
The Golden Crow Flies Once More

Julian sent back to his academy days must now manevour through hidden schemes and monstrous enemies, using his extensive knowledge of the future to his advantage to protect those dear to him and cast away the shadow of despair that looms over the world.

PacmanAli · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 5- Arla Bloodclaw

I tense my grip on the axe as I hear small footsteps creep out into the clearing. Small grotesque monsters with a human-like bodies, murky green skin, and makeshift weapons were held in their hands made of stone. The goblins surrounded me as I stood in the middle watching my surroundings warily.


I hear a peal of eerie laughter come from the one in front that was holding a stone dagger. Contrary to popular belief goblins were not simply weak monsters. They were cunning creatures who used any means possible to kill and hunt their prey, they were also smart enough to avoid anyone they can't deal with which makes them all the more troublesome.

Unlike humans, who are prone to emotions, goblins are creatures who do things on instinct and only when their one hundred percent sure. Well, not that it changes anything, I just have to be careful of the archer on my left and I should be able to handle them even with my current body.

A shriek comes from the goblin on the right as it charges at me with a claw-shaped hook, I instantly lock my eyes on the monster and immediately close the distance.


I hear an arrow come from behind me as I get closer to the goblin, using my aura sense, I duck my head just in time, whilst my attacker swings the claw at my face whilst I'm dodging.

Immediately, I bring the axe up and with force, knock the claw out of the bewildered goblin's hand, I grip its throat with lightning-fast movements and using a little aura snap its neck like a twig.


Discarding the dead goblin I pivot on my foot and deflect the dagger from another goblin and strike a clean trajectory straight into its skull, as a dark shade of blue blood pours out of its head.

Ducking down, I dodge another arrow and dodge the stone spear of another as I rush at the archer with considerable speed.


My axe beheads the archer instantly as it lets out a guttural scream whilst dying. Another tries to stab me with its dagger in my side but, I easily chop its arm with an upward swing feeling no resistance in its soft skin as its arm falls to the floor.

I dig my axe into its throat and turn back to chase after the last two who are fleeing, knowing they are outmatched. Picking up the dagger I deliver a swift throw to one right into its throat, with the last one I catch up immediately and slam my foot into its back, once on the floor it tries to reach for its spear but I stomp on its neck breaking it rapidly.

"Phew, annoying bastards."

I kick the corpse of the last goblin aside and call Selena out from her hiding spot.

"You can come out now."

Selena carefully climbed down from a tree branch and warily looked at the surrounding corpses and then back at me with trepidation. She seemed to have something to say as she was fiddling with her thumbs.

"What is it?"

"Uh... I found it, mister."

"Found what?"

I stare at her in confusion as I wait for her to answer.

"The tree with the bloody leaves."

For the first time in a while, a genuine smile adorns my face.

"Maybe you are a lucky charm."


Selena led the way ahead as she took occasional glances at Julian and his impassive face. Unknowingly, she kept remembering the smile he had on his face earlier. A warm smile, unlike his usual expression of indifference.

'He should smile like that more.'

Selena puffed her cheeks in annoyance at his impassive attitude. The reason she felt more at ease with him despite him being so dangerous was because his intentions didn't change once. The color she saw with her eyes was still a bright and pure white, something not many people have towards her besides those at the orphanage.

Eventually, the duo reached a large tree behind an array of bushes. The tree had a maroon-colored large trunk with large roots that dug into and above the ground, and blood-colored leaves that gave off a slight crimson shine could be seen scattered all over the ominous-looking tree.

Selena shuddered as she looked at the tree, feeling a bad premonition. Just as she was hesitating to step forward she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Good work Selena."

Julian patted her shoulder with praise and Selena felt a little pride in herself.

"Hehe, I guess I'm at least a little help aren't I?"

Selena had a bashful smile on her face as she accepted the praise with her nose held up high.

Selena watched intently as Julian scanned the surroundings of the dreary tree and placed his hand here and there to find something.

"Where the hell is it?"

