
The Guardian Series

The group, including Tierney, Dean, Niall, Kristen, and others, grapples with shocking revelations about their lineage, uncovering that they are descendants of Victor Glass and Victoria Riverside. The tension escalates as Victor himself appears, revealing his sinister plan to raise the demon queen Alyssa Satanrosé. The group, joined by the mysterious William, confronts Victor, leading to emotional confrontations and a reveal of Victor's remorse for his past actions. The unexpected appearance of Ka Sandra sheds light on the situation, disclosing that William is their ally and that Ashton, her apprentice, is a witch. Ka Sandra also aids Courtney in regaining her sight through a mystical intervention. The narrative takes a turn as Victor departs, leaving a lingering sense of threat. William, Ka Sandra, and the group prepare to escape, only to encounter Thomas, alive and well. As they venture into a portal, it becomes clear that Victor's machinations are far from over, setting the stage for an intense and uncertain journey ahead.

ChanceHightower · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 25

When Tierney opened the drawer, she meticulously sifted through the files. "Let's see," she said, extracting a file labeled (FIRE), "Here, you look through the fire element and see what you can find."

"Oh, okay," Kristen responded, accepting the file.

"Courtney, you look through this one," Tierney directed, handing Courtney a file marked (WATER), "and I will look through the earth file," Tierney said with a smile.

After five minutes had passed, Tierney rose and approached Kristen. "What did you find, Kristen?" she inquired with a smile.

"Nothing much, just some names and the revelation that the fire element manifests only when needed the most," Kristen reported, putting the file aside. "But they have found that if two chosen ones with the same DNA can locate and activate the chosen one with the fire element."

"How can they pull it off if none of the chosen ones now have the same DNA?" Courtney questioned.

"I don't know," Kristen admitted, shrugging her shoulders.

"And what did you find in yours?" Tierney asked, turning to Courtney.

"Nothing much, just some names and the revelation that the chosen one for water can only be a girl," Courtney shared, glancing at Selena and then at Kristen. "A friend of one of the chosen ones that is a girl can only activate the chosen one with the water element."

"What about yours?" Kristen asked Tierney with curiosity.

"Same as you, with the names," Tierney replied, "and that the earth element goes in a cycle."

"What do you mean?" Courtney inquired.

"It means that every time there is a chosen one for earth, it cycles from a boy to a girl and then from a girl to a boy," Tierney explained as she returned the files to the cabinet, "so that means if there has to be a new chosen one for earth, it will be a girl because the last chosen one was a girl."

"Oh, that makes sense about the cycle part," Courtney remarked.

"So, what are the names you found?" Tierney asked as she put back the three files and grabbed three more.

"Just the names of all the old chosen ones," Kristen and Courtney responded.

"Here are some more," Tierney said, handing them each a file.

After another five minutes passed, Tierney got up again. "What did you find in these files?"

"In the file for the wind element, it's the same as the names of the other old chosen ones," Kristen reported, closing the file, "and that the chosen one for the wind element can only activate if two chosen ones fight each other."

"Same for the spirit element," Courtney added, closing her file, "and that the chosen one can only be activated when one of the other chosen ones is close to death."

"What about yours?" Kristen asked.

"The same with the fairy element," Tierney explained, grabbing the other files and returning to the filing cabinet, "and that the fairy element is like the water element but a little different."

"How so?" Kristen inquired with curiosity.

"The fairy element can only be a girl but only in every other generation," Tierney elaborated, returning the other three files to the cabinet and grabbing three more, "so when the last chosen ones did not have the fairy element because the chosen ones before that had it."

"That's interesting," Courtney remarked with a smile. "What elements are next?"

"I have the last three elements," Tierney said, handing each one a file, "Elements, Light, and Dark."

When another five minutes passed, Tierney did not get up from her chair. "What did you guys find in these files?"

"The same with the names," Courtney reported, closing her file, "and that the dark element is only passed down by DNA."

"The same with the light as well," Kristen added, closing her file, "so that means that one of the old chosen ones was Carlyle's parent or parents."

"It also says that the dark element and the light element can find each other no matter where they are at," Courtney revealed with a smile. "Another thing is that when light and dark find each other, they can locate the other chosen ones faster than just by themselves."

"That's because when they are next to each other, the light and the dark combine their powers," Kristen explained with a smile, "then they get images and names of the chosen ones they need to find."

"But the weird part is," Courtney added, "that the dark and light chosen ones are always twins." She looked at Kristen and then at Tierney.

"Oh," Tierney uttered as she grabbed the files.

As everyone walked into the room, they could see that it was equipped with computers on one side and beds and tubs on the other. Niall walked in, saying, "So what is this place? It looks like a creepy science room."

"I think it's a research lab of some kind," Thomas speculated as he approached the computers. "Let's see what they have been researching."

"I hope it's not cutting us open," Niall joked with a faint laugh.

"That would not be pretty," Kathrine added as she walked over to the rows of beds.

As Kathrine neared the bed, she noticed that each bed had the element's name on it. "So, I guess we are the ones," she murmured, placing her hands on one of the bed frames. "They are researching."

"That's true," Thomas said, examining the computer. "They are trying to find a way to extract your elements."

"Why is that?" Niall inquired, joining Thomas.

"Because Victor is trying to resurrect the demon queen," Carlyle revealed, walking over to Kathrine.

"Are you saying there are demons?" Niall asked in shock.

"Yes, there are, just like there are angels, humans, chosen ones, enchanters, and enchantresses," Carlyle explained as he reached the rows of beds. "Victor thinks that if he gets all eight elements, he can resurrect her."

"How does he plan on doing that?" Kathrine questioned as she turned to him.

"With the powers of all eight elements and the blood of..." Carlyle began, looking at Kathrine. Before he could finish, a loud noise echoed from the far end of the room.

"What was that?" Niall exclaimed, jumping at the sudden noise.

"I don't know," Thomas said, walking away from the computers. "I'll go see what it is."

"I'll go with you," Kathrine offered as she approached Thomas.

"Okay," Thomas agreed as Kathrine came closer to him. "Niall, you stay with Carlyle."

"Yes, sir," Niall replied as he walked over to Carlyle, who was still next to the row of beds.