
The Greatest Blacksmith

[WARNING: MC is a Crazed Demon] He was mana crippled, weak, and talentless. His father exiled him to the Blacksmith department of the Tower Walkers, to forge weapons and magical items for the talented. Desperate for money, he took an illegal commission and was sentenced to Dungeon Row, where the worst criminals fight to survive. Used as bait due to his weakness, he was left on the first floor, which ultimately led to his death... --- [SYSTEM BINDING TO HOST SUCCESSFUL] [DUE TO YOUR STRONG WILL TO LIVE, NOT EVEN DEATH COULD CONTAIN YOU] [CLASS GRANTED: SSS- RANK WEAKLING] ... [WOULD YOU LIKE TO COPY THE TOWER DEMON LAPLACE'S SWORD OF THE ABYSS?] [BLUEPRINT ACQUIRED!] [WOULD YOU LIKE TO FORGE THE ITEM?] _________________________________ [UPDATES EVERYDAY AT 3PM GMT!] [DISCORD SERVER LINK IN BIO]

HeavenlyMike · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, the carriage driver announced, "We're approaching Ember."

The city's silhouette emerged on the horizon, its towering walls and spires gradually becoming more distinct.

As they neared the gates, the carriage slowed to a halt. The massive gates were flanked by high walls, and the area around them buzzed with activity.

Guards, dressed in shining armor that gleamed in the fading light, moved with purpose, inspecting each cart and carriage that sought entry.

The air was filled with the sounds of horses neighing, wheels creaking, and the murmur of conversations.

Ravan peered out, taking in the scene. Carriages and carts of all shapes and sizes lined up, each carrying different types of luggage and goods.

The guards inspected everything thoroughly, ensuring that only those with the proper credentials could enter.

Some carriages, lacking the necessary documentation, were turned away, forced to retrace their steps back down the road.

The old man reached into his coat and produced a small, ornate badge.

When their turn came, he handed it to the guard, who scrutinized it briefly before nodding and waving them through.

Ravan watched as the carriage behind them was sent back, the driver looking dejected.

'That badge, either the old man is a citizen here or he just flaunted his Tower Walk badger...he did say he used to be one.'

Once inside, the city of Ember unfolded before Ravan's eyes, a sprawling metropolis filled with life and color.

The streets were bustling with people dressed in a variety of attires, from simple, practical clothing to elaborate, richly decorated garments.

Merchants hawked their wares, street performers entertained passersby, and children ran through the streets laughing and playing.

Buildings of all shapes and sizes lined the streets, their architecture a blend of old and new.

Some structures were made of stone and wood, adorned with ivy and flowers, while others were more modern, built from gleaming metals and glass.

The city was alive with the hum of activity, a testament to its vibrancy and wealth.

What stood out the most, however, was a building so tall it seemed to pierce the sky itself, its peak disappearing into the clouds.

Ravan's eyes widened as he took in the sight of the enormous tower, its black surface shimmering with a dark, almost ominous aura.

The old man noticed Ravan's awe and pointed towards the towering structure.

"See that, kid? That's the Great Tower of Ember," he said.

"A tower so massive that no one has ever been able to complete its floors."

It was the first time Ravan had seen a Tower in person, and he was mesmerized.

He had heard stories of these colossal structures, but seeing one up close was a different experience entirely.

Compared to Towers, Rooms were small and relatively insignificant, more like dungeons filled with minor monsters.

But even a Room screamed danger to Ravan, a reminder of the last Room he had seen when he was just five years old.

It had appeared in their mansion's basement, and goblins had swarmed out, killing some of the staff before his father managed to close it.

The Great Tower of Ember was black in color, emitting an aura that matched its hue.

It dominated the skyline, a constant reminder of the challenges and dangers that awaited within.

The carriage continued its journey into the bustling city, weaving through the crowded streets.

As they passed by shops and stalls, Ravan caught glimpses of exotic goods and curious trinkets, his mind buzzing with excitement and curiosity.

The carriage came to a halt, and Ravan and the old man stepped out onto the cobbled streets of Ember.

The bustling activity of the city continued around them, but for Ravan, the moment felt heavy with uncertainty.

He turned to the old man, his mind racing with questions.

"So, what happens now that we're in Ember?" Ravan asked, trying to mask the nervousness in his voice.

The old man peered at him, a serious expression on his weathered face.

"From now on, Ravan, you'll be left to fend for yourself."

Ravan's eyes widened in shock. Was he going to be abandoned once again?

The thought made his heart sink. He hadn't even let the old man finish before his mind spiraled into despair.

"Either that," the old man continued, "or you join the Blacksmith Department."

Ravan blinked, caught off guard by the sudden turn in the conversation.

Memories of his father's harsh words flooded back. His father had always said that all he was good for was rotting away in the fire chambers.

'So, the old man drafted me into the Blacksmith Department,' Ravan thought bitterly.

'If you ask me, it's worse than getting sold off.'

Ravan knew this wasn't the lavish life he had dreamed of.

He had always wanted to work for nobody, to be free from the constraints of servitude.

But now, it seemed his plans were being shattered.

Working as a blacksmith meant toiling not only for the wealthy Walkers who desired fantastical weapons but also for the prestigious families known for their ruthlessness.

Once again, he found himself at the bottom of the pyramid.

As he mulled over his fate, Ravan began to formulate a plan.

Perhaps, he thought, he could endure this for a while, make enough money, and then invest it wisely.

Eventually, he could quit the blacksmithing trade and live a life of peace.

He imagined buying land far away from all the Tower and Room nonsense, maybe in the southern continent where life moved at a slower, gentler pace.

After a moment of contemplation, Ravan nodded.

"I'll do it. I'll join the Blacksmith Department."

The old man studied him for a moment before nodding in approval.

"Good. Let's get you settled then."

Together, they walked through the bustling streets of Ember, making their way to the Blacksmith Department.

The building was a large, sturdy structure, with smoke billowing from its chimneys and the sound of hammers ringing out from within.

It was a place of hard work and skilled craftsmanship, a far cry from the life of ease Ravan had once envisioned for himself.

'Just endure it Ravan....endure this for the next two years...'He thought as he let out

a sigh.

But as he stepped through the doors, he felt a strange sense of determination.

This was his chance to prove his worth, to carve out a place for himself in this vast, unforgiving world.

You have all waited enough its time for the Story to "really Begin"...

Strap your seat belts, you're in for a wild ride with just the first chapters...


HeavenlyMikecreators' thoughts