
The Greek Pantheon: A New God Born In Olympus

Olympus the home of the gods in mythology a place where the gods live in peace and prosperity...well usually unless they are plotting or killing or...love making Olympus is usually a peaceful place however recently events have made some of the gods aware of a new development as to wether it is worth their attention or not remains to be seen.

TheLonelyNephilem · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Sometimes Answers Lead To More Questions

(Before I start this chapter I want to ask which universe you guys would prefer this be in, The Percy Jackson World or The DC Universe let me know cause I can't decide between the two)

(Greece, Pidus Mountain Range)

Kinitikós sighs as he stands on top of one of the many mountains of the range, "What to do today?...maybe go find a sea monster and test out my powers again, nah might cause collateral damage" he sighs and scratches his head before looking down from the mountain which is covered in snow "Actually I have a better idea" he creates an orange barrier below his feet steps off the mountain with it and begins sliding down it. He laughs and avoids all the tree and rocks thanks to his slowed perception of time (he's able to focus himself and perceive time about 30 to 40% slower then normal), he makes to the bottom and flips backward off his make shift board and lands on the path below the mountain. Kinitikós laughs heartily "Now that's what I call sliding down a mountain" he cracks his neck and knuckles "Right...what now?" He thinks to himself and doesn't someone watching him "He really has no sense of danger doesn't he...but that's why I like you so much, unhesitating and energetic my favourite traits" they sigh as he disappears in an orange flash "Oh...I was just getting comfortable, oh well" they also disappear.

(Greece, Kinitikós's temple)

(His temple is built near the Kesariani forest)

Kinitikós sighs as he sits in his temple twiddling his thumbs waiting for Andr to turn up while hanging from a chandelier in his temple. Andr shows up accompanied by two more people who along with Andr gasp as they see him dangling on a chandelier, he realises they are they and gets down from it "Thought you'd turned up sooner or later" Andr nods "Of course, I also brought two more followers" he gestures for the two to introduce themselves. The one on his left goes first "I'm Andronikos, solider of Sparta...you are revered there even by the king himself" Kinitikós's eyes widen slightly "Hm, good to know" he turns to the one on Andr's right "What about you?" The man steps forward "I am Arri of Corinth" Kinitikós smiles "Well nice to meet both of you...so what have you been up to Andr?" Andr chuckles "Quite a fair bit but most of it was just daily life things" Kinitikós nods "Sounds pretty dull to me, then again I have no sense of danger so I can't really say I'm the sharpest of the block" the four laugh before leaves as he got a message from Athena.

(Mount Olympus, Athena's Library)

Kinitikós lands outside the library before heading inside seeing Athena checking over a few books "What did you need?" Athena turns to him "I found some answers to your questions though they don't answer much" Kinitikós immediately dashes over "Ok, what do you answers to" she motions for him to sit which he does "The first question I have an answer for is that the crystal that birthed you is one of many fragments found over the years however all the others found shattered into nothing after a few days" Kinitikós's eyes widen "Damn, but that doesn't explain where they came from" Athena nods "Indeed, it seems in finding answers it has left us with more questions but I digress." She continues "As for your other question who...I don't have an answer for that one but many of the gods think Circe or Hecate is responsible but Hecate has said she didn't while Circe neither confirmed or denied it" Athena thinks to herself "As she normally does...but I don't see either of them being responsible for his creation but who else could have had the power to do so?" Kinitikós doesn't say anything for a few minutes before speaking up "I see, thanks for digging around for me anyway Athena" Athena nods "No problem but try not to let the details get to you" Kinitikós nods "I won't make a promise I might not keep but I will promise to try my best" Athena smiles "That's all I can ask for" Kinitikós leaves while Athena goes back to her work not noticing the black crow that was observing the pair.

(Mount Olympus)

Kinitikós stands on one of the many hills outside the main city and looks up at the sky as the sun goes down and the moon rises. He lays down and watches the constellations and shooting stars while thinking to himself "Hecate and Circe aren't responsible I don't see either of them having the strength to create a primordial being from a crystal, then again I haven't seen what either of them are capable of" he sighs until he hears something behind him and turns to see a small black box laying next to his head with a note "Hope you enjoy them" he grabs the box and looks around "Who left me this?" He opens it to reveal a piece of cheese with small figs embedded into it with honey on the top, he wonders who left him the gift before eating it not realising the giver wasn't to far away "I hope he enjoys it" they disappears so they aren't spotted while Kinitikós continues to watch the sky while eating the food he was left.

(The Sky)

Erebus gets lost in thought "It can't be possible, I mean it did happen but to create him..." he is brought out of his thoughts by Nyx "You ok honey...you seem unusually tense" Erebus turns to her "I'm fine just thinking on recent events" Nyx sighs "Still trying picking apart Kinitikós's pats hm" Erebus shakes his head "Not exactly, I have many theories but nothing concrete to go on so it's not going very well" Nyx nods "Yeah I can imagine, even Kinitikós doesn't know the whole the whole thing just what he's been told" Erebus nods "Hm, I'll keep thinking in the meantime we should keep an eye on him...I'd rather not have him lose his head over this" Nyx nods "You and me both"