
oops it happened again whelp you want wishes

"well i do apologize about what just happened but your dead" someone said

"what" i said confused

"yes i accidentally killed you as i was supposed to release a little old lady whose time has come i again do apologize" he said

"so where am i and who are you"

"i am what you people call god and as to where you are, the void" god said

"so am i just stuck in the void"

"no you have two choices you can either go to what you people call heaven or you can be reincarnated into any world you like with ten wishes" god said

"you can even make your own character" he continued

"any world even fictional" i said

"yes although if you choose a fictional world it will no longer be fictional and everything you do may changed the outcome of what happens" god said

"can i change the subject for a second i wanna ask a question not related to reincarnation" i said

"sure i don't see why not"

"have you ever accidentally killed someone before"

"this will be my sixth time" he said slightly aggravated at himself for accidentally killing six people since he descended to godhood 317,496,283,000 years ago not a very long time for an immortal but most laugh at him as that is a pretty good record even other gods laughed him as even gods make mistakes from time to time

and i started laughing and couldn't stop for fifteen minutes and the god wasn't phased what so ever by my laughing

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry just give me one second" i said before calming down

"can we get back on topic" god asked after a minute more of me calming down i replied "yes, of course"

he nodded "do you have a choice or do you want me to pick a random one"

"I have a choice i'm just thinking about my wishes"

"ah i see take your time while we are in here time doesn't move so i am in no rush"

after about five minutes or so he realized just how powerful he could be come with those wishes he couldn't be stupid like wish for a mobile suit from gundam but he could still be the most powerful person in that world

"i think i have a decision"

"wonderful than let's begin" god said

I nodded

"i will ask a question you will give an answer all right" god said

"yes sir" i nodded getting excited

"world?" god said

"fairy tail" i said

"as in?" god said

"the anime" i said

"alright appearance" god said

"could you just pull it out of my mind as I cant exactly describe it" i said

"alright a second later he showed me what he found which was 19 year old guy who looked like a combination of Naofumi from rising of the shield hero hajime from arifureta alucard from hellsing and jellal and wheres everything from alucard except in black except the hat instead he wears a jet black Beechfield Unisex Fedora on his head completing his dream character"

"you have good tastes" god said impressed by the character

"do you wish to go by a new name" god continued

"yes" i said immediately

"well" god said

"oh yes of course" <ahem> i coughed "Jonathan Chambers" i continued

"interesting last name"

"I've always hoped that if my character were real one of his traits would be that he was the best marksmen to ever live or will ever live no one in the past or the future could beat his aim hence the name chambers he even earned the title gunslinger in my dreams of course" i said

"i take it that will be his magic, gun magic" god said

"actually that is my first wish" i said

"oh" he said interested

"i wish to be able to use multiple magics" i said

"well i seem to see you will be even more interesting than i thought alright how many magics" god said

"i'm not sure i haven't counted but i do have a list" i said

"as long as it isn't every magic in the existence of the world you are going to i will allow it" god said

"oh no not all of them" i said

"than continue

"can i choose how to implement the magic i want" i asked

"sure" god said which gave me a smile that scared even god

"first i want all demon and dragon slayer magic that i know i and i want it placed around my requip which i want to specifically be able to draw guns" i said

"sure" he responded although he knew that made the requip guns overpowered as all hell

"Then i want celestial spirit magic but i want my keys to be unique to me and me alone summoning power things"

"i have three currently but i will probably think of more that i want"

"i will give you a way to forge your own keys when you enter that world that will even fix keys when they break and not just yours but all of the keys in that world that way getting your keys back if the celestial king is summoned or if god forbid they accidentally break possible" god said

"before i continue will i remember this conversation as i'd like to i like talking to you" i said

"alright i will grant that as an 11 wish simply because i like talking to you too also the names of the spirits you wanna start with"

