as to not raise too much suspicion on them. When he offered for her to come to his room she looked at him suspiciously he tried to reassure her, but that look didn't disappear.

'Well, can't really blame her for the reaction'

Knowing very well that he earned that look, Takashi went downstairs to help Yuria.

"Ah Takashi, you're back already?"

"Yeah, I didn't need much, so I got back a few minutes ago"

"I'm glad to hear it. Could you help me for a bit? There are a few things in the car that are a little difficult for me to carry"

"No problem"

After that Takashi helped her to carry the baggage's back home and to storage the purchases. Not much after, Anna arrived back from her study group and Rina came from her room right afterwords.

When everyone was reunited we sat at the table and ate our lunch, which were the leftovers of the week. During the entire time Rina was sneaking glances at Takashi, causing Yuria to look at her curiously and Anna at Takashi questioningly. When neither Yuria and Rina were looking at him, Takashi gave Anna a small nod, signalizing that he had sex with Rina, causing Anna to roll her eyes at him.

'Well, it's not I can expect her to celebrate when I sleep with someone else'

After lunch each of them went to do their own things, Yuria cleaning the house, Anna to study, Rina to watch TV and Takashi went back to his room.

There were still things he needed to do. With the help of the skill [Network Connection] he was easily able to infiltrate inside of the servers of the company belonging to the man that was causing Yurika trouble, but it wasn't like he could do everything in only one day.

The amount of time necessary to pass by the defenses of their servers wasn't small, and after that he still had a monumental task ahead of him. A company as big as that would inevitably have a great amount of documents, reports, archives and others that would take a long time to analyze, much more than the daily 30 minutes of use of the skill [Network Connection]. There was also the fact that he had just gained the skill, and as a result didn't had enough experience on how to use it.

He was able to get around the defenses of the servers and have a superficial look over the archives, but ultimately it was impossible to finish his task in such a small period of time. He end up ending many of the files he thought might have what he was looking for to a cloud so that he could look over them more carefully at his personal computer.

He spend the rest of the afternoon looking meticulously over the documents he was able to get from that company, trying to find anything that might be useful to him. He had fund many promising evidence of ilegal activity but, if he wanted to cause trouble to the CEO, he needed more than now, so at the end he decided to look more carefully on to the files remaining in the company on the next day.

At the end of the day, after having already ate dinner, Takashi was waiting to see if Rina would come but it looked like she might not be ready yet for them to discuss what had happened.

Just as he would start to prepare himself to sleep...


...he heard someone knocking at the door.


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