
The Guardian Series

The group, including Tierney, Dean, Niall, Kristen, and others, grapples with shocking revelations about their lineage, uncovering that they are descendants of Victor Glass and Victoria Riverside. The tension escalates as Victor himself appears, revealing his sinister plan to raise the demon queen Alyssa Satanrosé. The group, joined by the mysterious William, confronts Victor, leading to emotional confrontations and a reveal of Victor's remorse for his past actions. The unexpected appearance of Ka Sandra sheds light on the situation, disclosing that William is their ally and that Ashton, her apprentice, is a witch. Ka Sandra also aids Courtney in regaining her sight through a mystical intervention. The narrative takes a turn as Victor departs, leaving a lingering sense of threat. William, Ka Sandra, and the group prepare to escape, only to encounter Thomas, alive and well. As they venture into a portal, it becomes clear that Victor's machinations are far from over, setting the stage for an intense and uncertain journey ahead.

ChanceHightower · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 4

As Katherine harnessed the depths of her power, an obsidian shroud enveloped the surroundings, plunging everything into an abyss. The air grew heavy with an otherworldly energy, and the room seemed to echo with the distant whispers of unseen forces. The velvety darkness clung to the edges of reality, creating an ominous yet captivating atmosphere.

Then, from the darkness, an eruption of lights burst forth, transforming the living room into a dazzling spectacle. The lights danced with a celestial grace, each hue telling a story of cosmic power. The room became a canvas painted with vibrant strokes of purples and blues, intertwining like the mystique of a twilight sky. Flashes of fiery reds and oranges flickered in rhythmic patterns, resembling an ethereal dance of flames that defied the laws of reality.

"What the hell, Katherine?" Niall's voice resonated with disbelief, his eyes wide as he observed the phenomenon.

"Yeah, what the hell, Katherine?" Courtney and Kristen echoed simultaneously, their expressions mirroring a mix of awe and confusion.

"What is it?" Tierney inquired, her face a canvas of curiosity, not comprehending their astonishment.

"You have wings," Niall pointed out, his gaze fixated on the ebony wings that unfolded gracefully from Katherine's back.

"What?" Katherine turned to witness the unexpected manifestation, wings reminiscent of a raven stretching majestically. The feathers shimmered with an ethereal glow, responding to some unseen cosmic rhythm. Each feather bore intricate patterns, a testament to the mystical nature of her newfound abilities.

In an unforeseen turn, Thomas and Tierney began to scream, their voices blending with the ambient energy. Katherine's instinct kicked in, and she teleported to the front door, positioned strategically behind the two red-haired girls. Her attention was drawn to the gleam of Thomas's knife lying on the ground, its metal reflecting the chaotic brilliance of the room.

Seizing the blade, it radiated with an intensity akin to the sun, only to diminish in a fleeting moment. Determined, Katherine prepared to confront the red-haired girl, her mind focused on the interplay of light and shadow.

Attempting to pierce her defenses, the girl turned, raising her hand to thwart the blade. To Katherine's astonishment, it breached her defenses, puncturing her stomach. She crumpled to the ground in shock, blood seeping from the wound, a stark contrast to the cosmic symphony surrounding her.

"What the hell are you?" she gasped, lying in a pool of her own blood.

"Feel pain and sorrow," the other redhead intoned, yet the expected agony failed to materialize. The room's vibrant display continued, indifferent to the struggle playing out within it.

As the oppressive weight of the wings dissipated, the red-haired girl repeated, "Feel pain and sorrow."

Once more, the anticipated suffering eluded Katherine—no echoes of pain or sorrow akin to the ordeal faced by Thomas and Tierney. The cosmic forces seemed to weave a protective barrier around her, shielding her from the girl's malevolent intentions.

"What the fuck? You need to feel pain and sorrow when I say so!" the girl erupted in frustration.

"No fucking way. Do I have to listen to you?" Katherine retorted, advancing towards her. "You feel pain and sorrow, you wannabe bitch."

In defiance, Katherine plunged the blade into her stomach, compelling her to kneel. Retrieving the knife, she swiftly severed her throat, the metallic echoes mingling with the lingering whispers of cosmic power.

"Stupid hoe, no one messes with my mother but me," Katherine declared as her severed head met the ground.

Discarding the knife without a second thought, she sprinted to her mom and Thomas, the dance of lights casting ephemeral shadows on the scene.

"Mom, are you okay?" Katherine queried, with her friends emerging from the living room.

"What happened here?" Niall inquired, surveying the scene, his eyes adjusting to the residual brilliance.

"Yeah, what happened? We cleaned up the living room, heard cursing, and bodies falling," Kristen added, her eyes fixed on the two lifeless forms on the floor.

"I killed two of the suits with this blade," Katherine explained, brandishing the knife she had dropped. Lifting it again, it gleamed before returning to a mundane state.

"That was wicked," Courtney remarked, her face lighting up with excitement, the cosmic display fading into memory.

"So what now?" Niall questioned, aiding Thomas in rising, the room gradually returning to its normal state.

"Nothing now," Thomas replied, releasing his grip on Niall's arm.

"But can you guys clean up this mess so I can change?" Tierney requested as Thomas helped her up, the echoes of cosmic power lingering in the air.

"Okay, we will. The living room is cleaned up, and we still have one of the men left in vines, all wrapped up like a present," Niall said, humor twinkling in his eyes.

"Okay, Niall, you don't have to be funny," Kristen teased, delivering a playful punch to his arm.

"Good, we need him," Thomas stated, strolling into the living room, where remnants of the cosmic display still lingered in the air.

"Yeah, we need him to talk about their plans," Tierney added, following Thomas, while everyone else commenced the cleanup in the front.

"What if he does not want to talk?" Courtney pondered, standing in the middle of the walkway.

"I will torture the crap out of him until he tells us," Katherine proclaimed, a determined smile playing on her lips as she walked past Courtney towards the living room, the room's cosmic echoes fading into the background.