
Endorsement Deal Offers I

Wednesday, May 8, 2013.

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Zachary glanced at his watch and realized it was already 8:30 AM. So, he made quick work of his breakfast, brushed his teeth, and exited his apartment with all the haste he could muster. The previous night, Emily, his agent, had informed him over the phone that two companies were interested in entering endorsement contracts with him. He was on his way to meet with her and discuss the way forward.

However, he'd just realized he was almost running late since he had first taken the time to go through a stretching routine.

Despite his excitement over the prospect of winning an endorsement deal, his football career was still his priority. He needed to keep his muscles warm and ready for the game later that evening. He couldn't break his pre-match conditioning routine just for an appointment. So, he had only managed to leave his apartment with only thirty minutes left to the scheduled time of the meeting.