
The Greece Antagonist

If you had a golden apple, who would you give it to? Invited to the banquet, Luo En saw the golden apple in the plate inscribed with "To the fairest goddess" and the three goddesses embroiled in dispute before him, and he picked up a knife with a smug smile. The first step, peeling; he gave the skin to Aphrodite. "To be fair, you're quite pretty. As a layer of skin, you're not bad to look at." The second step, slicing the flesh; he gave that to Hera. "As the queen of heaven, yet everyone in Olympus from 800-year-olds to animals has cuckolded you, including males, females, and even sheep. Since you can't save face anyway, take these insides." The third step, he gave the remaining core to Athena. "You were supposed to be born a male god and take over Zeus's position, but due to Zeus's shenanigans, you lost that seed, so here, have this core." Aphrodite clenched her fists, Hera raised her scepter, Athena summoned her spear and shield... Seeing this, Luo En quickly stepped back, shielding the goddess of discord, Eris, firmly in front of him. "And you still want to be the goddess of discord? Look at me; I got them to unite at once, even better than you with your instigation." "..." Surrounded by Greek gods sharpening their knives, Eris was left in silence.

Purple Night Melody · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
299 Chs

Chapter 181: The Self-Cultivation of Chinese Chives (4.1k)

On the deep night of the next day, the palace of Thebes.

A cold wind passed through the doors and windows, pouring into the great hall, where King Pentheus, sitting alone on the throne with eyes closed in meditation, heard a creaking noise. He couldn't help but shiver and, in a fluster, stood up, drawing the bronze longsword from the rack beside him and looked around vigilantly.

"Who's there? Quit these ghostly tricks and come out!"

Waving the bronze sword in his hand through the air, Pentheus issued a warning.

However, the only response to him was the whistling of the wind outside the door.

It was merely a false alarm.

A faint blush colored Pentheus's face, which subsided as he sheepishly slid the bronze sword back into its sheath, relaxing his anxious heart slightly.

Yet, even so, the thought of that handsome young intruder who had appeared and vanished without a trace in the great hall last night caused the young king's expression to become uncertain.