
The Golden Crow Flies Once More

Julian sent back to his academy days must now manevour through hidden schemes and monstrous enemies, using his extensive knowledge of the future to his advantage to protect those dear to him and cast away the shadow of despair that looms over the world.

PacmanAli · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 9- Combat Practice


Letting out a deep sigh, I stretch my creaky body and pull the blinds away to reveal a magnificent sunny morning. Last night, after returning to the academy Arla kept pestering me with questions on questions leading to my current exhaustion.

'What? You're not gonna say anything now?'


Classes were to resume as normal today, with a combat practice session first thing in the morning. How dreadful. In the past, it wasn't as if I was beaten down by everyone in my class but, considering it was a joint session it's possible to be matched up against those much stronger than you.

All things considered, it's highly unlikely that barely any student could beat me currently. After all, I do have 20 years of battlefield experience under my belt.

My priority for the moment should be consolidating my aura body according to Arla's instructions before making my next move. Checking the calendar, I skimmed through my memories before grimacing.

12th October year 346 of the golden age was the current date. It was also the day my sister won the elections for student council president. Wait a minute. If today is...

Knock knock knock!

Fuck. My body immediately tensed up and cold sweat dripped down my spine as I recalled ghastly memories of that woman.

"Little brother I know your inside."

A gleeful yet soft voice came from outside my door calling out to me in an endearing tone. Recoiling in disgust I held back my killing intent before my shaky hands reached for the door to open it.

A slim woman with sharp features and a toned body stood there, a slight glimmer shone in her dark blue eyes as she stared down at me. Her dazzling auburn hair cascaded down to her waist as she stood with her arms crossed.

Lydia Ravencrest. A deranged and psychopathic woman who hid behind a gentle smile whilst concealing her insanity that lay deep within. She grew up being pampered constantly and praised for her genius talents and skill in magic. Whatever Lydia put her mind to she could do it, no matter what the task at hand was.

But, all I remember of this woman was her nightmarish obsession with me and her blood-stained face the day she slaughtered hundreds of students.

"Hmm? Is there something wrong Julian?"

Lydia reached her hand out to touch my shoulder, my arm twitched in response but I held back my feelings of revulsion and looked at her with a gentle smile.

"No sister, I've just had a little trouble sleeping recently is all. I'm glad to see you."

Her hand reached for my cheek gently caressing it as she stared at me like I was an object in her possession. Gritting my teeth whilst keeping a smile on my face I looked up at her beautiful face and saw her maddened eyes glaring at me.

"It seems I was mistaken... you're still my lovely little brother I know and love."

Mistaken? About what? Did she notice my killing intent? No that's not possible. I can never understand what goes on in this crazy bitches head.

"I'll excuse myself now little brother, do look after yourself now, if you do feel unwell you can always come to your big sister."

Lydia spoke in a gentle tone as she turned and left my room. Passing by, she received glances of admiration and envy, her very presence as usual dominated her surroundings.

[Seeing it in person I can now understand why you hold quite the distaste for that woman.]

'Distaste? If I could I would have snapped her neck the moment she appeared at my door.'

Currently, Lydia was already a master mage, proficient in fire magic and practical battles. In my current state, I wouldn't be able to do anything until I reach master rank as a warrior which is still a ways off for now.

Stepping out of my room, I head towards the Knight department whilst basking in the warm sunlight. Watching the leaves fall from trees signifying the autumn season gave me a fleeting moment of peace considering all the running around I've done since coming back.

Each student wore color-coded uniforms with a different colored stripe on the collar to denote their respective grade. Mine was a yellow one for third years whereas, blue was for new students, red for second year, green for fourth, and black for the final grade at Lumenias.

[Oh dear, it seems you're quite popular here. Quite the womaniser aren't you?]

Arla said in an exasperating manner.


Briefly looking around my surroundings I could see groups of girls peek at me stealthily whilst gossiping with their friends. This a fairly normal occurrence at the academy despite the many aesthetically pleasing pupils attending this place.

