
Debut Game V

Zachary followed the rest of his teammates to the dressing room when the referee blew the whistle for half-time. He could still feel the excitement of competing with pro players in a match even after leaving the field.

"Well done, Zachary," Coach Johansen said, patting his back as they walked through the corridor back to the visitor's dressing room. "Keep doing what you've been doing through the second half, and you'll be fine." He smiled, matching his step.

"Thank you, coach," Zachary replied, smiling lightly. He continued to trail after his teammates while chugging down some water. He intended to use every minute of half time to regain his stamina.

When he entered the dressing room, some of his teammates, like Mikael Dorsin, stood up and said a few words of congratulations on his remarkable performance. Others gave him light pats on the back as he made his way to a seat.