
the gods blessings

Helena is a young women of only 18 years, when the gods decided to change the world to their liking. When Helenas whole world would starting to change drastically.

crazyzaika · Fantasia
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1 Chs


They were bored and their power had become weak. So weak that a human could easily kill a single one of them. But none of them was really willing to give up yet. They had been the most powerful creatures in this world and each of them knew others like them would emerge and claim this precious and rich world. A world so full of people who were willing to worship you if only you showed them who had the real power. But to do that, they had to change the world as it was. They had to show them who had the power here. Had to find and shape their people, their vessels and their children. And so the rulers of each pantheon decided to weave a spell together. They would change the world as humanity had known it. So that they would no longer be so bored and would more easily regain power.

Great Britain, London March 2020

Helena hummed a song that had been stuck in her head for days as she went from plant to plant supplying them with water. It was a soothing activity for her and although the last few days had been bad weather and her plants had suffered from the lack of sunlight, they were doing reasonably well. A few of her protégés had lost a little colour and their leaves had become paler, but she was confident that the sun would soon fight its way back between the dense grey clouds in the sky. When she had watered the last plant, she looked around the living room of her attic flat.

Strictly speaking, this room was a combination of kitchen and living room, and two more doors led to a small bathroom and a bedroom. The furniture was already older and the floor was a simple plank floor that creaked slightly with every step, which was due to the old age of the building itself. Still, she loved her own little kingdom and Helena had had much of the roof replaced with glass so that there was enough light coming in. She had placed shelves on every free wall and filled them with books and plants. Two of her passions. Humming, she turned to the kitchen to make herself some tea when a loud boom and thunder resounded. Confused, she frowned and then noticed a bright flash of light out of the corner of her eye and her head followed this unusual spectacle. As she looked across the other rooftops of London, her breath stopped. A massive beam of light seemed to have rammed itself into the ground, forming some kind of ... tower? Confusion and fear spread through her, her heartbeat quickened and her hands clenched into fists. And then the light from that strange pillar gave way to reveal a massive tower. Her eyes widened at the sight and she chewed on her lower lip.

"What the ..." she began, but before she could react in any other way, the ground suddenly opened up beneath her and she fell into an endless depth. Startled, she cried out, wanting to reach for something, but it was too late. The fall in deepest darkness seemed to go on endlessly and her heart was beating up to her throat. And then she hit the ground hard. Pain exploded throughout her body and, panting in panic, she braced herself into an upright position, though her body protested, but her instincts warned her to be careful. Warned her that something was wrong here. Strange voices reached her ears and she looked around hastily, but she couldn't make out anything in the darkness. And then words in golden light flared up in the darkness.