
Chapter 1

"I hate my fucking life",I muttered under my breath as my Boss, Erick told me that I had to join in a threesome with some CEO's. Don't get me wrong, I loved my job, not really but I wasn't ashamed of being a prostitute or being a stripper, it doesn't seem as one of the most decent jobs but the pay is worth it. I had a lot of bills to pay and I didn't really have time to look for a decent job, a job was a job but doing a threesome was always so messy. The shit grossed me out and I always hated doing it no matter the client.

"You know I can do any other shit but threesome is a bit farfetched for me and we have Jessie and Janet and trust me I know they live for threesomes or foursome, i don't care but I'm not doing it," I said looking at Erik. Me and Erik didn't have the normal Boss and worker relationship, Erik was more like my best friend and we argued a lot but he put aside our friendship when it came to work and I hated it .

"Bella, I keep telling you that you should drop your morals and manners at home , we are at a fucking strip club , people come here to get turned on and fuck and they pay us huge for that shit, so it would be better if you can be less stubborn,"Erik said pissed off.

I came closer to Erik, pressing my boobs on his arm, he looked at them and then his eyes returned to my face. MyI smiled and kissed his cheek and Erik melted, he always does but he keeps putting up this tough guy fence .

"Bella, you know how much I love you but you can't keep using that to blackmail me,"He said

"I can, and if you behave well, you might actually get a chance to hit-,"I stopped and whispered into his ear "this pussy". Funny as it seems, Erik has never slept with me. I never allowed him to, I was never interested in him actually but when I found out that he liked me , that changed everything, I used it against him everytime and he fell everytime. I was a prostitute but I wasn't a cheap one, I was considered as one of the most expensive because of my pretty innocent face and a sexy body that guys crave.

Erik shivered and his erection started growing. "Babe, you have to take care of that by yourself," I said looking down at him. "I don't get why you have to keep doing this to me, fisting is getting quite boring, I need you," he pleaded. I laughed, having a best friend that was overly obsessed with you isn't very nice.

"Back to business, I will get you a private client then, keep your schedule open," He said.

"Sure",I said doing my little happy dance and walking away to my private room. Once I was inside I started undressing, it was going to be a very long night for me. I looked at the time , it was few minutes to 12, the strip club was booming with music and I was ready for my first client.

Dylan walked into a strip club, not because he wanted to but because his best friend Andrew forced him to come. Andrew has been his best friend from preschool and he was overly excited to see him again. Dylan had just reached Las Vegas and Andrew told him to stay with him and before he knew it he was getting dragged by Andrew into a club.

"When last did you get laid, you look so grumpy and troubled that's why I brought you here , to ease your stress," Andrew said. Dylan hadn't told Andrew the reason he was in Las Vegas, he wasn't able to come around that topic. He didn't know where to start.

"I am not planning on getting laid tonight Drew, I like the effort you put in though, but I'm not really interested," Dylan said.

" You aren't gay right?",Drew asked with a raised eyebrow. Dylan but his face in his palms disappointed and shook his head.

"I love girls, but not today, I'm not in the right mood, I want to get drunk ", Dylan said and before Andrew could utter another word he walked off to the bar. He got himself another whiskey then Andrew walked and sat beside him .

"I know you are going through some shit and you hardly come to bars and clubs and that something really important brought you all the way here, but just one night, forget it all for one night and start right up from tomorrow, I won't disturb you," He said Dylan shook his head and said "I-i will try".

"Ok, speaking of trying, I got you a room, you can go in there while I arrange some girls for you",Drew said leading him more into the club leaving his drink all alone. Drew stopped in front of the room.

"Go in, and stop acting like Mr.Goody shoes, if she wants to touch you, let her, if she tells you to touch her, obey,"He said looking straight into him.

"Fine," Dylan said more nervous than before. He has had sex a lot of times so it wasn't like he was a virgin or anything but he was told by a lot of girls that he sucked at it and that he came to quickly or that he didn't know how to pleasure a woman, so he didn't enjoy sex all that much.

He went it and looked around the dimly lit room. He saw a couch and sat down still looking around.