
The Great Magic Era

In the world of Aureum there are 3 main continents, the vast Verdant, the ancient Antana and the land of gods, Midrass. Since the fall of the ancient elven empire of Lefheim 5000 years ago, the once unified continent of Verdant was now fractured in many nations, all in constant war with one another, where only the strong can carve it's own place amongst the victors, leaving the weak to be forgoten, only to be found as footnotes in the books of history. "Chronicles Of The Broken Sword - Gladius Relicta 2534 h.c.".

blacheaven · Fantasia
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24 Chs

The War Of The Thousand Years

The end of the elven empire marked the start of a new chaotic era in the continent. Now free from the chains of oppression, the 5 vassal races became the strongest forces in Verdant.

Their numbers grew as they expanded their domains taking for themselves pieces of what once belonged to their former masters. When the empire became a thing of the past many of its territory ended in the hands of the five races, leaving little behind for the rest of the elves that survived throught the war.

Of course, even though Lefheim fell apart, many of its former citizens still remained, including nobles families that didn't participate in the civil war that led to the empire's demise. From these remnants, some decided to stablish their own small kingdoms, but most of the elves retreated to the former capital of their empire and built their own small empire in the south of Verdant in the twightlight forest, just above the southern lost land, said to be inhabited by monsters.

The new empire of the elves recibed the name of Holy Empire. Although the the former elven empire fell, the end of elven rule didn't mean that of elves themselves, as a powerful race that dominated a whole continent for 12 millenia, elves, though defeated, were still a force to be recnocked with. Most of the the council and the 12 families disappeared with the empire, but the legacy of elves as a race continues to live on.

Although the five races joined forces to defeat the elves and regain their freedom, there were still many factions even within the races themselves, and when the war with the elves ended, the common enemy which once served as the goal that kept the five allies united also disappeared with it. So although their alliance still remained, in paper, most of its members took their own separated ways.

With their former alliance now in shambles, the five races, as time passed, started to view their former comrades as rivals in the competition for the hegemony in Verdant, this rivalry sparked many conflicts that devolved into wars that lasted for centuries. And even after the wars ended, the pain and hatred that breed in the battlefield would end up being inherited to the new generation, one that new nothing of the day past, and saw in the other races the source of their days of missery.

This wars among the 5 races continued to plague the continent for almost 1000 years. This would have continued if not for the appearance of the very first God since the disappearance of the 7 Gods of origin.


In a battlefield west of the 3 way mountain range, the forces of the orcs and the dauren were at war. Their battle was a cruel one as bodies from both sides covered the land, dyeing the soil red with their blood.

There was no strategy, only pure violence as orcs soldiers threw themselves at the enemies, using their bodies to face the waepons and spells of the dauren head on, and the dauren, moving gracefully through the army of the orcs, piercing the vital points of the enemies in front of them with high precision using both their weapons and magic alike, all of this as their eyes glowed ominously, like stars in the night sky.

Like many other in the past hundreds of years, this war was simply fought for the sake of expansion, no deeper plots or schemes, only pure interests.

But unlike others, this war was about to presence the most important event in the history of Aureum. It all began when night fell, having lost the advantages that their powerful physique granted them, the orc army called the retreat as they couldn't fight properly in the darkness of the night. The dauren instead, took on the offensive as they could see and move properly independently of day or night.

In the middle of the night, as the dauren troops were in hot pursuit of the orcs...

*Crackle*. *Crackle*.

Sounds simmilar to that of lightning filled the cloudless skies as gusts of wind kicked clould of dust, making the trees sway with violence.


Alarmed by the sudden change, the general ordered the soildiers to stop their pursuit as they tried to make sense of the situation.

Then, before anyone could react, a great flash of ligth reminecent of the sun but shining in an emerald green, covered the skies. In the air, a mysterious figure surrounded by arcs of light, shining in the same green color then that of the skies, descended.

Without touching the ground, he remained in the middle of the battlefield as his silhouette, barely dicernible under the green light brought great pressure to all who was brave enough to direct his/her gaze towards his direction.

Of those who could look at him, discovered that under the light was a young looking man of elvish origins, he wore mage robes of green and gold colors, and although most of his traits were visible, only his face remained hidden by arcs of light as if he was wearing a mask.

"...." The sudden appearance of this individual brought a deathly silence to the battlefield, as they all knew that the being that stood before them was unlike anything they've ever seen.

As he remained there, semingly deep in contemplation, he casually swept his gaze over both armies. As his gaze overlooked the whole battlefield, both forces could feel as if they were being looked at by some fearsome beast, cold beads of sweat filled their foreheads as an unprecedent sense of crisis drowned their hearts.




Then by a susden move of his arm, like that of someone wielding a sword, the radiant figure bringed his hand down in one movement.




With the roaring strenght of thunder, the earth trembled under the great force of the impact accompanied by clouds of dust and rubble.

The men and women in both armies struggled to keep their footing as many fell or were swept by the furious winds that followed after the explosion.



A cacophony of curses and confused shouts came from the mouth of the soldiers, as they all looked at the source of the explosion trying to make sense of what just happened.


But even then, as small tremors shock the land minutes after, and the dust have yet to completely disperse, all the soldiers could still see... Before both armies, right in the middle, a huge chasm extending hundreds of meters wide and dozens of kilometers long now appeared.

And the figure of that elf who caused it now was nowhere to be seen.

Even though no one could determine where or how did that man, no, that "powerful being" had gone to, and even many wished that whatever they've just seen was nothing more than a simple dream, the sudden movements of the earth, with the new chasm as its center kept spreading throughout the land for hundreds of kilometers, causing landslides, changing the course of rivers and making even hills to colapse, changing parmanently the landscape.

And now the once valiant warriors and soldiers from both armies, seemed to have forgoten any semblance of their former bravado and fighting spirit, as they fought to keep their feet and hands rooted to the ground to avoid falling.

But before anyone could even muster the strenght to once againg stand, up having passed just a couple of minutes, a voice, with a sound resembling that of thunder, resounded in the night sky as strong gales of wind carried its message echoing into the distance.

"Today after 1000 years, I have ascended, thus shedding away my mortality behind, I've gained enlightment in the ways of magic and the divine, therefore being reborn as a God" said the Mysterious figure from a place no one could see, semingly no here, but his voice could still be heard everywhere

"I command the winds to carry my name throughout the world, to let everyone know of me"

"For i am The Raging Gale"

"The God of Wind"

" I AM HURACAN[1]...!"

Then, per his commands the furious winds dispersed in all directions, carrying with them the message of the God of Wind, Huracan.

[1]. I took the name directly from the mayan mythology, i was searching for names as i stumbled upon it, it sounded cool so i decided to use it.

Hello there, not exactly sure if I'm gonna be capable of posting any chaps for tomorrow as it seem I'll be occupied with work, either way, thanks to those who have been following the story so far, there's only 2 more chaps before the end of the first volume.

As always if you found any typos please let me know in the comments.

blacheavencreators' thoughts