
The great dungeon core

Timothy was your average otaku his taste was centered more towards war and Mary building animes so you could say he was very adept in the many ways of properly building a army, Although, he is different from the average reincarnated for the fact he was not just killed right out of the blue he died from old age, here is how it went, he had a wife and lived a average and not very hard life but he worked hard for that, still looking back at his life it was boring to him.

dao_of_lewds · Ação
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Before the start

We arrive in a pitch black room only lit up by a feble amount of light, provide by the Moon light seeping through the navy curtains.

"Timothy" a soft, welcoming, and friendly voice yells. there is a sudden flash, as a shadowy figure appears blocking the already limited amount of light, before the man could utter a sound everything lights up, revealing a darkskined, black haired boy

the figure jumps up and as he sees the time he rushes to go downstairs and get ready. he walks through his house saying goodmorning to his parents and heads out rushing to go somewhere .

you may be wondering why that person is rushing out the house so fast well you see that was well me before I arrived in my situation today, before I finish this story lets go to the present

user 1 you have died, after living a normal life, even though you have only lived for, 18 years and based on the many thing that you have done in your life, we are giving you a new life that you might just enjoy.

"what th-" I said before everything faded to pitch black, before all of a sudden I'm awoken to a robotic voice,

welcome young dungeon core to a new and lovely life, before that life begins would you like a tutorial although everything you can do will no be explained in this tutorial after it everything should come natural.

anyway let us beging you have been reborn as something people in your world would call a dungeon. you basically build a territory starting off with a species's of creatures. You can also manage your species type, wether that be soldiers, builder, etc, by pulling up your city management and to see from there eyes say, army sight which will allow you to experience life as one of your citizens with a more down to earth view but you can't not control that person.

I'd like to remind the host that you don't have to say it out loud, instead you can say it mentally

Moreover, you can see the the many different resources, you have collected by saying bring up resources. The resources panel will not stay active in your view for more than 10 seconds of inactive unless you say otherwise,

oh before I forget your starting species has many different types.

Also, you only get 1-3 intelligent species choices. unlike others games and you can only spawn in a limited amount before you can no longer spawn unless the originally spawned one dies from war then you can spawn, or when you level up and develop your territory so if you have 10 orcs you can only spawn in 10 until one of those die and say you have 9 now you can get a new one but It won't have the same experience as the other and will have to be trained over, these summoned monster don't die of old aged and have a chance to evolve

Alright here your choices,

You can have 100 goblins troops of unassigned job.

50 orcs of unassigned job 25 humans, 5 orcs and 5 goblins.

10 direwolfs, 2 werewolves and 6 of the same random weak were beast

^why are the numbers of the races so varied I thought to myself, wait a minute I never really questioned what this thing was sounds like, poor writing if you ask me^

"You may be think to yourself why are the numbers so varried well because the monster have different strength and orcs are the strongest race that can be giving to you, let me explain the strength of 1 average orc equals to the strength of 2 goblins so 10 orcs = 20 goblins

This just is not only for strength it is also for intelligence the further down you go the better the creatures, but not necessarily the better deal

so basically everything's strength appears to be similar but that is not always the case because there are variants to this

after a large amount of pondering I decide to go for the last choice, simple because of the the amount of wolves present with wolves being my favorite creatures.

"are you sure you want to make this choice" a robotic voice

^ I wish I could change the voice of the system,^ as I finish my thought, a ding goes of how would you like to change the systems voice a prompt sound of I choose male voice and that sound kind of like a Brother

I then get back on task I confirm by just thinking it, all of a sudden everything fades to black.

I wake up in the middle of a forest with the sun in the middle of the sky surrounded by trees with thick leaves, and multiple different fruitsm bushes with many different nuts and berries.

after, Im done looking around I see my 2 werewolves that stand at height of 9 feet, very muscular, and verosious looking.

The 10 direwolfs are much bigger than Earth wolves looking like tigers. Finally, the 6 Wererats who are a 2 times the size of a

Chihuahua, after looking around I click on the population manager, I decided to send the Wererats to go gather wood and stones, and send the werewolves and direwolves to go hunting for food.

While I'm waiting I begin growing the menu, I see building management and it's kind of weird because it customized for wolves which is kind of cool, it cost 10 wood to construct a Wererats burrow and then 30 stones to construct a wolf den.

The werewolves and wolfs, were lightly pacing through the forest, as they become on a scent and come to a halt in a synchronized manner and begin to get low and sneak up on a pack of unsuspecting elk, when they are within 10 feet, the wolves burst out in a rush of speed and attack with 2 wolves attacking one elk, and the werewolves each getting their own wolf, second pass as the elks don't react before kicking it into a sprint and disappearing from the area as the wolves drag the seven elk back to their camp.

The Wererats struggle with the gathering of the stones and it takes 20 minutes to gather 10 stones with three were rats, but the wood on the other hand is surprisingly efficient with were rats getting a total of 80 wood per 10 minutes with 3 were rats

-while Timothy is browsing the store 5 hours pass-

When I finish browsing, the menu I check the resources and found out, we have seven units of elk meat, 150 pieces of stones, 2,400 pieces of wood. I close the tab and I'm shocked to find the the wererats already built their own dens, and I had the option to upgrade them for 20 wood each. I upraded and now have 2,280 wood remaining.