
The Guardian Series

The group, including Tierney, Dean, Niall, Kristen, and others, grapples with shocking revelations about their lineage, uncovering that they are descendants of Victor Glass and Victoria Riverside. The tension escalates as Victor himself appears, revealing his sinister plan to raise the demon queen Alyssa Satanrosé. The group, joined by the mysterious William, confronts Victor, leading to emotional confrontations and a reveal of Victor's remorse for his past actions. The unexpected appearance of Ka Sandra sheds light on the situation, disclosing that William is their ally and that Ashton, her apprentice, is a witch. Ka Sandra also aids Courtney in regaining her sight through a mystical intervention. The narrative takes a turn as Victor departs, leaving a lingering sense of threat. William, Ka Sandra, and the group prepare to escape, only to encounter Thomas, alive and well. As they venture into a portal, it becomes clear that Victor's machinations are far from over, setting the stage for an intense and uncertain journey ahead.

ChanceHightower · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 5

As Niall, Kristen, and Courtney diligently cleaned the chaotic aftermath in the front, Thomas, Katherine, and Tierney confronted the intruder within the confines of the living room.

"So, what are your plans, and why are you here?" Thomas interrogated, forcefully depositing the man onto the couch.

"I'm not going to tell you anything," the man, with an eyebrow piercing, retorted defiantly. "And you, Tierney Duke, should know that I won't tell."

"How do you know my name?" Tierney questioned, inching closer, wracking her memory.

"You don't remember me?" The man's smile triggered recognition.

"Ronnie T-Bird," Tierney exclaimed, elated to see him grown, no longer the young recruit from the academy.

"Yes, it's me," Ronnie acknowledged.

"You've grown older. You were just fifteen the last time I saw you," Tierney reminisced, recalling his determination to complete training swiftly.

"Yes, it's been," Ronnie responded impassively. "So, you know I won't tell you."

"I don't care if you don't tell," Katherine chimed in with a sinister smile. "Because I'm going to have fun."

Seizing Ronnie's dagger, Katherine positioned its tip beneath the nail of his index finger, inflicting slow, excruciating pain as blood seeped out.

"Tell us, or more pain will come," Katherine demanded, extracting the dagger and advancing to his other nail.

"No, I won't say anything," Ronnie persisted, enduring the agony.

Katherine continued the torment, methodically repeating the process for each nail on Ronnie's hands, but he remained resilient, revealing no information about the plans.

"Fine then, now for the fun part," Katherine declared, moving the dagger down to Ronnie's legs, eliciting fresh wounds and more blood.

"Fine, I will tell you, but then please kill me," Ronnie pleaded, tears streaming down his face. "The plan is to take Katherine and drain her essence to remake the elixir Tierney stole. With her essence, we will make more elixirs and grant powers to the Suits, akin to your daughter, Tierney."

"No, you can't do that. I won't let you," Tierney declared, vehemently opposing their nefarious intentions.

"Now kill me, please," Ronnie beseeched.

"No, we won't," Thomas refuted, shaking his head.

Attempting to lunge at Katherine, Ronnie impaled himself on the dagger, falling to the ground with a fatal wound.

"I didn't mean to kill him, Mom," Katherine expressed remorse as Thomas assisted her.

"I know, Katherine. He did it himself," Tierney consoled, embracing her.

"At least we know their plans now," Thomas remarked, contemplating the information. "But why Katherine? That doesn't make any sense."

"Why is that?" Katherine inquired, fixing her gaze on Tierney.

"The elixir they believed your father took," Tierney explained, walking over and taking a seat on the couch.

"Yes, I remember," Katherine affirmed, maintaining eye contact.

"Well, I took the elixir and used it. It allowed me to have you. The elixir resides within you, granting you powers like teleportation and those wings. It provides more power than you realize, and that's why I never told you," Tierney clarified, hoping she would comprehend my motives.

"So, you're saying that's why everyone is scared of how strong I am," Katherine deduced, absorbing the revelation.

"Yes, they are," Tierney affirmed, continuing to gaze at her, attempting to convey that it was for her benefit.

"We finished cleaning the hallway," Niall announced, his smile indicating the completion of their task.

"Thanks, guys," Thomas acknowledged, taking a seat beside Tierney.

"So, the Suits are scared of Katherine," Kristen observed, her eyes focused on Ronnie's lifeless body.

"Yes, they are, Kristen," Thomas confirmed, surveying the scene.

"We need to get out of here, or they will come back with more Suits," Thomas proposed, springing off the couch.

"Okay, we can go to this abandoned building downtown," Kristen suggested, still fixated on the body.

"That will work," Thomas agreed.

"And when were you going to tell me, Mom, that I'm the elixir of immortality?" Katherine interjected, her tone reflecting irritation.

"I was going to tell you when it was the right time," Tierney defended, rising from the couch.

"So when was the right time to tell me, then?" Katherine demanded, her frustration evident.

Exiting the house, everyone congregated near the door, which was abruptly kicked open by the Suits storming in.

"I don't know, Katherine!" Tierney exclaimed angrily as the others exited, leaving Katherine and Tierney alone.

"Well, thanks for telling me now," Katherine retorted, striding out the front door. "Also, everyone is waiting. Let's go."

Stepping onto the front porch, Tierney glimpsed everyone in the car, reminiscing about the past and realizing that history was repeating itself.