
The Guardian

Neptunia Black was weird. Weirdly smart, strangely emphatic, abnormally selfless, oddly determined and supernaturally...magical? This is her story as she discovers new worlds and protects the ones she cares for along the way. Will she go above and beyond and protect everyone? Will she become a guardian? Will she be a part of the Celestial Council and become THE guardian? More importantly, will she ever be enough?

0Writing_Reader0 · Livros e literatura
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23 Chs

The Flying Ford

On the day itself, Neptunia was ecstatic. FINALLY, the day had come! Although Neptunia had plans. No one had introduced her or Harry to the Wizarding world. Harry and honestly? Draco too had gotten into House prejudice. Maybe, she should visit the first years. In the train? That'll take too long and besides, they might not like a second-year barging in. Goodness knows that Ron didn't.

Maybe before the sorting? Yeah. That'd be nice. She'd tell em to come to her for trouble too, that'd be good. Neptunia arrived at 10:30, she stood at the gate and looked around. She could spy a few students that looked confused. She smiled and tugged her bag higher. She walked over. And so it started, Neptunia thought. Soon, she was helping students through the barrier and telling them to not worry about it.

At a quarter to eleven, she saw the Weasley Family coming. Ginny would be starting this year, wouldn't she? She wondered when Harry would- What was Harry doing with the Weasleys? What? How? Th-that..uh, what? Neptunia's mind stuttered.

Didn't they...did they think of her? I mean, they knew...didn't they? She lived in an orphanage. She told Harry and Ron and Hermione and... Why did they forget her? Did they not want to be friends anymore? Neptunia shook her head to get rid of the thoughts and waved to them. Harry saw her first and waved back before nudging Ron who hadn't seen her yet who then also waved. No, a small summer can't change their friendship. She walked over to them, holding her bag tight. She greeted Mr and Mrs Weasley before turning to Ron and Harry.

"Hey...hey guys."

Ron smiled big and wide, "HI! What happened?! We didn't get any replies from you!"

Neptunia let out a strained smile, "I didn't get any letters."

Harry looked contemplative, "I think I know why, I'll tell you on the train okay?"

Neptunia smiled and turned to go through the barrier. After she walked through, she felt the last of her stress bleed away. She was almost home. She couldn't wait. She claimed the train to search for Hermione, whom she found sitting with Ginny. The three of them sat waiting for Ron and Harry.

Soon enough, the train started moving. The three of them chatted about Hogwarts and reassured Ginny that no matter what house she was in, her family would love her and would not be disappointed. After a while, Neptunia grew concerned and decided to walk around to ask for Harry and Ron, Hermione decided to join her as well. They told Ginny to find her fellow first years and try making new friends. Hermione and Neptunia searched the length of the train to find the other half of their quartet but could not do so.

Neptunia and Hermione sat in a compartment for the whole of the trip, their nerves fraying as they wonder where were Ron and Harry. They changed into their robes and Neptunia was careful enough to hide her many many scars. Soon they reached Hogwarts and Neptunia remembered what she had promised herself and rushed off with a promise to Hermione that she would explain later.

She stood in front of the first years who looked nervous. She smiled warmly, "Hello Firsties! I'm Neptunia Black! Welcome to Hogwarts! Don't worry about The Sorting, it is quite an easy thing! As you know there are four houses. Don't believe any sort of stereotype people push onto those houses. Each is as wonderful as the other. Gryffindor is the house for the brave, daring and courageous. Hufflepuff is the house for the loyal, hardworking and just. Ravenclaw is the house for witty, creative and those who value intelligence. Slytherin is for those who are cunning, clever and ambitious. Gryffindors are not dumb, Hufflepuffs are not duffers, Ravenclaws are not snots and Slytherin is not evil. "

Neptunia took a pause and took in their expressions, they seem to be smiling, albeit a bit nervously, good. A few were rolling their eyes. Neptunia tilted her head a little, "I know it all seems a bit scary but don't you worry! Whatever house you go into will be like your home! Hogwarts is a great place and all of you will fit right in after a few days of adjustment! And if any of you all have any trouble just come to me! I'm usually in the library or near the lake! If I'm not there I'll be in the Gryffindor tower! Just ask the portrait for me!"

Neptunia looks behind the first years as the ghosts start their routine of forgiving Peeves. A few first years look at her and she just winks.

"Ms Black! What are you doing here!?"

Neptunia spins on her ankle, "Nothing Professor, just passing by. I heard one of the first years fell into the lake. I was hoping they're okay." Neptunia turned around, "Be careful okay Collin?"

Dumbstruck, the boy nodded. Neptunia smiled at the Professor and walked away. After she was seated at her table she talked to Hermione and told her what she did. Hermione nodded, though she was still lost in thought about Harry and Ron. Neptunia bit her lip, they didn't seem to be in sight.

Soon, the feast and sorting were over and the boys weren't anywhere in sight! But they heard an awful lot of rumours about a flying car! Hermione and Neptunia shared a look. As they walked to the towers, they saw Harry and Ron standing in front of the portrait. Neptunia and Hermione rushed forward and the boys evaded them and entered the tower. Hermione huffed as Neptunia shook her head. Once she got inside however she noticed everyone praising the boys. Neptunia saw them leave and headed to bed as well.

Neptunia looked towards Hermione, "Well, that was enlightening."

Hermione smiled lightly, "Still, I don't understand why they didn't send Hedwig!"

Neptunia laughed. "Yeah me too, Goodnight Mione!"

Hermione replied with a soft goodnight and both of them fell asleep with the warm feeling of a full belly comforting them.