

I was with Daya and Kalesi flying over at Matthew's village, because this is the day that we will be visiting the Yggdrasil, looking at it now, I can say that it is much bigger than the ones growing in the other dimension. Maybe because of the nutrients and elements that are present in this world and not in the other world. 

Kaya was supposed to come with us but she insisted at staying in out house because she detected something happening to Ceres. Before we leave and including Evienne, who will be meeting Chairman and accompanying him in a conference, she leave three of her feathers in case Ceres needed it to get stable.

We saw Matthew from below waving at us, so we landed to the space right in front of him. We startled some of the people in his village but Matthew explain to them who we are, and after explaining, they welcome us, warmingly.

We went to the village chief first to formally introduce ourselves, and he is Matthew's father, also an awakened person.

"Papa, this our my colleagues, Sir. Demetri and that is Lady Daya and Sir Kalesi"-Matthew.

"It's nice to meet you sir"-Demetri.

"It's nice to meet you too, I heard so much about you from my son here, seeing the aura surrounding you and your friends, you two are on a different level"-Matthew's father.

"Hearing you say that sir, I can say that you have true eyes and definitely strong too"-Demetri.

"HAHAHA, not as strong as my son here"-Matthew's father.

Hearing how the village chief include Matthew, he is definitely very proud of his son. We discussed why we are here for and after the discussion, the chief personally take us to the roots of the Yggdrasil. 

Seeing it up close, the tree is definitely bigger than the one's in our world. The treeks approach us and converse with Matthew and his father, and then greet us too.

"This must be the biggest Yggdrasil I have seen in my all years of living, right Kalesi, and we thought the one in our kingdom is the biggest one"-Daya.

"That's right. you have one in your underwater kingdom Daya, it must be the last Yggdrasil tree I saw, before this one"-Demetri.

That is what is amazing with the Yggdrasils, it can grow anywhere and adapt in that environment. 

One of the man in the village approach us and talk to the village chief, after they talk, he approaches us and excuse himself because he needs to talk business with someone.

"Demetri, this tree is different from the others"-Daya.

"Hmmm you are right, something is definitely different because of the aura it is emitting"-Demetri.

"Is something wrong Sir Demetri?"-Matthew.

"We can feel that something is different from this Yggdrasil to the other ones we have in the other dimension, is it okay if we inspect the inside?"-Demetri.

"Doesn't that harm the tree?"-Matthew.

"No, we will go inside it through soul projection, if you want we can come too"-Demetri.

"Is it okay?"-Matthew.

"Sure, no problem"-Demetri.

We talk to the treeks to inform them to what we are about to do and they allow us to do so, after asking the Yggdrasil about it. Since Kalesi is already a soul, no problem there, I ask Daya and Matthew to stand in front of me and close their eyes. I draw two magic circle in the air and after drawing it, I place the end of index and middle fingers in their foreheads to fuse it with them and activate the soul projection. After seeing they successfully soul project, I soul project myself.

We enter the Yggdrasil and saw why this Yggdrasil was different from the ones we have in the other dimension. Yggdrasil is known to be a living tree, has its own mind and controls itself, but this one really embodies the word alive, because someone is living inside it, and looking at it, it's a new being.

"Ah! finally, you are all here, thank you for being so considerate and using soul projection to come and see me, welcome to my humble abode, would you like some tea?"-Female Dryad.

"Demetri, is she a Dryad?"-Daya.

"I guess she is, this is my first time seeing one because they doesn't show themselves that much"-Demetri.

"Yes, I am a Dryad, and nice to see someone from our world not corrupted"-Female Dryad.

"Nice to see you too, wow, you know I have never seen a Dryad before, this is so cool"-Daya.

"Sir Demetri, Lady Daya, is this why an Yggdrasil is alive?"-Matthew.

"No, Yggdrasil is a being itself, it is alive in its own sense not because someone or something is making it alive"-Demetri.

"Then why is someone inside the Yggdrasil tree?"-Matthew.

"Honestly, I don't know the answer to that"-Demetri.

"I can tell you all why if you want too"-Dryad.

We all nodded our heads, waiting for her to tell us.

"Dryads was born from Yggdrasil flowers, we are in linkage with the Treeks and the fairy folk that's why we can communicate with them, I and my partner, he is in here somewhere, maybe tending to the new Yggdrasil flower pods, were attached by our family to this seed so we can be safe from the corruption and tend to the newborn Dryads, attaching us to the seed cost all their lives---"-Dryad.

The Dryad stop talking in the middle of what she was saying because the whole Yggdrasil and the ground started to shake. We brace ourselves and we saw the male Dryad coming to us.

"The Yggdrasil is stretching out it's branches out to the whole village"-Male Dryad.

"It's on defensive mode, something huge is happening outside, it's very nice to meet you, but we need to go, we will come and visit you again and we can continue the conversation"-Demetri.

We bit our farewell to the Dryads and return back to our physical bodies. We saw what the male Dryad is talking about. and this is definitely Yggdrasils, defensive mode, stretching out its branches and creating a unpenetrated wall to protect itself and the village.

"Sir Demetri, so you know what is happening?"-Matthew Father.

"I don't know, but for the Yggdrasil to do this, something big is definitely happening or is about to happen"-Demetri.

I feel my phone is vibrating and it's the Chairman David.

"Chairman David?"-Demetri.

"A gate has opened Demetri, a gate of the Labyrinth, the one in the US, some fools hide the key and open the gate, they were killed on the spot because of the Miasma and the monsters waiting at the gate, we are now evacuating people around the area, and the US hunters are doing there best to keep the monsters inside, the HA orders every hunter to help out, we need you here Demetri."-Chairman David.

"We will be there Chairman David as soon as possible"-Demetri.

I turn off the call and inform the others of what is happening.

"We need to leave immediately, a gate of the Labyrinth in the US has been opened by some idiots, and Chairman said all hunters are needed, now we know why the Yggdrasil is on defensive mode, if we dont leave now, we will not be able to leave because the Yggdrasils wall cannot be penetrated by anything, teleportation magic cannot be use too"-Demetri.

Matthew said his goodbye to his father and we immediately leave before the Yggdrasil covered the whole village, and went to the HA.

Sorry for the late update, been so busy.

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