
Chapter 23

Jo's mouth was full, so she just nodded.

"I saw Tram yesterday." A smile spread over my face. "We kissed."

Bits of orange fell out of Jo's mouth onto her tray. She slapped the table with the palm of her hand and stared at me, grinning like a crazy person.

I had to laugh even though she grossed me out with her carroty grin.

She finally swallowed. "He's super hot."


"I won't tell Cal that you and Tram kissed."

The smile slipped from my face. "Huh?"

"Cal will lose it if he finds out. He's already hanging onto sanity by a turtle's tooth because of you." She glanced at the chicken nuggets on her tray, squished up her face, and took another carrot.

"But..." I shook my head, trying to make sense of Callum. That would probably take more time than one lunch period. "I didn't do anything to him."

Jo touched my arm. "I know that." She sat back in her chair and studied me. "Besides the fact that Tram's hot, why pick him for your rebound boy?"