
The golden eyed Omega

Ina is a golden eyed Omega, which is exceptional among desert wolves, living together with her friend Noah in the pack on a desert next to a big city hidden behind huge walls. The life for desert wolves is hard, water is rationed out and what is more, there are some parts that are not available for them as they are inhabited by feral werewolves, which cannot shift into human form anymore, and hunt Ina’s pack and similar ones for food. In the city live the high class werewolves entertaining themselves by organizing huntings on stray werewolves who, when they get caught, are being sold into slavery. Werewolves fights are very popular as well as buying personal slaves.

KatS2020 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Chapter 11

The Commander's expression changed for a moment. He was shocked but he composed himself quickly.

"Come here slave.' He wanted to see her face closer. Ina stood up and followed his order. The Commander grabbed her chin and checked her eyes.

"I have once seen such eyes in the desert. Once. No other slave here has such eyes. How long have you been here?"

"Few days sir." Ina decided to be obedient, she didn't need any more problems. Soon her kidnapper will be called over and she will be punished. Moreover, the man in front of her is scary. Back then in the desert, he killed those fierce wolves with such ease. She could see him in his full glory with shoulder long blond hair, unusually pale eyes and defined jaw. Tall, with a broad chest, he was an example of a perfect Alpha. At least when it comes to his appearance.

"We have met before, haven't we?"

"Yes, You killed those fierce wolves. I saw it." Ina admitted, there was no point denying it.

"Who owns you?" The Commander finally let her chin go. Ina stepped back a little.

"Mr Prescot, sir."

The Commander nodded, apparently he knew that man.

"So, you were trying to escape as soon as you got a chance for it." He looked her up and down again with an assessing eye. Ina was really grateful for the clothes she got from the guard.

"Have you informed her owner?" The question was directed at the guard standing a bit behind the Commander.

"Yes sir, I have sent the information a while ago." As a confirmation of his words some voices coming from outside could be heard. Ina's stomach got tighter. She was scared. The word punishment echoed in her head. The Commander looked at her, he was an Alpha he could sense a distress in an Omega. The sound of approaching steps got closer. Soon she heard Mr Prescot's voice, he was talking to Commander, Ina couldn' hear well what they were talking about but she saw a familiar face looking at her from behind the bars. It was Gabriel.

"Such a bad girl you are, I wish I could chase you. It would have been so much fun. You and I, alone, running across the dark city." He said grinning like a psychopath. The sudden appearance of the guard stopped Gabriel from spouting more nonsense. The guard opened the bars and Ina was asked out. As soon as she went out a strong slap on her face brought her down to the floor.

"Get up." Mr Prescot hissed at her.

Ina was scared before now she got angry, she has never been good at counseling her emotions so she gave him a look full of hatred. She got up and clenched her fists. That man won't slap her again.

"What a sight." Gabriel managed to make a comment before Mr Prescot continued.

"Gabriel, put the slave on the leash and walk her back home."

"Commander, thank you and your guards for the hard work. Thanks to all of you, citizens here can enjoy a safe and prosperous life." Mr Prescot bowed, while Gabriel was putting on a collar with a silver chain attached to it. He took his sweet time touching Ina's neck. Ina stood still, they wanted to humiliate her with it. Not a chance. Her cheek was swollen and probably was in a purple shade. However Ina looked proudly at all the people gathered here and started walking even before Gabriel made a move.

"So eager to go back home?" Gabriel smiled and took the lead passing her by.

The walk back to that house was more than unpleasant. Everybody was staring at her with contempt, ridicule or pity. She hated all those feelings. For a moment she felt relieved when they got back. The other slaves looked scared, so was Misa. They were all taken outside. There was a small square surrounded by trees and other buildings. In the middle there was a wooden pole with iron rings attached to it. Misa was taken to the pool, her back was bare and Gabriel with a whip in his hand came out of the building. Everyone was summoned out of the building and were creating an audience for the upcoming show. Misa was trembling, she was sobbing and looked frightened. Ina was wondering why was Misa being punished, what could she possibly have done?

"Now Omega, look. This slave will take your punishment. Her screams are for your disobedience." Mr Prescot standing on her right nodded at Gabriel. The whipping began. Misa was screaming.Soon her back was dripping with blood. Ina could feel every whip, she flinched whenever Misa was hit.

"Sir please, it was my fault. I should be punished." She said looking at Mr Prescot who was watching the whole scene with indifferent eyes. Gabriel continued his work, he only switched his hands. The beating took a toll on his right arm.

"Sir please." Ina fall to her knees, the shouts and loud sobs continued. Misa was on the verge of passing out.

"See Omega, you are worth a little fortune, so your skin must remain untouched. For now. That is why she is taking your punishment. She was supposed to teach you obedience."

"Sir, she did nothing wrong. I will be obedient. Sir, I beg you, please." She interrupted him, Misa passed out, her back was a mess, the wounds were deep. Her blood stained her dress and the sand below. She was hanging like a lump of meat as her legs gave out. Gabriel was stretching his arm. He looked at Ina with a bright smile. She could still see some blood droplets on his face. The view was so distorted. How can a man with such an innocent looking face beat a woman to unconsciousness. She couldn't breath, her chest was tight, the whole world was spinning right in front of her eyes. Then it was dark.