
The Guardian Series

The group, including Tierney, Dean, Niall, Kristen, and others, grapples with shocking revelations about their lineage, uncovering that they are descendants of Victor Glass and Victoria Riverside. The tension escalates as Victor himself appears, revealing his sinister plan to raise the demon queen Alyssa Satanrosé. The group, joined by the mysterious William, confronts Victor, leading to emotional confrontations and a reveal of Victor's remorse for his past actions. The unexpected appearance of Ka Sandra sheds light on the situation, disclosing that William is their ally and that Ashton, her apprentice, is a witch. Ka Sandra also aids Courtney in regaining her sight through a mystical intervention. The narrative takes a turn as Victor departs, leaving a lingering sense of threat. William, Ka Sandra, and the group prepare to escape, only to encounter Thomas, alive and well. As they venture into a portal, it becomes clear that Victor's machinations are far from over, setting the stage for an intense and uncertain journey ahead.

ChanceHightower · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 3

As they prepared to leave, a haunting knock echoed through the door. Glances were exchanged between Thomas, Katherine, and Tierney, uncertainty etched across their faces as the mysterious visitors remained unfamiliar. Tierney approached the door cautiously, her hand trembling as she turned the knob, revealing six enigmatic figures in suits standing on the porch. Two of them had brown hair, one with brown eyes appearing to be in his early twenties, and the other with green eyes, reminiscent of Tierney's daughter's age despite his beard. The other two men included one with brownish-blond hair, hazel eyes, and an eyebrow piercing, exuding a rebellious aura. The other had blondish-red hair, hazel eyes, and a youthful appearance, complete with glasses. Among the two girls, one had straight red hair, brown eyes, and lip piercings on both sides of her mouth, while the other had curly red hair, green eyes, and piercings on both ears.

Before they could enter, Tierney slammed the door shut, a mix of fear and determination in her eyes, and hastily retreated to the living room, seconds before the suits forcefully burst in like soldiers.

"Thomas!" Tierney yelled, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, throwing a star blade behind her, hitting one of the suits in the arm.

"Shit!" the suit shouted, feeling the impact.

Thomas rushed in, his face set with grim determination, throwing a flaming knife. However, the red-haired girl with curly hair raised her hand, stopping it mid-air.

"This is going to be bad," Thomas muttered, attempting to grab Tierney's arm.

"Feel pain and sorrow," the curly-haired redhead uttered, and suddenly, Thomas fell to the ground, screaming.

"No, Thomas, no!" Tierney cried, desperation in her voice as she attempted to reach him. "You redhead bitch."

Frustrated and fueled by a mix of anger and fear, Tierney threw a star blade with tips representing the elements, but it stopped mid-air, just like Thomas' knife.

The curly-haired redhead lowered her hand, and the star blade fell to the ground, its metallic clatter echoing the chaos.

Crap, what's happening? The screams are terrifying. Thomas told them to stay put, but what can they do against these men?

"We need to fight," Katherine declared, a blend of determination and fear flickering in her eyes as she looked at her friends, hoping to conceal her vulnerability.

"But with what?" Kristen questioned, scanning the room, her eyes darting between the unfolding chaos.

"With our powers," Niall suggested, his voice carrying a hint of excitement and anxiety, nodding at Katherine to convey his understanding.

"But I am scared," Courtney admitted, a quiver in her voice as she crawled to the corner, seeking refuge from the unfolding nightmare.

"I know, but don't be," Katherine reassured, rushing over to Courtney and lifting her up, a sisterly bond overcoming the fear.

"Okay, Katherine, I will," Courtney replied, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and determination, leaning on the strength Katherine offered.

As Niall closed his eyes, the house shook, and windows shattered as vines burst in, wrapping around one of the men in suits.

"Wow, that was cool!" Niall exclaimed, jumping with excitement, the manifestation of his powers casting an awe-inspiring spectacle amidst the chaos.

Kristen began to sing, her voice carrying an otherworldly melody, and two men in suits ran towards each other, stabbing themselves in a grotesque display of unintended harm.

"Wow," Kristen said, her apology laced with a touch of guilt for the unintentional consequences. "Sorry about that, guys."

Courtney waved her hand, causing the water in a fish tank to move. The tank fell, and as it shattered, water lifted into the air. Courtney directed the water toward one of the suits, drowning him in a surreal aquatic assault.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Courtney apologized, retreating to the corner, the weight of her newfound powers sinking in.

"Okay, it's my turn," Katherine declared, her gaze shifting to the ominous threat before her, determination set to confront the escalating crisis with the powers she had yet to fully comprehend.