Being preoccupied with looks was never something I was fond of despite being blessed with beguiling features. I had met many people that looked less appealing than me yet their hearts were what gained my attention instead.

[Why is your mind filled with so many narcissistic thoughts? I gave you praise yet your sulking.]

'I'm not sulking. Your topics of conversation are always cumbersome and annoying.'


I felt as if Arla was pouting in my mind but, waving that thought away I came to a stop at the dueling grounds where students slowly began to gather.

"Yo! Jude how you been?"

An exuberant voice called out to me from behind.

"I'm the same as always, Oscar, thanks for asking."

Turning to reply I faced Oscar who stood a head taller than me with dark brown hair and bright chocolate-colored eyes. He had a sturdy physique one you might expect from someone in the Knight department as compared to me who was slim and as light as a feather.

"Hahh man you should have seen senior Erin today it's like her boobs grew even bigger!"

"Haha is that so?"

Laughing awkwardly I felt a chill down my spine and a headache coming along. Oscar was a cheerful person and a good friend who I had known for a long time yet, his attitude toward women needed improvement. I guess it's to be expected from a teenage boy but, he should show some restraint.

[What a vulgar bastard. What kind of friends do you have brat?]

'He's a good person... he just gets a little too excited when it comes to the topic of girls.'

[Hmm is that so? Well I should say as expected of a teenage brat but, if that's the case why the hell do you show no reaction to any women around you?]

'Because I have better things to do than pursue women all day. I do react but I just don't show it.'

[Are you sure you're not a eunuch?]

'And are you sure you're not a tiresome parasite stuck in my brain?'

[You little shit! A parasite? I've met many fools unafraid of death but none like you! I'll have you know I was....]

Paying no heed to Arla's rant I watched as more students began to gather at the grounds awaiting further instruction from our professor.

"If I had a face like yours I would have had a harem of a hundred women by now! You waste your looks, Jude."

Oscar stated whilst scowling at my face.

"If you fixed your manner of speaking maybe you'll one day find the right woman for yourself, Oscar."

"Yes yes thank you for your advice oh great noble Jude."

He replied in a sarcastic tone to which I shrugged nonchalantly.


Hearing a powerful clap the students immediately stopped their chatter and focused to the front. Standing upright stood a tall and robust man sporting short Hazel hair with spots of grey here and there, his piercing black eyes watched each student individually before speaking aloud once more.

"Today's session is sparring practice! When I call out your names come forward and pick your weapon and wait for your opponent to be picked."

Instructor Hemming was an old war veteran who was picked up by the academy's headmaster who found him in a drunken bar fight several years ago. From what I recall the instructor had bodies sprawled around him unconscious and knowing the eccentric headmaster he tried to recruit him on the spot.

Of course, Hemming wasn't one to listen so easily even being called the wild wolf whilst he was in the military so the headmaster gave him an overdue beating which led to his recruitment.

"Last session we went through simulated battle training so it's time to switch it up a little! When on the battlefield, you face several opponents who may or may not be more skilled than you."

Pausing for a moment to look at the students he continued speaking.

"We've had these sessions several times in the past already and I've seen improvement from many of you but, like I said each person fights differently. I hope you can learn something new so if one day you are to be on the battlefield at least you'll have an idea of what you are supposed to do."

"Oscar Hart ranked 96th come forward!"

Instructor Hemming called out to Oscar who winked at me before stepping forward confidently. He picked a wooden greatsword and swung it around causing the air to rip before standing to the side with a satisfied face.

"Marigold Grieves ranked 3rd step forward!"

Calling out the second name I watched in amusement as Oscar's face fell in despair and the surrounding thirty or so students watched as a slim woman with hair as dark as the night sky and enchanting magenta eyes stepped forward with a icy countenance. She picked a rapier before standing aside, her posture as straight as an arrow.

Arla spoke up at that moment in slight interest.

[She's not half bad.]

Half bad was an understatement. Maybe Arla's standards were so skewed because of her ridiculous strength. But, the reason I was so attentive was because I know who that woman was and what she became known as in the future. The Sword Saint.