
The Great Black King • Volume 1

She has fallen in love with a character from a book she has read a thousand times and after an incident, has awakened in her arms, but who knew that one's opinion could change so much upon seeing the actions of such a being up close. Even though she no longer sees him romantically, she wants to save him and his little son, she wants to give everyone a happy ending, but... what if they are right in the middle of THEIR happy ending? It should be okay, right? After all... This was never a story about King Callisto.

ElliotAvaritia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

Chapter • 46

♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱

"Don't die" I had said, but now, I was over him, his hands held my hip and his lips sealed mine.

I had lost my mind, right? No, he was fine, his body was at the right temperature, his eyes were fixed on me and his lips...

I felt my breath fail as Callisto pulled me closer.

"Don't blame me after..." he muttered as he kissed me again.

I knew what that meant.

'Don't blame me, don't treat me like you're just here for it'.

It was a fair trade.

I slid my fingers down the back of his neck and intertwined his hair pulling them and forcing him to stare at me.

"Don't treat me like a street whore and I won't blame you" I said feeling my voice much rougher than it normally was, but Calisto smiled, he just smiled and his eyes shone with some satisfaction.

"As you wish... dear" purred and his hands hurried over my body, he strummed each of my curves, kissed my neck, my breasts and when we finally got rid of the clothes, I felt his body glued to mine again.

I felt his fangs thrust into my neck as my legs wrapped around Callisto's body.

I knew that feeling, my body knew that feeling.

He was between my legs, he was in me and my body burned as if waiting for it, longing for it.

"Asra..." he snored "don't try to restrain his moans, it's not like someone will hear us here" he said provocatively and I bit his lip hard making him bleed.

"You better shut up, Majesty..." I growled "or I'll end up making you ask for more."

Calisto smiled, a mischievous smile, full of malice. He knew I wasn't kidding, but he didn't care one bit.

Where was that man from minutes ago? The one who burned in fever and seemed about to die?

My nails sank into his back as he began to move and when I realized it, I groaned his name, I pulled him close and could feel the trunk of a tree against my back as Callisto's hands sank into my skin.

That would leave marks, lots of marks. He would leave all the marked fingers on my body if he continued to hold me that way and yet, I was enjoying it, I wanted more; yet I called him, I groaned in his ear and kissed him with the same intensity with which he moved, until our lungs burned, until it was impossible to continue without breathing.

We were in a forest, we were just the two of us, my skin pressed against the icy trunk of that tree, Callisto standing while holding my hip with one hand and sliding the other by my breasts. I held him by the hip with his legs around him and at no time did we part, our looks met and then we kissed again and again.

It was not like those days - in the early days -, it was not like a fairy tale where there were caresses and a magical feeling. They were two bodies, desire and pleasure.

I grunted as I moved against him, my body shook.

Had sex been this good before?

⋅• ♱ •⋅

I was finishing getting dressed when Calisto approached, his fingers slipped over my shoulder and he pulled my hair back.

"Do you need help?"


"No... and I don't think you know how to do anything but strip young ladies," I teased and he laughed as he kissed my neck.


"Sure?" I continued "you looked very good at what you were doing a little while ago..."

He grunted sinking his face into my neck.

"I'm very good at many things, dear..." she murmured and felt her arms wrap around my hip.

"We should go back" I said putting one hand over yours.

Callisto sighed.

"Come back to..."

I settled.

Go back.

Go back and deal with what had happened.

"At least now we have a clue" I said and turned gently to stand in front of him "we know that angels are involved in "tributes", at first I had considered the idea, but... I thought it was something individual, specific to the Vatican or what's left of it" I spoke as I wrapped my arms around his neck "but obviously not, right?"

Calisto nodded.

"The Vatican must be involved, but obviously there's an angel behind it all..." muttered "but who? Michael?"

I denied it with my head.

"Miguel is muscles don't lie" I said almost automatically and only then I realized that: I didn't know that.


It was Asra again.

I popped my tongue in the roof of my mouth.

"You're right" he said as he sealed my lips "but if we have no clues as to who he is, we need to find out the most important thing: where is the pope."

"Why are you so attractive when you talk about hunting religious?"

Calisto smiled, a singing smile as he kissed me.

"I don't know, honey, maybe this is something personal... something just yours."

I sank my face in his chest, feeling that sweet perfume.

Why was it so good? Why was it so comforting?

Maybe it was because he was my Confort character, maybe because of the way I always understood his motivations, or maybe... it was because Asra, maybe it was because she was used to it, because her body was used to having him there.


I still remembered the feeling.

How could she love Calisto? How could she feel so good around him when she was so angry?

I felt my fingers cross behind Callisto.

"We need to go back" I muttered again.

We should go back, but a part of me - didn't want to.

"Right" he said and kissing my forehead, let me go.

Is that how Elaine felt?

I could remember her words, how she said she didn't want to separate from Callisto and when he released her, it was like floating in the world without a direction.

I shook my fingers closing my hands in fists.

That would be ridiculous.

I wasn't Elaine and I wasn't Asra. I didn't have time for something so silly, I didn't have time for a romance.

⋅• ♱ •⋅