
The Greatest Blacksmith

[WARNING: MC is a Crazed Demon] He was mana crippled, weak, and talentless. His father exiled him to the Blacksmith department of the Tower Walkers, to forge weapons and magical items for the talented. Desperate for money, he took an illegal commission and was sentenced to Dungeon Row, where the worst criminals fight to survive. Used as bait due to his weakness, he was left on the first floor, which ultimately led to his death... --- [SYSTEM BINDING TO HOST SUCCESSFUL] [DUE TO YOUR STRONG WILL TO LIVE, NOT EVEN DEATH COULD CONTAIN YOU] [CLASS GRANTED: SSS- RANK WEAKLING] ... [WOULD YOU LIKE TO COPY THE TOWER DEMON LAPLACE'S SWORD OF THE ABYSS?] [BLUEPRINT ACQUIRED!] [WOULD YOU LIKE TO FORGE THE ITEM?] _________________________________ [UPDATES EVERYDAY AT 3PM GMT!] [DISCORD SERVER LINK IN BIO]

HeavenlyMike · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


The dawn had barely broken, and the chill of the early morning air nipped at Ravan's skin as he made his way to the training field.

It was around 5 AM, and the cold, misty atmosphere reminded him of the long hours he had spent in the horse stables back at the Zenith estate.

Cleaning in the rain, enduring his father's punishments, had toughened his body and mind, making him resilient to harsh conditions.

'Thanks to the old man sending me in the Horses Stable, it got my body used to the harsh cold.'

Ravan had parted ways with his new roommate, Lee.

Determined to show results and earn a place in the Combat Class, Ravan had begged Margaret at the front desk to allow him to train.

Margaret, always meticulous, had agreed on the condition that he demonstrate significant progress.

'Thanks to her, I was able to get squeezed into the Combat Class,'Ravan thought being thankful and also knowing that unlike most of the people in the Department he had two classes to polish up on.

Ravan stepped onto the training field, a vast open space lined with training dummies, wooden poles, and various exercise equipment.

He had gotten used to the basics atleast since enrolling just 2 days ago.

He started with a light jog around the perimeter to warm up his muscles, feeling the familiar burn in his legs as he pushed through the cold.

After the jog, Ravan moved on to a series of endurance exercises.

He performed a routine of jumping jacks, high knees, and burpees, each designed to elevate his heart rate and build stamina.

His breath formed visible clouds in the cold air, and sweat soon mingled with the chill, but he pushed through, knowing that endurance was crucial for any combat scenario.

Next, Ravan focused on strength training.

He found a set of heavy logs and began lifting them in various ways—overhead presses to strengthen his shoulders, squats to build his legs, and deadlifts to fortify his back and core.

The logs were rough and splintered, biting into his palms, but he welcomed the pain as a sign of progress.

To improve his agility, Ravan set up an obstacle course using the equipment around the field.

He weaved between wooden poles, leaped over low hurdles, and ducked under ropes.

Each movement was precise and deliberate, training his body to react quickly and fluidly to changing environments.

He repeated the course multiple times, faster with each run, until his muscles ached and his breath came in short gasps.

Finally, Ravan turned to combat training.

He picked up a wooden sword, its weight familiar but unyielding.

'Just some time back I couldn't even dream of wielding a sword.'

He started with basic sword swings, focusing on his form and technique.

Each swing was deliberate, slicing through the air with a satisfying whoosh.

He imagined an opponent before him, each strike aimed at a vital point.

He transitioned into more complex drills, combining swings with footwork.

Forward thrusts followed by quick sidesteps, downward strikes paired with backward leaps.

He practiced defensive maneuvers, parrying imaginary blows and counterattacking with swift, precise strikes.

'Hmmm...this isn't doing much,'he muttered while looking at the training dummies.

Ravan moved to the training dummies, their burlap bodies a stand-in for real foes.

'This should do.'

He unleashed a series of attacks, striking at different angles and experimenting with combinations.

Each hit reverberated through the wooden frame, a tangible measure of his power and precision.

He targeted weak points—joints, necks, and vital organs—training his mind as much as his body to identify and exploit vulnerabilities.

'Thanks to that book from the Innkeeper, I'm able to locate vital spots and weakpoints...not only monster's but humans as well.'

To cap off his session, Ravan decided to push his limits with an endurance challenge.

He placed a heavy boulder at one end of the field and resolved to move it to the other side.

"Shit, its heavier than I thought."

Gripping the boulder, he strained against its weight, muscles burning with the effort.

Inch by inch, he rolled it forward, each step a test of his determination and strength. By the time he reached the other side, his body was screaming for relief, but his mind was focused and resolute.

"My muscle tendons feel like they're going to snap and rip off my arms..."he said biting hard at the wooden sword that was now in his mouth.

With the training complete, Ravan spent the next few minutes cooling down.

He stretched his sore muscles, feeling the satisfying pull of worked tendons and ligaments.

The cold air now felt invigorating rather than harsh, a reminder of the progress he had made.

Ravan lay on the cold grass, his breath finally steadying after the grueling morning training.

The dawn's chill had seeped into his bones, but he found it oddly comforting, a familiar embrace from his days spent in the stables.

His eyes were half-closed, drifting into a light doze, when a flicker of movement caught his attention.

A blonde-haired girl was sneaking around the training field, her actions suspicious.

Ravan's curiosity piqued, he rose quietly and began to follow her, his steps light on the dew-covered grass.

She moved with purpose, darting glances over her shoulder as if ensuring she wasn't being followed.

As Ravan rounded a corner, intent on keeping his distance while maintaining sight of her, Lee suddenly jumped out from behind a nearby tree. "Boo!"

Ravan jolted, his heart nearly leaping out of his chest.

He managed to keep his expression neutral, though inwardly, he felt as though he might have a heart attack.

"What the hell, Lee?" he hissed, trying to cover his fright with irritation.

Lee laughed, clearly pleased with himself. "Gotcha good, didn't I?"

Ravan was about to scold Lee when he noticed the girl had vanished.

They stood before a blank wall, no sign of her anywhere.

"Where the hell could she have gone?" he muttered, scanning the area frantically.

"Looking for someone?" came a voice from behind them.

Ravan and Lee whirled around to find the girl standing there, arms crossed, an eyebrow raised.

It was Lailah, the beautiful girl from the cafeteria who had been explaining the different Ranks of items and weapons the other day.

"Why are you following me?" Lailah demanded, her eyes sharp and unamused.

Ravan didn't answer her question directly. Instead, he crossed his arms and asked with a hint of sarcasm, "Where the hell are you going this early? Aren't girls supposed to be fast asleep with their stuffed animals at this hour?"

Lailah's eyes flashed with annoyance.

"I'm not like other girls," she retorted.

"I was heading out to check on that Room that appeared just down the street."

"You want to come?"

Ravan hesitated, considering her words.

While his own rule of staying away from anything that screamed danger was clear, he couldn't deny the practicality of her plan.

A Blacksmith had to source their materials, and where better to find unique and powerful components than in a freshly appeared Room?

After a moment of pondering, Ravan nodded. "Alright, we'll join you."

Lee, caught off guard, stammered, "W-wait, what? Why am I being dragged into this?"

"You're here, aren't you?" Ravan shrugged. "Might as well come along."

Lailah gave a small, satisfied smirk. "Let's go, then. We don't have all day."

The trio set off towards the unknown, the early morning still and quiet around them.