

When we arrive at the house I made in the island, we saw Ayane and Takeo taking a break in the living room and when they notice us, they jump on their feet and greet everybody. There's no need to wear the mask in front of them because I accidentally didn't wore one facing them because I was too tired and I forgot. I already introduce them two to Daya because she was speding a lot of time on the island too just like the two of them and I can say that they were already close. The Suda siblings were also the one crafting Daya's new trident, with my guidance.

"Demetri, Lady Daya, and oh my, the S-Class hunters, welcome to---"-Ayane.

"Demetri's house, sorry for the mess, will clean up quick"-Takeo.

Using both their telekinesis, they clean up the room quick. I let the S-Class hunters get comfortable on the seats while I, Daya and the Suda Siblings goes to the kitchen to prepare some drinks and snacks. 

"How are you two? You two look very tired, I told you two to not push yourselves too much"-Demetri.

"We just, you know, got so much engrossed in what we are doing, that we didn't notice anything else how is the trident Lady Daya?"-Takeo.

"It was great, I can't complain anything about it"-Daya.

"We are glad to hear about it Lady Daya, but can we borrow it, we thought of some things to added into it"-Ayane.


Daya handed them the trident and excuse themselves to work on the modification they were saying, but before they were completely gone, I call out for them, retrieve the trident from them and tell them to get some sleep first.

"You can work on the modification later, you two should sleep first, I build you two bedrooms here to use, so go use them now, I locked the labs too, so don't even think of it"-Demetri.

The Suda siblings looks at each other, then back to us again and nodded in defeat and walk their way to their bedrooms.

"You scolded them but you were like that before"-Daya.

"That's why I scolded them"-Demetri.

"You act like someones parent"-Daya.

"In my real age, I am really someone's parents by now in this dimension"-Demetri.

After finishing preparing the snacks and drinks, we go back to the living room. While eating, the S-Class hunters have so many questions that Daya and I answers, but there are some questions that we did not answers first.

"So, you're saying that you two were not originally from this dimension?"-Ashtrid.

"And all of this thing happening, the monsters, the gates, portals, everything was also from the other dimension?"-Matthew.

"Yes, that is correct"-Demetri.

"What the hell? Why brought it here?"-Raphael.

"I am pretty sure it's not their fault, why help us if they were behind this? Use your brain, Rapahel"-Vincent.

"I am not saying that it's their fault and they were behind this, idiot, I'm just saying that why they brought it here? Why let it go here"-Raphael.


Raphael and Vincent was about to have a feud when Gabriel stop them and calm them down.

"You two stop it and let them explain"-Gabriel.

"We didn't expect that this thing will escalate this way, the dungeons and portals were supposed to be a safe way for surviving refugees to safely escape to this dimension and the resources inside for you all to use, but the darkness corrupt everybody and made use of the gates as a way to bring chaos"-Demetri.

"Just to hand it out there, we did our best to subjugate the darkness and Demetri here risk his life to put it to slumber and not let it corrupt and destroy your dimension too but we failed and got corrupted too except for Demetri, and I tell you being corrupted was worse than being dead, it's like your soul and being was being ripped out to shreds, while your body was being use to slaughter as you watches, it is a scary feeling that I don't want anyone else to experience"-Daya

Everybody went silent to what Daya said and I am too. We never yet talk about the corruption in details because I don't want her to get hurt and remember the horrible things that happen to her. I reach for her hands and hold it to comfort her. I can feel her trembling. Also hearing what someone felt when being corrupted, I am glad that they were given peace even if its by killing them.

"We are very sorry to hear about that"-Ashtrid.

"It's okay and thank you"-Daya

Daya excuses herself from the rest of us to take a dip in the ocean in order to recover herself, she does not usually have to do this, or does not have to do it at all but she went to battle not yet fully recovered. The S-Class hunters watches her as as she transform to her original form and went to the ocean.

"I caught her!"-Ashtrid.

Ashtrid shouted not far from us and she's holding Amanda on the arms. I am aware that she is around but I didn't know that she will get caught.

"Wait, I know you, you're that annoying reporter that likes to follows us around"-Fiona. 

"Wait before you all got angry, I am a with Demetri"-Amanda.

Amanda said panicking. All of them look at me and I told them that she was telling the truth. Ashtrid let go of her arms and Amanda hide behind my back.

"Everyone it's okay she was working with me, I ask her to follow me around and bit by bit tell the truth to the world"-Demetri.

"Maybe it's better if I leave now, I don't want to stay here any longer, but before I go, Demetri I need to tell you something in private"-Amanda.

We walk faraway from the others and I cast a sound barrier from around us because they might still hear us.

"I think I found out something about the mark people who keep on breaking to your house"-Amanda.

"What is it?"-Demetri.

"I need a huge compensation for this because I need to pay some people I owe money for the information's"-Amanda.

"You don't need to worry about that, I'll pay you any amount"-Demetri.

"So, one of my sources from the military told me that something weird is going on their base, the inmates in there began acting weird and also there commander, and when I show that person the picture that you gave me, he said that he saw it in multiple inmates"-Amanda.

"That's a start, thank you Amanda, I'll wire you the money"-Demetri.

After our conversation, I teleported her to the city and teleported back to the island. I called Jack when I got back and told him what Amanda said to me, he said that they will look into it immediately.