
The Golden Crow Flies Once More

Julian sent back to his academy days must now manevour through hidden schemes and monstrous enemies, using his extensive knowledge of the future to his advantage to protect those dear to him and cast away the shadow of despair that looms over the world.

PacmanAli · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 6- Inheritance

I trudged forward, following the shining red orb that saved our lives as I held Selena's little body in my arms. I decided to voice a question aloud hoping to get an answer back.

"Thank you for saving us back there. I hope I'm not being rude but who are you exactly?"

Though I had my suspicions, Empress Arla died centuries ago, even if she had lingering desires or a part of her soul was left behind it would have eroded a long time ago. Several magicologists and experts on soul theory had already concluded souls that linger on the mortal plain have an indefinite time limit on how long they can remain in the land of the living.

"Why overthink child? Meet me and find out no?"

The orb shone brighter and spoke in a teasing tone as it guided me further along the dark hallway. I gave up on asking further questions and continued onwards. Murals could be seen with ancient runic language inscribed next to them on the walls as I scanned my surroundings.

They depicted disgusting creatures constantly in a cycle of battle with what looked to be humans of the time. Intrigued I tried to decipher some of the runes but failed miserably, the language system was far too complex for me to understand and there was no rhythm as opposed to modern runes that mages use in the current era.

"Interested in the languages of the old child? Don't bother trying to decipher those words, only a specific bloodline has access to that language."

How disappointing. I felt as if I could have access to a new trove of knowledge but, it seems to be locked behind conditions I can't fulfill.

Eventually, we reached a vast and empty room with a single aged throne at the end of a long hallway perched up on a small set of stairs. The red orb flew up to the throne before stopping in place.



A blinding light caused me to squint my eyes in discomfort as the orb began to take on another form. Once the light died down I looked up to see a stunning woman in red staring down at me with mischief in her eyes.

Her red hair flowed freely from her crown and her perfectly symmetrical features were in harmony like the sun and moon as her ruby-red eyes glinted in the dark.

I was speechless at the sight, her aura was overwhelming, as if she could interfere with the laws of the world simply by waving a finger.

"Huhu what's wrong boy? Shocked by my beauty?"

The woman spoke haughtily as she covered her mouth to let out a graceful chuckle. I coughed awkwardly as I noticed I was staring for too long. Certainly, she was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen but her aura shocked me more than her appearance.

Letting Selena down on the floor gently, I stared at her mischievous eyes and asked.

"Empress Arla I presume? I had my guesses but your appearance is exactly as described in history books, so there's no choice but to accept it."

"Oh? And what else does history say about me?"

Arla inched her head forward in anticipation, her red eyes gleaming in curiosity as I awkwardly avoided her gaze.

Where do I even start? Should I tell her she's famed as a madwoman who slaughtered thousands, or that she drinks the blood of her enemies for entertainment? I shuddered at the thought of her reaction and decided to just say the truth.

"Well... history says many things but, I don't know if you'd like to hear them, they're not all good things you see."

I paused to gauge her reaction only to see her eyes momentarily flicker in confusion.

"Bad things? What kind? Surely I was known as a graceful and powerful ruler in the past who brought great prosperity to the empire under my rule?"

"Not... exactly your majesty."

"Spit it out then boy, we don't have all day now do we?"

I'd found myself in quite a dilemma. No sane person would have a normal reaction if they were found to be constantly slandered after their death thinking they were a good ruler. I took a deep breath and spoke.

"You were known as Empress Arla The Brutal, the most bloodthirsty and savage ruler of all time."

As I spoke, I glanced at Arla and noticed her expression darken immediately, her grip on the armrest of the throne tightening so much it cracked.

"A madwoman who was heralded as the epitome of chaos and madness. They say you drank the blood of your enemies to make them submit to your will out of fear they would be next."


The left armrest shattered as Arla's eyes sank deeply and all emotion was removed from her face. Intense bloodlust overcame my body forcing me to kneel as I struggled to breathe.

"And? How did I die?"

Her frosty voice pierced my ears almost shattering my eardrums with its subtle aura waves. I grit my teeth through the intense pain and continued to speak.

"You... were eventually killed by your younger brother in a rebellion that lasted twelve years."

"Lucius did? That little bastard. After everything I did for them."

Breathing heavily, I sat up and groaned as I massaged my temples as the bloodlust and aura pressuring me lifted. Arla leaned back on her throne, her eyes cloudy reminiscing of the past it seemed.

"All lies. I brought Axiom to the top in my prime. I sacrificed my happiness, my future, my heart, and everything for the empire. Yet this is how I am remembered, it seems history is truly only written by the victors."

"It... wasn't true?"

From her expression and true emotions, I didn't feel as if she was lying. What use would it be for a dead person to lie now?

"Of course, it wasn't. Yes, I was merciless to my enemies but, I wasn't so sick in my head to commit the atrocities you speak of child."

She looked up vacantly for a moment before inquiring once more.

"What of the Bloodclaw family? Do my descendants still live till this day?"

I sighed deeply before responding.

"I'm afraid not your majesty. The Bloodclaw royal family perished in the last grand spirit cataclysm."

"A cataclysm came for my family? Surely they were not foolish enough to anger the gods to that extent."

"It.... seems they were your Majesty. The last known records say they angered the ancient gods by trying to have one of their own ascend to godhood through immoral methods. A grand sacrificial ceremony was set up two centuries ago in which hundreds of thousands of citizens were killed. Of course, the apotheosis failed and the Bloodclaws were cursed as a dark mist overcame Capitus and ended the bloodline and thousands of other lives as a result of collateral damage."

Arla closed her eyes in contemplation before opening them once more a determined glint in her eyes.

"No need to recount the past further child. I know what you are here for. My inheritance and the aura body manual that I created in my time."

"As you may know, my aura attribute was centered around blood, which led to rumors of me being a vampire being spread considering my skill was higher than even their progenitors themselves."

I listened intently, being careful not to miss any important knowledge as a former Genesis rank warrior spoke of her experiences.

"They were many who considered it mediocre at the time, claiming it was an ominous and unholy skill that does not suit royalty. But, I made that power my own, my manipulation of blood being so high I could control the blood of others if I so wished."

"You passed my test of showing your indomitable will in the face of certain death when faced with the illusion I set in this place and you have met the conditions to inherit my power. Luckily, you arrived on time to receive everything I can give since my soul would have eroded within two more years."

It matches! The mercenary king only came to this place years later and wasn't faced with the illusion trial against the chaos devourer. He must have only found the aura body manual as Arla's soul would have left the land of the living by then.

"Come closer child."

Hiding my anticipation and excitement, I glanced back at Selena to check if she was fine and continued forward towards the throne and bent my knees in front of Arla like a royal retainer.

"Fufu excellent etiquette boy, take it. The knowledge and understanding of yours truly."

Arla chortled softly as she placed her palm on my forehead as I felt an absurd amount of information enter my mind. My mental strength may be higher than most but my mind felt as if it was tearing apart as massive amounts of knowledge entered my head.

I stumble slightly on my knees, as sweat dripped from my head, clenching my fists I dig into my palms as if I wanted to crush the bones in my hands trying to endure the pain but, it was too much. Fuck, I can't stay awa....

As Julian fell unconscious, Arla caught him in her arms and stroked his soft golden hair whilst smiling bitterly down at the young man.

"You have quite the burden to carry child, let me give you a hand in my way."

Arla's body shifted into a red orb before being sucked into Julian's chest trying to soothe his surging aura veins and calm his mind. Eventually, his heavy breathing ceased and his breath grew steady as his face finally showed comfort.