
The golden eyed Omega

Ina is a golden eyed Omega, which is exceptional among desert wolves, living together with her friend Noah in the pack on a desert next to a big city hidden behind huge walls. The life for desert wolves is hard, water is rationed out and what is more, there are some parts that are not available for them as they are inhabited by feral werewolves, which cannot shift into human form anymore, and hunt Ina’s pack and similar ones for food. In the city live the high class werewolves entertaining themselves by organizing huntings on stray werewolves who, when they get caught, are being sold into slavery. Werewolves fights are very popular as well as buying personal slaves.

KatS2020 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Chapter 14

Ina followed Gabriel back to the main house, where she met Mr Prescot. That house was huge. It was surrounded by trees and there even was a small fountain in front of the entrance. Before they went in Gabriel turned at her and with his weird smile decided to announce something to her.

"This night is special, you will be taken to an amazing underground arena with me and Mr Prescot. Be obedient, I wouldn't like to harm you. Not after you treated my dick so lovingly."

There was a high chance that Ina will never get used to his way of speaking. Especially when he was saying such things while looking her straight in the eyes.

"If you want to do it again I could agree, after we return. Or maybe you will be willing to do something more? Hmm?" That weird smile was back on his face.

Mr Prescot was in his big room. Sitting behind a desk. Gabriel knocked on the door and after short "Enter" They came in.

"So, this is my little disobedient Omega. How's the training?" He asked Gabriel.

"Well sir. She learns quickly."

"The Commander informed me about his interest, that's good. Today we shall show her to a bigger audience." He stood up and approached Ina.

"She looks pretty. We need to smell her pheromones. She should be covered in them a little to attract but not to make Alphas go wild." He wasn't really talking to her, still Ina did what he expected from her. A faint smell of her pheromones surrounded her.

"Hmm that's nice." Gabriel closed his eyes and enjoyed the sweetness.

"Yes, it's pleasant." Mr Prescot agreed. "We need to go, the carriage is waiting."

They stepped into a carriage and Ina was sitting next to Mr Prescot and opposite to Gabriel. She was looking out of the window and watching the houses and people they were passing by. They stopped in front of another big house. It was round. Mr Prescot led her out holding the chain's end in his hand and Gabriel followed close behind.

At the entrance they were greeted by a bulky looking man, who nodded and without a single word let them in. The wide corridor led straight to a huge double door that was opened by another two men standing there. Ina led by Mr Prescot went inside only to see a few rows around a round stage .

Mr Prescot was walking slowly, nodding here and there, greeting some people while Ina was looking at the ground. From time to time Mr Prescot was lifting her chin up to show her face to some important customer. Ina saw a few faces, some younger, some older. They were all looking at her as if she was a piece of meat on their plate. She felt relieved when they finally reached their places. The seats were comfortable, there was much space between them there was even a cushion on the floor for a slave. Ina was standing waiting for Mr Prescot to show her where she was supposed to sit. Mr Prescot pulled the chain and Ina sat down on a cushion between Gabriel and Mr Prescot.

"The show tonight is for you to enjoy and learn a valuable lesson. Obedience will give you a comfortable life. If you keep being disobedient, you will end up in a place like that or worse." Mr Prescot smiled and patted Ina's head.

Ina was looking around, there were many men and only a few women. She could smell different Alphas here.

Gabriel was sitting comfortably and even winked at Ina. The lights went almost all out and then suddenly the stage was lit. In the bright spotlight two men on the stage appeared. They were Alphas for sure. They both had dark hair and many scars on their upper body. They were wearing only short pants. Moment later a colorfully dressed man with blonde hair entered the stage. He was middle aged and was probably a Beta as he looked smaller as the other two.

"Citizens of the Sun City, today for your amusement two mighty fighters will fight for their lives. The winner will receive a pleasant reward and will be able to live till the next fight." There was a light laughter coming from the spectators. "To my left is the red fighter from the house Rivera, a champion, you know him well. To my right a newcomer, he already has some experience,he fought three times and won each time. He represents the house of Hermann. Now is the time to make your bets."

A few skimpy clothed women were walking around collecting cards with bets on them. Ina noticed they were Betas as two passed next to her.

"Without any further ado, let the fight begin!" The man on the stage announced the beginning and a sound of a gong marked the start.

Ina was watching the fight, two mighty Alphas were fighting ruthlessly. Even sitting that far from the stage she could sense their strong pheromones and it made her feel uncomfortable. They were growling and Ina had problems breathing, scared as he was she grabbed Gabriel's leg and buried her head behind it. She felt Gabriel's hand stroking her head and gently touching her nape and then rubbing it. She was slowly calming down when she felt a strong pull.

"What are you doing? The one who is holding the chain is your Master, you are not allowed to touch any other Alpha without my permission." Mr Prescot hissed.

"I'm sorry Master, I got scared." Ina looked at Mr Prescot with wide scared eyes. The man sighted and placed his hand on her head. It wasn't a protective gesture, more like a sigh of domination. On the stage one of the Alphas actually bit off the other man's ear. The blood was everywhere, the people cheered. Ina was disgusted, she glimpsed at Gabriel as he was watching her with a pleased expression. The Alpha wearing red trousers threw the other one on the floor with a loud thud, but black Alpha stood quickly up, not willing to surrender. Ina could see the veins popping on his shoulders. A strong punch sent the red Alpha to the floor. The black clad one threw himself on him and started choking him. Ina was sitting among all those people watching how one person was killing the other. It was an awful show. She could feel the excitement coming from all the other Alphas sitting in the audience, from her Master and Gabriel as well. She closed her eyes. The loud cheer made her open her eyes, only to see that the black Alpha won.

"Now that's a surprise." was all her Master's comment.

"Now my dear Omega watch carefully and learn." Mr Prescot smiled coldly.