
The Good And Bad System

Teboho_Theo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Not a mixed breed , an evolved and an undiscovered animal

Her childhood memories started to flood her mind as she fell , although the fall was taking it's time she knew how tall this cliff was supposed to be .. whilst she was still thinking about the little bird she once killed during her childhood times the old man who fell before her wasn't even screaming or struggling in the air .. instead he closed his eyes and put on a smile.

Before she knew it she felt a hand on her waist .. she opened her eyes .. and right infront of her was Aethelu who still carried a nonchalant expression and didn't even show any slight fear on his face .. he held her close to him and pressed his body with her's as the fall was starting to get intense and rough .. she was now infront of his face .. her cheeks flushed and she had even forgotten about the fall and all that she was thinking about when she was falling .. Aethelu used his body attraction skill to force the man to get on his back .. and without knowing the man was pulled forcefully towards Aethelu's back.

Before he could say anything he was already on his back and now they were all falling and they soon waited for fate to make a decision for their lives .. Aethelu rolled his eyes at them .. Amelia held tight with her arms around aethelu and her face pressed in his chest ..

When they saw the ground their bodies shook violently and fear was starting to hit the man .. Aethelu activated the armour's spines on his fingers and dug them deep in the large tree on his side to slow down the fall .. but he knew that the creature was still following from behind so activated the armour's spines on both of his hands as he jumped from tree to tree eventually crashing on the ground hard with feet .. but he made sure not to hurt his body .. so he activated the spines underneath his feet .. the spines grew longer and sharper but at the tip the spines started to create a pointless tip .. he crashed into the ground but the spines kept him in the air as they dug in the ground .. groywing more shorter and shorter .. now after the fall he retrieved the spines back into his armour.

When they felt that the air wasn't crushing their insides and that their bones haven't broken they opened one eye to look .. Amelia saw the ground .. and unbeknownst to her , her legs were tightened on Aethelu's waist .. she immediately got off and beat against his armour "How could you push me off the cliff you barbarian ..?" Aethelu grabbed her fists .. and threw her at the old man "Old man take her and run away from here!" he shouted at the old man before he took a stance ..

The old man grabbed Amelia's shoulders and teleported away from Aethelu .. but before they teleported Amelia noticed the creature landing just infront of Aethelu and this proved her worst nightmares true .. Aethelu was going to die "Aethelu !!" tears drooled down her face as she teleported away with the old man.

The creature's nails dug deep into the ground before retreating back into its skin , the creature then looked at Aethelu with a menacing smile on its black face that had red lines on it that looked like hair .. Aethelu stood there looking at it.

The creature fixed it's stance and stretched it's chest out and said "Hmm you're an interesting one" it snarled at him with its smile getting wider revealing it's blood tinted razor sharp teeth .. "I'm surprised that you're still alive after that fall .. strong people and knowledgeable people like you taste great .. and you're qualified for my praises and qualified to be my meal" it licked it's smiley face .. and its black tongue dangled outside .. "Hmph you're an interesting one .. I thought you were like that old man who pissed his pants when he saw me" Aethelu looked at it with narrowed eyes

"You like talking don't you ..?" Aethelu's expression turned into a cold one and as soon as those words left his mouth a chilling aura arose from his body clashing with the creature's .. the creature became more and more interested and as it did it side one of its skills to look at Aethelu's current power .. but surprisingly Aethelu's power was concealed to it .. it wasn't only shocked as it stopped in its tracks it became cautious as well because right infront of it stood a boy whose power was unrelated to the other humans it had encountered so far "You ..!" it snarled with smile getting more wider and blood escaped through the gaps in its teeth .. Aethelu looked at it as it stopped moving and he stopped too looking at it ..

"Your aura surpasses that old man's .. who are you .. I like to know the details of worthy opponents .. and you're the first worthy opponent I've encountered so far .. let me get your name before I eat you" Aethelu just looked at it without responding , the aura didn't subside infact it kept increasing its intensity even the creature was getting more and more cautious .. it's guts were telling it to increase its strength now before it went into battle with the boy infront of it

"Since you won't tell me your name .. I'll do you a favour by telling you mine .. I am Devourer a .." before it could finish Aethelu interrupted "A demon"