"ah yes um cerberus summons a normal looking wolf that can control wind utopia the yugioh card i want both his ability to negate all attacks and his evolution ability and all his forms i don't mind if i have to unlock them as long as their there also take out the detach effect and the destruction effect and put in that he can have his shield put up until he willingly puts it down it down and he has to in order for him to attack and finally i want a key to summon onyx a dragon with the ability to stop time for 10 seconds every 5 minutes" i said naming all three keys

"done as he said that a ring appeared on my hip with the three keys and there own intricate designs"

"my next wish is i want a spell separate from all the other spells specifically designed for storage that even has infinite storage space and that spell will be void hole and i don't want it to connect to the void i want the spell to be it's separate dimension" i said

"you will not be able to enter this dimension it's solely for storage" he said

"that's fine my third wish i want to have 2 zanpakutos without making myself a shinigami i just want the blades and their abilities with me being able to use their true bankais from the start and you can tie that into requip if i am allowed to use multiple weapons at once" i said

"i take it you already have their abilities in mind" god said

"yes but before i start i want their first form to be normal katanas" i said

"that's fine" god said

"saraki will be the first it's shikai will be a realm the blade will vanish and in it's place will be a realm of shadows you can see whats in this realm with ease say for example i and my dog max were in the realm and max was 30 meters away you could still see him also it is as bright as day in the realm so i can see max as if it were a sunny day but if look at anything the realm created all you will see is black as nothingness and the bankai the sky will stay black as will the surroundings but everything will become cold and the floor will changed to blue as the ground will become ice and a blizzard will begin so everyone besides the user and his/her chosen will feel the appropriate cold however those who i stated are unaffected will be fine in fact they will have there energies including magic rejuvenated and i will then be able to freeze my opponents and sucking out their life force without me losing the same and their life force starts draining ice roses start blooming around them and the more life force saraki takes the stronger it becomes"

"so eugeo's release recollection but bigger with darkness and no drawbacks"

"and senchiro's shikai will be a flying sword like eugeo again without the drawback of me having to fuse with it it just goes to shikai and flies around and i don't really care how the shikai blade looks as long as it looks awesome and bankai is a flying sword but faster and anything slashes degrades unless i say otherwise"

"alright that's simple enough" god said and two katanas appeared on my hips

"i want them both on my left side when being worn which wont be often" i said and they were both on the left as he finished

"alright next" god said {he is going to be a monster in the fairy tail universe he could more than likely beat acnologia, evil jellal, zeref, the twelve spriggins and there entire army combined by himself} he thought {and he's just gotten to his FOURTH wish}

"for my fourth wish i wish to have a perfected azura machina" i said

"as in" god said

"no burial doll" i said

"what's it do" god said

"kagane will be able to reflect all non space affiliated magics back at the person who cast it oh and it has a giant revolver" i said

"now i know why saraki exists" god said

"yep exclusively for kagane although i can use it outside kagane" i said

"alright five" god said

"i want to start before the story begins" i said

"six" god said

"i want to start rich having tons of money in void hole" i said

{of course he does} "seven" god said

"i just ran out of ideas so i will use my seventh wish to save my last two wishes for when i think of something" i said

"alright you will start right outside magnolia and i will have one of the guild members accidentally run into you" god said

"wait i just thought of something i wanna know how to cook like the best chef in Shokugeki no Soma" i said

"you have two left you miss counted" god said

"thank you god for everything" i said

"your welcome, are you ready"

"yes" i said seriously

"than off you go remember to have fun and good luck" god said

"your not giving me a system are you" i said

"i was going to yes" god said

"don't, i don't want anything else and i definitely don't want anything in my head with the exception of my celestial keys" i said

"alright no system you will have a map in your void hole and when you wake up you'll have the knowledge of all the magics you have asked for and how to use all your weapons and to cook food that will make people flock to you for some" god said

"awesome" i said

"good luck and have fun"

"thanks and good bye"

and then i felt myself moving at a quick pace