



The Gold Lifes Empire Series

Book One

Black \& Red


Athena Lemiere

I got out of my car and slung my bag to my shoulder. As usual, all eyes on me because I have a Lemiere as my last name. I opened my sunglasses and slipped it into my V neck shirt. I ran my right hand through my hair and winked to a few guys who were standing in front of the entrance of the school.

I walked towards my locker and opened the lock with my gold card. I opened the locker and put my bag inside. Checking myself on the mirror and taking my favorite mint gum out of my pocket.

/"I'll take that./"

/"Isaac!/" I hissed and turned my head to him who was already running away. I took another gum out from my bag and ate it. I looked at the books that neatly organize inside my locker and took a few books for my classes. I closed my locker and started to walk to class.

/"Athena Lemiere.. you look hot./" I turned my head to see Serena smirking at me as she looked at me from head to toe.

/"Serena Cesantio, you don't look bad./" I teased and she chuckled. She slipped her arm to mine and we walked together to our first class of the day which is the boring Geography. I mean I love studying about the world because they're beautiful but the problem is that Mr. Ronnie who teaches the class is a very boring person. I can yawn every 10 seconds for 2 hours straight and even Serena sleeps a lot in his class. She collects his detention slip because of it.

/"Are you going to the gala dinner tonight?/" Serena asked as we walked into the classroom.

/"No, I'm lazy and besides I'm going to spend my time in my garage./" I said as we walked to the back of the class. She looked at me with a flat face and I raised my eyebrows because it was like she's going to say something.

/"Your dad will force you./" She said as she's pointing me with her index finger.

/"My dad has 4 kids, he can take Isaac or Chase or maybe Caleb./" I said as I sat on the chair and put my bag down.

/"You're no fun./" She hissed and I shrugged.

/"Hey, Athena and Serena./" Jax greeted and I just nodded a little. Jax is one of the hot jocks at school but trust me, I'm not interested. It's not because he's not an elite or something but I just don't feel the spark or the butterflies.

/"Athena.. no way!/" I turned to Serena waiting for her to continue but instead of giving me information, she kept looking at her phone with her mouth opened. I took her phone and read whatever she read earlier.

Chase Lemiere : The Redents will transfer into your school today.

My brother announced it in our chat group and I took out my phone as I gave back Serena's phone. I opened the news and yes.. it's full of York Company moving to America news.

/"Why the sudden they're moving to America? They're weird./" Serena said and I nodded agreeing to her because I thought York Company will always be in England until they die.

/"Good morning everyone!/" Mr. Ronnie knocked on the door and everyone started to go back to their seats. My eyes caught someone that I knew since I was a kid, it's Xander. He entered the classroom with Mr. Ronnie and automatically he got a lot of stares and winks from the girls in our class.

I turned my head to Serena and she shrugged. I turned my head back to Xander and he's currently scanning the classroom.

/"Mr. Redent will join you starting from today. Introduce yourself, Mr. Redent./" Mr. Ronnie said as he put his books on the desk and put his glasses on.

/"Hello everyone, I'm Xander Redent. Just move here from London, I'm single and available./" Xander introduced himself and winked at a few girls who were sitting at the front. I shook my head a little looking at that manwhore flirting his ass off on the first day at school.

/"Now.. take a seat please./" Mr. Ronnie said and he walked towards us with a little smirk plastered on his lips.

/"Hello Serena and Athena, how are you?/" He asked as he plopped the chair in front of Serena. I smiled looking at him because it's been a really long time since I've seen him.

/"I'm good.. so you're a manwhore now?/" I asked as I raised my eyebrows.

/"What can I say.. girls love me./" He smirked and winked at me.

/"What an asshole.. lunch with us?/" Serena asked and he turned to me. I nodded signaling that I'm good with it so he nodded.

/"Is he boring?/" He asked as he's pointing to Mr. Ronnie.

/"I heard that, Mr. Redent./" I turned to Mr. Ronnie who already glaring at Xander. He sat up straight and pretended that he didn't do anything.

/"Weirdly.. I miss you./" I said truthfully because we do get along with each other so well. He's a cool guy and fun to be with so I'm not protesting about it.

/"We all miss you, you're such an asshole for not visiting us./" Serena hissed as she kicked his chair.

/"Sorry.. but now I'm here. I'm all yours!/" He said in a cocky tone and I just chuckled. Mr. Ronnie gave us a cough for not paying attention so I turned my eyes to the front trying to pay attention but still.. I’m sleepy.

For the whole 2 hours, I kept sketching my book completely, not listening to Mr. Ronnie's speech because if I do.. I will go to sleep. He has the same tone as my dad when he's reading me a bedtime story. Well I guess my dad did succeed turning me to sleep so does Mr. Ronnie.

I rather spend my time in my garage.. I hate school