
Post-Match Routines

Zachary woke up later than usual the following day. He was suffering from post-match fatigued since he'd played all the ninety minutes against Fiorentina the previous evening. He couldn't even walk with a steady gait since all his joints were aching as if they were full of lead.

Be that as it may, he didn't dare miss exercising that morning as he was a man still on a mission to improve himself. He worked with weights for twenty minutes and then jumped on the treadmill for a 15-minute conditioning session. After that, he performed some static stretches for five minutes before switching to a yoga routine to boost his recovery from post-match fatigue.

Zachary was well aware that he couldn't afford to waste time resting on his laurels since he hadn't yet mastered the Robinho-step-over juju. So, he was very meticulous while going through each of the routines and performed them with a hundred percent focus until he was sweating and out of breath.