
Gearing Up for the Match against Portugal

Five days after their first match, the Ivorian team arrived at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow to face off against the mighty Portuguese side in their second World Cup game. The atmosphere was electrifying as they stepped off the bus into a sea of noisy fans and flashing cameras.

Zachary was the last to disembark, and the excitement was almost too much for him to bear. The crowd was a riot of color, with journalists and fans vying for his attention. 

The fans were shouting and cheering, desperate to catch a fleeting glimpse of the star footballers, while the journalists were jostling for position, their cameras flashing like fireworks on New Year's Eve. It was yet another moment that would stay with Zachary forever.

Zachary's experience at Juventus allowed him to remain steadfast and unfazed by the excitement. The crowd's roar was still deafening as he walked towards the stadium's gates, but Zachary kept his cool and even waved back at some of the fans.