
The AI’s Suggestion II

"Exactly," said the AI. "One way to go about it is by trying out extreme sports. A person doing those sorts of sports cannot afford to make even a single mistake. For that very reason, that individual's mind will be in a very highly focused state to establish total control over their faculties. That, coupled with the adrenaline rush, have a chance of catalyzing the strengthening of that individual's mental capacities."

"In the user's case," the AI continued explaining, "There's a good chance of triggering the zone ability since the user has already experienced being in a state similar to the zone before. Moreover, the extreme danger element involved could also help the user develop a greater connectedness with his inner sense, with nature and surrounding environment at a given moment, and his own sense of existence. That'll also quicken the development of the user's mental abilities. So, it's worth a try."