


Time to have some fun: A spring break Chapter


With everything that happened, Ma and Dad allowed us to go on spring break, along with Kaiden and Kain. Did they think this was a brilliant idea?

The only reason they allowed us to go without them was that Major and Maverick were coming. Figures.

We ended up going to Myrtle Beach, where Grammy’s house was. Even though she didn’t go there much anymore, the family kept it for a vacation spot.

We arrived, and everyone got settled. Piper and I hit the beach, along with the others, except for Luna and Major. Luna was unpacking when Major knocked on the door.



I turned to Major. /"Hey, I thought you went to the beach with the others?/"

/"I figured I would wait for you./" He walked over to me.

/"Major, I’m fine. I doubt anyone will barrel through that door with a gun. Plus, I have this cool-looking scar./" I grinned, pointing to her leg.