
The Guardian Series

The group, including Tierney, Dean, Niall, Kristen, and others, grapples with shocking revelations about their lineage, uncovering that they are descendants of Victor Glass and Victoria Riverside. The tension escalates as Victor himself appears, revealing his sinister plan to raise the demon queen Alyssa Satanrosé. The group, joined by the mysterious William, confronts Victor, leading to emotional confrontations and a reveal of Victor's remorse for his past actions. The unexpected appearance of Ka Sandra sheds light on the situation, disclosing that William is their ally and that Ashton, her apprentice, is a witch. Ka Sandra also aids Courtney in regaining her sight through a mystical intervention. The narrative takes a turn as Victor departs, leaving a lingering sense of threat. William, Ka Sandra, and the group prepare to escape, only to encounter Thomas, alive and well. As they venture into a portal, it becomes clear that Victor's machinations are far from over, setting the stage for an intense and uncertain journey ahead.

ChanceHightower · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 7

The car ventured downtown, and Tierney skillfully maneuvered it to Courtney's house. The neighborhood exuded an air of normalcy, oblivious to the impending threat lurking in the shadows. As the car came to a halt, Courtney swiftly entered her home, the familiarity of her surroundings belying the urgency of their situation. She proceeded to pack her belongings, a sense of determination driving her actions. After completing her task, she left a note in the kitchen, a silent farewell to the life she knew, and rejoined the group with her belongings.

"No one was home," Courtney reported, shutting the car door. The group acknowledged her words with a collective understanding of the risks they faced.

"Alright, let's move on. Kristen, you're up next," Katherine declared, addressing her friends.

"Sure thing, it's just down the street from here," Kristen pointed ahead, providing the necessary directions.

As the car resumed its journey, Tierney skillfully navigated through the quiet streets towards Kristen's house, each passing moment increasing the weight of the unknown that loomed ahead.

"Did you leave a note for them?" Salena questioned as she slowed down, her eyes fixed on the road.

"Yes, I did," Courtney confirmed, her voice carrying the weight of her responsibilities.

Upon arrival, Kristen swiftly entered her home, the urgency reflected in her every move. She packed her essentials, discovered her parents were not home, and left a note on the fridge before rushing back to the waiting car.

"They weren't home, but I left a note for them," Kristen shared, her eyes revealing a mix of determination and concern as she settled into the car.

Next on the list was Niall's house, and Salena navigated carefully to avoid missing the location, the tension in the car palpable.

"Alright, we're here," Niall pointed to his house, a brief pause allowing a moment of respite before the next challenge.

Niall, too, hurried inside, the weight of the situation evident in his every step. He packed his belongings and left a note on the counter. As he joined the group back in the car, he reassured them, "I left a note," a small gesture of assurance in the face of uncertainty.

"Now, off to the building," Tierney directed, restarting the car, the engine's hum underscoring the urgency of their mission.

As they approached their destination, Thomas questioned, "Okay, where is this place again?" The group's focus shifted to the instructions that would guide them to safety.

"It's past the school and five blocks down until you see a shop called Pet Supplies," Niall provided directions, his voice a reassuring beacon of guidance.

Upon passing the school, the Suits were still present, diligently seeking information from the locals. Unfazed, the group continued down the five blocks and passed several shops until Tierney and Thomas spotted the chosen building, its facade revealing scars of abandonment.

"Is this the building?" Thomas inquired, scrutinizing the structure.

"Yes, it is," Niall confirmed, consulting his phone, the echoes of apprehension reverberating in the confined space of the car.

"This is going to be cool," Kristen remarked, stowing away her iPhone, attempting to mask the unease that lingered.

"It's going to be scary," Courtney interjected, her voice filled with trepidation, a stark acknowledgment of the challenges awaiting them.

"You think everything is scary," Katherine teased, earning a playful punch from Courtney, a momentary distraction from the gravity of their situation.

As they entered the abandoned house, darkness and dust surrounded them, with minimal light seeping through the windows, casting an eerie atmosphere over the forgotten dwelling.

"Okay, there are six rooms in this house. Each of you pick a room, then come back and tell me and Thomas," Tierney instructed, dropping her bag and taking out her phone, the practicality of their mission resuming.

While everyone explored the rooms, Tierney dialed a number, the rhythmic tapping of her fingers on the phone punctuating the silence that enveloped the house.

"Did she answer?" Thomas paced anxiously, his anticipation mirroring the collective urgency that had become their companion.

"Not yet," Tierney replied, but as she spoke, the call connected, a fleeting connection that would bring a new ally into their fold.

"Hello, may I help who this is?" a girl's voice inquired, the unfamiliar voice heralding a potential ally.

"It's me, Tierney, and Thomas, her brother," Thomas eagerly introduced himself, a sense of hope accompanying the revelation.

"Salena! How are you?" the girl greeted with surprise, a spark of recognition woven into her words. "And how may I help?"

"I need you to come over to this abandoned house," Tierney requested, her voice carrying a sense of urgency.

"Okay, but if your brother tries something like last time, I'll hurt him even harder," the girl warned, her tone stern, a testament to the complexities of their history. "And if that happens, I won't help you."

"I'll make sure he leaves when you come. He won't bother you," Tierney assured, giving Thomas a stern look, a silent plea for cooperation.

"Thanks, Tierney. I'll be there in ten; just need to get stuff put away," the girl confirmed before ending the call, the assurance of a new ally infusing the group with a renewed sense of hope.

"What did she say?" Thomas grinned, anticipating information about himself, the exchange bringing a momentary respite from the shadows that loomed over them.

"Oh, she did, and you need to leave before she gets here," Tierney declared, a mischievous glint in her eyes, a playful warning that hinted at the dynamics of their impending encounter.

"Alright, I know what she said. I'll leave; it's no problem," Thomas agreed, acknowledging the impending arrival of the formidable girl. The anticipation of their new ally's arrival offered a brief reprieve, allowing the group to catch their breath before the next chapter of their uncertain journey unfolded.