
The Greatest Blacksmith

[WARNING: MC is a Crazed Demon] He was mana crippled, weak, and talentless. His father exiled him to the Blacksmith department of the Tower Walkers, to forge weapons and magical items for the talented. Desperate for money, he took an illegal commission and was sentenced to Dungeon Row, where the worst criminals fight to survive. Used as bait due to his weakness, he was left on the first floor, which ultimately led to his death... --- [SYSTEM BINDING TO HOST SUCCESSFUL] [DUE TO YOUR STRONG WILL TO LIVE, NOT EVEN DEATH COULD CONTAIN YOU] [CLASS GRANTED: SSS- RANK WEAKLING] ... [WOULD YOU LIKE TO COPY THE TOWER DEMON LAPLACE'S SWORD OF THE ABYSS?] [BLUEPRINT ACQUIRED!] [WOULD YOU LIKE TO FORGE THE ITEM?] _________________________________ [UPDATES EVERYDAY AT 3PM GMT!] [DISCORD SERVER LINK IN BIO]

HeavenlyMike · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


At the gate, Ravan and the old man stood waiting to get their identities verified.

The Blacksmith Department loomed large before them, a grand building almost resembling royalty in its architecture, though not overly ostentatious.

Ravan admired the structure, speaking softly to himself, captivated by its size and the sense of purpose it exuded.

The gate man noticed Ravan's muttering and turned his attention to the old man.

"Adam, who's the kid?"

Ravan's ears perked up at the name, realizing with a start that he hadn't known the old man's name until now.

He hadn't thought to ask.

'Oh, so that's the old mans name.'

Adam sighed slightly before responding.

"The kid's name is Ravan. He's a new recruit to the department."

The gate man gestured for Ravan to come closer, calling him over to a small cabin-like structure with a window that allowed the guards to see everyone entering and leaving.

Ravan approached without hesitation, his mind blank and his demeanor silent.

The gate man began to perform some hand signs, his fingers glowing faintly blue.

A magic circle appeared beneath Ravan and another above his head.

Ravan was taken aback but stayed calm and still, not wanting to cause any trouble.

The machine next to the gate man announced loudly, "Persona is Null!"

The gate man's eyes widened in shock.

"I was checking for any traces of negative energy or a corrupted mana core," he explained, "but this boy doesn't have any."

He turned to Adam, disbelief evident on his face. "Is he really a recruit?"

Adam simply nodded his head in confirmation.

Without another word, the gate man allowed them to proceed into the premises.

As they entered, Ravan took in the sight of the grand building, flanked by five smaller structures.

Each building was beautifully designed, yet they retained a blunt and plain quality that spoke to their utilitarian purpose.

The area was vast, possibly even larger than the Zenith Mansion. Ravan marveled at the scale of it all, feeling both awe and a sense of his own smallness.

The thought struck him that he had entered a world vastly different from the one he had known, a place where he would have to prove his worth in ways he had never imagined.

Adam led Ravan into the large main building of the Blacksmith Department.

As they stepped inside, the polished wooden floors and the intricate designs on the walls exuded an air of both elegance and practicality.

Ahead of them was a counter, behind which stood a beautiful lady who immediately noticed Adam's arrival.

"Adam! It's been a while!" she exclaimed, standing up hurriedly.

Her big breasts swayed with the motion, causing Ravan to look away, feeling awkward.

Adam smiled warmly. "Margaret, it's good to see you again."

The two began to catch up, talking animatedly about the latest news and happenings in the department, while Ravan stood there feeling invisible.

After a few moments, Adam turned to Ravan.

"Margaret, this is Ravan. He's the new recruit I mentioned."

Margaret's eyes widened in recognition.

"Oh, the one from House Zenith!" She abruptly leapt over the counter and bowed deeply to Ravan.

Ravan felt a wave of discomfort.

"Please, there's no need for that," he said quickly.

"I'm not part of that family anymore, and I've been disowned. So, please, don't bow to me again."

Margaret straightened up, looking slightly embarrassed.

If Ravan was like his younger brothers he would have the young lady kiss his feet, but he didn't and rather told her to get up.

'I should really get accustomed to the fact that I'm not the son of one of the Prestigious Families,' Ravan thought.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. It's just that House Zenith is well-known."

Ravan nodded, trying to ease the tension. "It's okay. Just treat me like any other recruit."

Margaret smiled and handed Ravan a form.

"If you could fill this out, we can get you settled. You're lucky to have Adam as your mentor in the department.

Your work as a blacksmith will begin tomorrow. We're getting more recruits like you more often, so you'll be in good company."

Ravan took the form and quickly filled it out, handing it back to Margaret.

"Thank you," he said earnestly.

Adam placed a reassuring hand on Ravan's shoulder.

"Come on, I'll show you to the dorms. You'll be supplied with clothes and other items during your stay.

For now, rest up and prepare for your first day tomorrow."

They walked through the bustling halls of the department, passing by other workers and recruits busy with their tasks.

The dormitory was a separate building, but just as grand and functional as the main building.

"Here we are," Adam said, opening the door to a spacious room filled with bunk beds.

"This will be your home for now. You'll start by forging items or weapons that the Walkers request or just make weapons to sell.

You'll get paid weekly."

Ravan felt a surge of determination. A weekly payment sounded better than a monthly one, and he was ready to earn as much as possible.

"Thank you, Adam. I'm ready to start."

Adam smiled approvingly.

"That's the spirit. Rest up, and we'll get started bright and early tomorrow."

"Also in the Department its Mentor Adam or Sir.Adam, just so you know,"Adam said as he left the room.

Ravan looked around the dormitory, feeling a mix of apprehension and excitement. He had a plan: work hard, make money, invest, and then relocate after two years. Perhaps he would find peace and a new life far away from all the Towers and Rooms.

Ravan noticed that there was two bunk beds and he knew he was going to be expecting three more people in with him.

'I wonder what kind of people will be coming in.'