
The Great Demand

The year is 2025, We have colonised Mars in a way that you might expect: employed by the governments of the world to experiment with life on another world. But with everything the government does, there are always secrets.

HollowTheory · Ficção Científica
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3 Chs

Prologue - Constructing the World

December 5th, 2025, with great efforts and strides ran by the big global powers that be here on Earth, we were finally able to colonize Mars and have been running under the control of the Global Lead Alliance for Space Exploration (GLASE but pronounced like the world "glass.") In typical fashion, the world leaders through GLASE has completely sequestered any privatization of any land of Mars. There is an array of 6 separate colonies, all from the 6 major powers of the world, thought many nationalities are intermingled for the sake of posterity and good relations with each nation. The 2 major powers, as you would expect is the United States and Russia, behind them is Great Britain, South Korea, Japan, and Saudi Arabia. Everyone was surprised that Saudi Arabia had expanded into space exploration, but when you are on the cusp of an oil crisis, you tend to look into other avenues to support your lavish lifestyle. China was not going to step up to the plate, after the strife with The Resistance, they had plenty to deal with here on Earth. Of course, everyone is looking to get the upper hand, and the United States was keen to capitalize on the new found land. Opposite of the colonies, they had an underground base set up where they could experiment on people. With the newly established colonization, GLASE took point on making the laws of the new frontier. Human experimentation was the primary objective for establishing the initial colonies, so naturally the U.S. found a loop hole. Though, instead of GLASE objective of finding the best conditions to allow for life on other planets, the U.S. was experimenting with creating the ultimate super soldier. Now, here we are, a year and a half after the establishments of the colonies, we find ourselves following the story of a group in the 2nd colony dome.

*NOTE* This has a female lead character, but Webnovel, for some reason only has Sci-Fi Romance genre for female leads, so here you go*

Lines that are quoted and in their own space indicates that the narrator is speaking within the story. such as this:

This is story line and inner dialogue.

"Hello the people in the story line"

More inner dialogue.

I highly reccomend reading this to get a good outlay of the brave new world I have created. It isn't much, so read up.

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