She heard Julian mutter as she also took a glance around. Whilst scanning the area she saw something. Her instincts were telling her to head in a certain direction, like a cat following a yarn.

She felt round the roots of the tree and called Julian over to help.

"Over here, mister!"


Julian came to Selena's side and also grasped around the roots, Selena hummed thoughtfully as she followed her instincts.


Suddenly, she felt a small hole in which she placed her hand in, feeling a short lever inside. Pulling on the lever she stepped back feeling the ground shake. Julian firmly held her hand and stepped back.


The roots of the bloody tree retreated into the ground and the floor began to sink, Selena looked at Julian worriedly but he remained steadfast so she began to calm down.

A dark staircase with unlit braziers could be seen coiling downwards for who knows how deep.

"Are you just a lucky charm or something else entirely?"

"I'm not a lucky charm! It's my talent, you said it before yourself!"

Selena snorted as she felt offended at Julian's comments.

"Alright, Alright stop throwing a tantrum like a brat, let's go in."


The duo descended the dark stairwell unaware of the horrors that may lay beneath.


The underground stairwell coiled down endlessly as Selena and I walked down at a steady pace. As we passed the braziers, they lit up one by one as if welcoming visitors, but my unease grew as we further descended.

Reaching the end of the stairwell we eventually ended up in a long-aged hallway, with tree roots and overgrown moss on the cold stone floor. Selena grabbed the hem of my robe tightly and whispered in a frightened voice.

"M-Mister, we can't g-go further."

My instincts were warning me that going any further from here would mean certain death, but turning back now would be a missed opportunity, one I don't think I'll ever find again.

Further expanding my aura sense, I feel a dark and chaotic presence further up the hallway. As soon as my aura touched upon the being, a massive soul-crushing pressure encroached on my body.

Cutting off my aura, I grab Selena and sprint back, my heart pounding out of my chest. Cold sweat fell from my head and my hands trembled in horror as I overexerted my body to its maximum to escape.

My breath began to grow heavy, and my stamina was reaching its limits. Selena held onto me tight, as my lungs felt as if they were on fire, but no matter how much I ran, I couldn't outrun that monstrous being.

A dark mist began to form in front of me and my heart dropped. The being's form was foggy and unclear but just looking at it felt as if a needle was stabbing my brain a hundred times over. Selena had already fallen unconscious in my arms, I placed her behind me and channeled as much aura as I could into my shabby hatchet. A silver glow could be seen on its blade, as I tensed my grip and grit my molars with such force it felt as if they would shatter.

The misty being began to take form and I could take a glimpse at a little of its horrid form. Greyish skin, a sharp horn on its forehead, and at least a hundred yellow eyes could be seen on its disgusting face. Long and slimy, dark tentacles with glowing orange suckers reached out from the creature.

A chaos devourer was the name of the creature in front of me. Beings with immense power who were formed from the fragments of a fallen god long ago. The chances of currently winning against such a monster was impossible, even in my prime such monsters could only be handled by the world's best warriors and mages.

I felt the most despair I'd felt in years at this moment. The monster was simply observing, its eyes curved into crescent moons as if it was laughing at my feeble attempt to act strong. I felt rage build up within me, but my feelings of hopelessness were far stronger. Fuck it, if I'm going to die, I want to do it on my terms. I glance back at Selena and remorse fills my eyes for bringing this kid into a death trap.

I don't know how the hell the mercenary king in my past life survived this place, but I knew my chances weren't any better knowing that. Taking a deep breath, I steadied my feet and prepared to charge, despite the fear and despair I was currently feeling, I wanted to die fighting.

Just then, a bright red light engulfed my vision and a regal and feminine voice pierced my ears echoing throughout the hallway.

"You pass child."


An enormous amount of blood aura engulfed the chaos devourer instantly turning it into a bloody mist. I watched in awe and fear at the display of overwhelming power. A red orb of light came flying towards me and the same voice that spoke earlier sounded once again.

"An indomitable will despite being in a hopeless situation, you are well suited for my power child. Let us meet."