
The Great Other (ASOIAF)

Transmigrated into Westeros as an Other with Great Sage. He breaks out of the control of The GreatOther and strikes out to create a legend of his own. 1st World : ASOIAF 2nd World: Marvel

Ash_D_Born · Livros e literatura
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Kings Landing


A tourney was being held at Kings Landing. In preparation for Princess Viserra's bethrothal to Lord Manderly. Lords from all over sent their attended either to create contacts with each other or the royal family.

The would be bride Vissera was not having a good time. Why was she the one who had to marry an old man from the North. She had tried running away but the King had learnt his lesson from Princess Saera.

Tonight is her last night unwed. She's going to make the most out of it. But first she must put up with the farce of a tourney so King Jaehaerys can be happy.

But whoever cared about her happiness. She and Saera were always the unwanted children. Not mummy's girl Gael. Or perfect Baelon who usurped his niece. They can do no wrong. She admits she is a little vain but that its.

As she makes her way to the royal box she sees the two biggest people she has ever seen standing side by side. With the most peculiar yet beautiful helmets.

She sits down next to Baelon and asks who they are. He replies that that is Ser Loki and Lady Malenia.

That can't be right. Ser Loki was the one who saved the Gardners near a century ago.

'But they look so young. How is it possible?'

Baelon sighs and looks around cautiously before bending over slightly to lower his voice,

'They may or may not be immortal. I once went through Daenys the dreamer's journal and in them there was a line that led me to believe she once met them. She called them by a moniker.'

'What was it?'

'Loki is believe she called The First Demon and Lady Malenia she called The Undefeated Queen. Many have tried to attack them for the secret to their immortality but they all up uo dead.'


I stood up and started walking towards them. I'm not sure what to expect but surely something interesting will come out of it. Ser Loki glanced at me and for a moment his eyes shone blue before going back to violet purple. I gather myself before starting.

'Good ser. Is the tourney to your liking?'

Ser Loki just looked at me. His eyes boring into my soul and there was a hint of pity in them. Lady Makenia glanced at the two of us then scoffed and said,

'After all these years you still have a bleeding heart. I don't know why you like saving these lost ones.'

Lost ones? What does that mean?

'Lenia don't be rude to the princess. I'm sorry yes I like the tourney. Gives us a chance to wind down and rest. Thrashing these summer knights is real good for my health.' he added while chuckling at the end.

He's beautiful. Inhumanly so even more than us Targareyans. He then held out his arm for me. I linked our arms and Lady Malenia raised an eyebrow before letting it go.

Lady Malenia is taking part in the melee along with Ser Loki. I asked if they would team up against the others. They laughed and said they by themselves are already cheating by fighting these summer knights alone. It would be a nightmare together that they have been partners for the past 400 years.

Eventually the melee was beginning, Ser Loki bid me farewell and asked that I should come visit them in their manor near Visenya's hill.

I walked back to Baelon's side and watched the fight unfold. Loki and Malenia immediately split up and attacked other knights. Ser Loki seemed to have taken the basics of swordsmanship to the extreme. Minimal movements, a slash here, a riposte there, a parry and most of them were done. Lady Malenia was a storm. She never fought one on one. Dropped in ths middle of two knights dueling and incapacitated them quickly with two accurate slashes before moving on to the next. They kept going until it was just them and Daemon left on the field.

Daemon seemed to taunt Ser Loki who smiled and attacked the prince. Daemon held on for as long as he could but he was always on the defensive and parrying strikes. Never had enough time to counterattack cause his blade would be met half swing.

Lady Malenia attacked Ser Loki from behind by grabbing him. She spun around and threw him in the air and readied her sword to impale him.

Everyone stood up sharply. Scared that a great man was about to meet his end here. Ser Loki managed to contort his body mid flight down and escaped almost unscathed if not for the blood falling from his sides.

Prince Daemon backed off to gain his space before attacking her but was quickly disarmed. Malenia punched him and knocked him out before stalking Ser Loki.

Ser Loki looked at her while holding a smile and yielded.

The crowd went ballistics. A woman won the tourney in front of them. Proving once again that women are not just meant to lie still and think about Dragonstone.

Eventually the day and festivities carried onwards until night time. I snuck out of the Red Keep and made my way to the manor on Visenya's hill.

Waiting for me outside his home was Ser Loki.

'You came. Good. There is hope for you yet.'

'You said you can help me with my marriage.'

'Did I? or was it what you hoped to hear.'

'But regardless why should I help you and what are you offering.'

A few seconds passed before I decided,

'The only thing I have is being a princess of the blood. Name your price.'

He looked at her then turned his gaze to the sky.

'First of all… Congratulations for escaping your original death. You were meant to die a few minutes ago. A horse ride after getting drunk with your friends. Fell of the horse and bashed your head against stone. One Last Ride you said. For true it was. My payment is this… there are five dragon eggs in my possession. There will be a time dragons will be needed and I would like your descendants to have them and help at that time. But you will not be in Westeros. You would marry the Manderly and after two years I would send you to a continent in ths West with a human civilization. You will live your life to the fullest there but remember your descendants MUST ANSWER THE CALL.'

'Do I make myself clear,girl?'

'Crystal clear.'

'To help you adjust to that land easier I will wake up your third eye. Allowing you access to your magic. Do not make me regret this girl.'

With that he was gone leaving only silence behind.


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